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He gripped Jenner’s elbow as she looked around with interest, trying to spot what had galvanized him to action. She spotted Larkin in just a few seconds, and her attention riveted on him, her expression reminding him of a hound on the hunt.

Just to distract her, he said, "Smile."

She flashed him a very wide, very phony grin that reminded him of a shark.

He sighed as he increased his pace. "Never mind, Witchiepoo."

"Witchie who?"

"Look it up," he said.

Larkin went to the elevator, and the car left before they could reach it. Cael took out his cell phone and sent a swift text to Bridget, alerting her that Larkin was on the way up. His pulse kicked up a notch. If Larkin didn’t go to his suite, they’d have to locate him. He didn’t like having his target out of sight, even for a short while.

He stood with Jenner waiting for the next elevator, and before it arrived his cell buzzed a text alert. Swiftly he checked it, and breathed out a sigh of relief. Larkin had entered his suite. Everything was good.

A few more people hurried up and got in the elevator with them, so he and Jenner didn’t talk, but he could tell she was bursting with questions. As soon as he unlocked the suite door and ushered her inside, she turned to face him, backing up as he moved forward. "So, why are you spying on Frank Larkin?" she asked.

"Get away from the door," he said, and swiftly turned around to open the door and check if anyone was in the passageway who might have overheard her. The hall was blessedly empty. Shaking his head, he closed and locked the door, then chained it.

Jenner still stood there, her eyebrows lifted as she waited for his reply.

"Well?" she prompted.

"None of your business. Get ready for bed while I check that everything’s working."

He wanted to do more than that, he wanted to know if Larkin was on the phone with anyone, or if he’d finally fired up his laptop. Jenner gave him a frustrated look, but grabbed a pair of pajamas and disappeared into the bathroom, which meant he had a few peaceful minutes to himself. Earbud in place, he watched Larkin get ready for bed. When the light went out in the bedroom next door, Cael removed the earbud. Nothing. So far, they had squat.

Jenner was still in the bathroom, so he used the opportunity to strip out of his own clothes. He had the handcuffs ready when she reappeared, face shiny clean, and clad in another pair of pajamas with one of those flimsy tank tops – this one was pink, and had glittery stars all over it – and without a word he indicated the chair.

She glared at him as she sat, and he cuffed her to the chair. Irritated, she jerked at the cuff. "This isn’t necessary. As long as you’re holding Syd, I’m not going to do anything. You’re doing this just to show me who’s boss."

"Yeah," he agreed, going into the bathroom and taking the handcuff key with him.

There was a moment of stunned silence, then she half-shrieked, "You mean you admit it?"

"I get a lot of pleasure from it." Smiling to himself, he took care of business, brushed his teeth, and left the bathroom to find her still fuming. Oh, yeah. The truth was the truth.

She kicked at him as soon as he was within reach. He dodged back, laughing, though he wouldn’t have found it funny if her foot had landed where she was aiming.

"Don’t you dare laugh!" she spat, and kicked at him again. He caught her foot, then the other one, and deftly jerked her butt out of the chair onto the floor. He was holding enough of her weight that she didn’t hit hard, but the jolt got her attention.

"Asshole! Numb-nuts!"

While she was down he freed her from the chair, and just as swiftly cuffed her to his left wrist. He picked her up and half-placed, half-dropped her on the bed. "Leave my nuts out of this," he said as he dropped the key into the drawer of the bedside table, then got in bed beside her and turned out the lamp.

Chapter Eighteen

JENNER WOKE, AND IN THE DARKNESS FOR A MOMENT – A blissful moment – she forgot where she was. Then she moved and the handcuffs pinched her wrist, and reality came crushing down. Truly, reality wasn’t as terrifying as it had been twenty-four hours ago, but it still wasn’t a picnic, either. For one thing, Macho Man couldn’t seem to accept that she wasn’t going to go running to the ship’s captain, she wasn’t going to try to hide from him, she wasn’t going to do anything that would endanger Syd. She didn’t know what the situation was like where Syd was being held; her captor might be the type of jerk who looked forward to hurting people, and was being held in check only as long as she herself behaved.

Actually, she thought, Macho Man probably did know that she wasn’t going to do any of those things, but he’d told the simple truth that he enjoyed bossing her around. That, or he’d decided he simply couldn’t take the risk, that whatever they were up to was so important, or so financially huge, that literally nothing was being left to chance, no matter how small the odds.

She rolled over enough to look at the clock. She’d had two hours of solid sleep, which was pretty good considering she was handcuffed and couldn’t move without twisting her arm into a pretzel. Now, however, courtesy of the teeter-totter she’d had in the bar, she needed to pee.

She tried ignoring it. Cael hadn’t awakened when she’d moved, and she didn’t want him to. He’d tossed back the covers, again, and lay there wearing nothing but a pair of boxers. Even in the faint glimmer of light that came from the living room, he looked big and intimidating.

She sighed. This was going to be the longest two weeks of her life. Curling on her side, she squirmed around trying to get comfortable, then forced herself to lie still once more. She was cold, again, and she really needed to pee. Getting comfortable was impossible, between being cold, not being able to pull the covers up, and a full bladder, and all three of those things could be laid right on his doorstep – not that he cared. He’d probably enjoy making her beg to be allowed to go to the bathroom.
