Read Books Novel

Can't Help Falling in Love

To need to claim Eve as his.

* * *

Gabe looked with pleasure at Megan sitting beside him in his truck. He wanted her again even though barely fifteen minutes had passed since they’d made love. It had been tempting to take her to bed and stay there all afternoon, but he knew she’d love his surprise. And he hoped there’d be many more days—and nights—of lovemaking in their future.

“I’m glad you called,” he told her, not pausing before reaching for her hand, and was pleased when she slid her fingers between his.

“I am, too.” She looked out the window. “Although I believe I’m the one who asked you to lunch, and here you are taking me off to some secret place.”

He could tell from the excitement in her voice that she enjoyed being surprised. How, he had to wonder, would she like it if he took control of their lovemaking the next time? If he didn’t tell her what he was going to do her, if he made her guess how he was going to make her come next?

They pulled into a dirt parking lot and he came around to help her out of the truck, his hand around her waist, enjoying the feel of her curves as he stood a little too close and made sure she slid down the length of his body.

Just as he hadn’t stopped himself from holding her hand while they were driving, he didn’t stop himself from kissing her now. Her mouth met his just as hungrily, her arms wrapping around his neck, her hands threading into his hair.

They’d kissed dozens of times before this—at least—but this kiss was different. He’d always known she wanted him, had always felt the strength of her desire for him. But now it was as if a lock had sprung open. Where it had almost been as if she was powerless to resist kissing him, now he got the strangest sense that she was kissing him for no other reason than because she wanted to.

When they finally came apart for air, she was smiling up at him. “I love kissing you, Gabe.”

His mouth was back on hers a second later and they were off onto round two. Only the loud sound of a horn caused them to remember that they were in the middle of a public parking lot near a huge white tent.

“Where are we?” she asked.

He grinned and held her hand tighter. “You’ll know soon.”

A few seconds later, her eyes grew big with pleasure. “I saw an ad for this circus last month, but I thought it was gone already.”

“It’s the last day. I was hoping you’d like my surprise.”

“Are you kidding?” She looked like Summer when she was excited. “I love the circus! Summer actually makes fun of me, says I’m more excited than the little kids are about the acrobats and animal tricks and flying trapeze. When I was little, I used to dream about running away with the circus. I was going to be the girl who amazed everyone by dancing on the elephant’s back.”

He had already bought two VIP tickets and they headed inside to their center ring seats, right in front of the action. He loved this side of Megan, when she forgot to hold herself back from him to protect herself, when she gave him a window into who she really was. Not just the great mother, not just the intelligent CPA...but a woman who thrived on thrills, on adrenaline, on excitement.

Just as much as he did.

When he bought them popcorn and cotton candy and caramel coated peanuts, she said, “If Summer finds out we ate this stuff, she’s going to read me the riot act.”

Gabe grinned. “Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around? Aren’t you supposed to be the one telling her to stay away from junk food?”

“They’re learning about nutrition in second grade. If you’re wondering, this—” She held up a big wad of pink cotton candy. “—is not growing food.”

He laughed. “I loved seeing Summer at the station.” He didn’t want to pressure Megan, knew she still needed time to work things out about them, but she had to know. “I’ve missed her.”

Megan’s eyes softened. “She missed you, too. Actually, Gabe, I’ve been thinking—”

Before she could say anything more, the crowd lights went black and the stage lights went on. He wanted to pull Megan out of the tent to hear what she’d been about to tell him.

What was she thinking?

That she wanted to be together?

Or that she didn’t?

She was immediately caught up in the circus show, but Gabe couldn’t concentrate on anything but her.

* * *

Megan loved every second of the circus show. She could hardly look as nimble acrobats tossed themselves around the ring. She held her breath when the tiger trainer got in the ring with ten deadly animals. She laughed until her stomach hurt at the antics of the clowns.

And still, for all that her senses should have been filled to the brim, she couldn’t forget for one single second the man sitting beside her. No one she’d dated had ever thought to take her to the circus. It was always the same white tablecloths and hushed voices, stilted conversation about work and investment portfolios. She’d never let any of those men get close enough to find out her hopes and dreams, what made her laugh or cry.

But even though she’d repeatedly tried to push Gabe away, even though she’d worked hard to guard her heart from him, he’d figured her out. From the fireworks show way up high on his roof to the innocent, childish fun of the circus, he was filling her soul up, one sweet experience at a time.

Not to mention the wonder of the way he made love to her.

At the end of the show, she jumped to her feet, clapping so hard her palms stung.
