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Burning Skies

Burning Skies (Guardians of Ascension #2)(68)
Author: Caris Roane

“You want me to suckle your br**sts?” he asked.

“At the very least,” she cried. “Marcus, what have you done to me? I want my hands on you.”

He suckled and played with her br**sts until she was weeping all over again.

“Marcus,” she whimpered.

“No more telepathic links.”

“No. Never again.”


“Oh, God yes. Anything.”

Anything. Now there was a temptation, but he restrained himself. Instead, he responded, “Good. Now that we have that settled, what is it you’d like me to do for you?”

“Take me,” she wailed.

He took hold of his c**k in his right hand and rose up so that she could see him. “You mean with this?” He was fully aroused, weeping.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she hissed. “Oh, God, yes.”

He shook his head, smiled, and stroked himself in long pulls. “You’re not ready for me. I can tell.” A complete lie. He was sure if he put his finger in her she’d be wet, hot, and swollen.

She squeezed her eyes shut and groaned. “The potion is going deep now, traveling down my abdomen.” Her hips arched. “Marcus, please.” Her light green eyes were wild, her lips puffy, her chest rising and falling.

He laughed again. Her rich honeysuckle scent flooded the room. He loved having her at his mercy.

He knelt low between her legs and kissed her thatch of red curls. He separated her labia with his fingers. He bent down and in one long stroke licked her from her opening to the top of her clit. He had never heard a woman make a sound like that, a cross between a moan and a cry, a wild animal in torment. He moved in with his lips and sucked. Her groans turned deep and guttural and within a few seconds she was screaming her orgasm.

He wanted to stop what he was doing, leap on her and bury himself deep. But another part of him wanted to take this all the way, keep her pinned like this until he’d done what he’d started out to do.

He released her then moved up to her groin. There were veins he could tap but they were deep.

“Marcus,” she whispered, her breaths still little more than a lusty pant. “What are you thinking?”

He licked the space at the juncture of thigh and pelvis. “I think you know.”

She moaned at the ceiling and he swore the sound reverberated around the room.

But he wouldn’t do this without at the same time giving her another release. He slid a finger into her core, withdrew, then gave her two. Very slowly he stroked her, in and out, her body gripping him, her hips moving in a corresponding rock.

“Be still,” he commanded. “You need to be still when I do this.” She stopped and her breaths were now quick and shallow.

He positioned himself carefully and with a practiced strike, hit the vein on the right side of her groin. As she cried out in pleasure all over again, he sucked hard and worked her with his fingers, moving faster and faster.

* * *

Havily was on fire, her body incinerating under the multiple sensations. Her br**sts still throbbed and the chemicals he’d released into them had traveled down her abdomen, below her belly button now, and sought the center of her body. At each point where he had taken her vein, she throbbed. That she was pinned to the bed and couldn’t move was incredibly erotic. She wasn’t afraid. She knew Marcus. She trusted him.

But the implied threat worked her like nothing else.

Your blood is intoxicating, he sent.

She lay trembling, her hips rocking into his hand, his mouth pressed close to her sex as he drank from her. That she was giving to him as he gave to her also wound her up. But the friction of his fingers was heaven, dragging out, pushing in, going faster and faster until the pleasure reached the knife-edge. She trembled as ecstasy streaked over the most tender part of her, drove up her core and punched at her in a blaze of orgasm so powerful she cried out then screamed, his arm a piston as he worked his fingers in and out, over and over, his lips sucking her essence from her vein.

Oh, God.

Only as her hips settled did he stop the motion of his hand and arm, then finally withdraw from the vein. He kissed her skin above the two red points where his fangs had sunk deep. He kissed her over and over and with the back of one finger stroked her gently between her legs.

After a minute or two, he once more sat on his heels and looked at her. His eyes were hazy and he had her blood on his lips. He looked so pumped, even wired. She wanted to reach up and touch him because he looked dazed. “You okay?” she asked, her breaths still in little gasps.

He nodded. He closed his eyes and took deep gulps of air. His muscles looked larger, just as they had the last time. He flexed his pecs, opened his eyes, then looked down at his erection.

He was massive. She clenched unexpectedly as she saw that he wept from the tip. She wanted him so much. For all the incredible pleasure he had just given her, she wanted him inside her, joined to her, connected, one.

“Marcus,” she said quietly, meeting his gaze. “Out of respect for you, so long as you are with me on Second, I will not form another link. I hereby make this solemn promise.”

His smile was slow, and he looked satisfied, like a man who had gone on a hunt and brought down his prey. He nodded. “Good.”

She felt the shields release one after the other, soft little pops of power. She flexed her arms and drew her legs up, bending at the knee. But she kept her legs spread wide … for him.

He settled between her thighs, his c**k at her opening, pressing just a little. He leaned over her, planting his hands on either side of her shoulders. She put her hands on his chest and in slow strokes covered the breadth of his pecs. She flicked his ni**les. His head arched and he moaned. She drifted her hands down his sculpted abdomen, lower and lower until she had her palms against his groin. “I want to take you there.” She pressed her fingers against his vein and stroked upward. “I want my fangs in you and sucking your blood just as you took mine.”

His hips bucked. “Havily, this is madness.”

“Yes,” she murmured. “A very sweet kind of madness.” She reached her right hand low and surrounded his cock. “Inside. Now, Warrior. All the way.”

His eyes flared as he met her gaze. He moved fast, jabbed, and in a single smooth stroke penetrated her. She cried out at the invasion and the pleasure, both of which made her so happy. But he was big and it took a minute to adjust to his size. In this, he took his time, moving in short strokes and grinding against her in a circle as her body stretched and accommodated him. She slid her arms around his neck and held on.
