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Burning Dawn

Burning Dawn (Angels of the Dark #3)(52)
Author: Gena Showalter

“I see you’ve brought us tonight’s entertainment,” Xerxes piped up. At the wet bar, he poured amber liquid into a glass.

Thane’s most primal instincts balked. They had shared women in the past, but they wouldn’t be sharing this one. “She’s mine, and mine alone.”

“Actually,” she said, her chin going up. “I’m my own. I’m funny that way.”

Xerxes hid a smile behind the ambrosia-laced whiskey.

A tray of food rested on the coffee table, Thane saw. The fruits, cheeses, and breads he always kept on hand, now mixed with the chocolates he’d added to the order. He sat in the chair, the food within reach, and dragged Elin into his lap.

“Eat,” he commanded her.

She struggled against him, reckless in her bid for freedom.

He tightened his hold and said, “Enough, kulta. This is happening.”

“No, it’s not. I’m not going to have a snack while leaning against your erection,” she finally gritted out. “Okay? All right?”

“Not okay. Not all right. You caused it.” Far from embarrassed, he gripped her hips and yanked. When she gasped, he wound his arms around her, using them as shackles, locking her in place. “The more you move, the bigger the problem is going to get.”

She stilled instantly. He wanted to laugh.

Darling human. What was she doing to his staid world?

Both Bjorn and Xerxes watched the entire exchange with unabashed interest.

“Thane Downfall,” Elin said in a mother-to-child tone. “Did you just make a penis joke?”

“Joke? I spoke true.”

She shook her head in exasperation. “Gotta baby-step it,” she whispered. And before he had time to question what that meant, she added, “So…how did this bromance begin?” motioning to the three of them. “Oh, chocolate!” Finally, she’d noticed. She selected—every piece.

“In tragedy,” Xerxes said.

“Oh.” She melted against Thane, as if to shield him from further harm, and consumed her treats. “I’m sorry. I was expecting something epically bromantic.”

Thane kissed her temple. “Something beautiful bloomed from something evil. It was epic.”

She relaxed, and he realized the chocolate was already gone. “Beauty from ashes. That’s nice.”

“If only that were always the case,” Bjorn muttered, breaking his heart.

“It will be today,” Thane said. “Elin is going to tell us everything that was done to her in the Phoenix camp, and we are going to punish those responsible.”

She stiffened all over again. “I gave you a few details already.”

“Not enough.”

“Well, I don’t want to give you any others.”

“In this case, your wants do not matter. You will be avenged whether you’d like to be or not.”

Quietly she said, “Baby step, baby step.” Then, with more volume, she added, “Believe me, I have been. Those stakes took care of business.”

“For me. Not for you.”

Sighing, she patted his thigh. “I think it’s really sweet that you want to brutalize people on my behalf, I really do, but I’m going to take a pass on this one, and that’s final.”

Final? Hardly.

“Here’s what’s going to happen,” he said. “I’ve seen your naked body and know all your scars. I can guess the types of beatings and whippings you were forced to endure. The same beatings and whippings will be meted out against every Phoenix waiting in my cells, even those who were kind to you. If any were. You can either tell me what I want to know, and I can release the innocents, or they can all suffer the same fate.”

She twisted to meet his gaze. “You wouldn’t.”

“If you believe that, you don’t know me very well.”

“Oh!” she growled, clutching the collar of his robe. “You make me so mad at times. But guess what? I won’t be intimidated. I decline both options and offer you another. Go screw yourself.”

He wrapped his fingers around her throat, drawing her deeper against his chest, and placing her ear at his mouth. “I’ll decline that one, and give you another. Tell me you are half human, half Phoenix, and I’ll let you leave with every single one of the warriors now.”


ELIN DID HER best impersonation of a Popsicle and froze. Red alert, red alert. The worst has happened.

Thane hadn’t sounded angry. He’d sounded desperate. Nothing like the man who’d kissed her so passionately in the elevator. Deep down, she knew this was far, far worse. As strong a warrior as he was, he wouldn’t be happy with the person who’d made him vulnerable.

“Let’s shelve this conversation until Muesday, May 32nd, at thirteen p.m.,” she said.

“Elin,” he snapped. “Answer.”

Panic choked her. If she admitted the truth, he really would send her away with the Phoenix, back to Orson. Once again, she would be forced to serve the people responsible for the deaths of her loved ones. Once again, her life goals would be placed on hold. Even if she no longer knew what those goals were. This—all of the sweetness and romance and wanton touches—would end. But she couldn’t lie. He’d know. Besides, she wasn’t going to play the part of coward any longer.

“I never hurt you,” she said, her tone soft. She had given him everything. Given—not cajoled, as Merrick had suggested. Because, the singer had it wrong. Not every victory was sweetest after a battle. Some victories were better as gifts.

He stiffened. Now anger oozed from him as he said, “Tell me you are part banshee, or even chimera. Shifter, vampire, Drakon. Cetea, gorgon. Minotaur. Hydra. Siren, laelaps, sphinx. Or any other of a thousand different races. Tell me!”

Tears burned the backs of her eyes. “I want to. I do. But I…can’t. I’m so sorry, Thane.”

He flung her off his lap, and as she stumbled to her hands and knees, he stood with lethal grace.

“You are Phoenix?” he demanded, practically spitting fire at her.

Won’t cower. Not this time. She popped to her feet, the glass shard she’d never thrown out now palmed and outstretched. At the ready. “Yes. I am.”

Accept it. Accept me. Don’t turn me into an outcast again.

More than that, she didn’t want to lose Playful Elevator Thane. Or even Protective Killer Thane. She’d tried to resist him. Not with a lot of effort, but still. She’d tried. And she’d failed. She hadn’t just added an amendment to her vow, she’d broken it, utterly shattered it, and there was no going back. Now, she wanted a chance to enjoy the results.
