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Cause For Scandal

Cause For Scandal (Dynasties: The Elliotts #3)(32)
Author: Anna DePalo

Shane hadn’t been too happy at the news, given that it made it awkward that The Buzz was publishing an interview with Zeke under her name, but he’d eventually waved her off, especially when she’d told him what she was considering in terms of her career.

He’d just looked at her and sighed. “Ah, Summer,” he said. “You’re the last Elliott that I’d have expected to even think about doing something like this.”

“I know,” she’d said somewhat guiltily. She knew that, no matter how lightheartedly Shane had taken Granddad’s challenge up to now, he probably wouldn’t mind winning, and she’d just announced a potential setback for The Buzz in the race among EPH magazines.

Shane had finally waved her out of his office. “Okay, kid, go get your man, and good luck to you. Never say that I stood in the way of true love.”

“Thanks, Uncle Shane!” she’d said gratefully, then kissed him on the cheek before beating a hasty retreat.

And now, here she was at Zeke’s concert, the moment of truth soon to be upon her.

On stage, Zeke flashed a grin at the audience as he took a break between songs. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”

The crowd hooted and hollered.

“Are you ready?”

The audience responded even more loudly.

Zeke slung the strap of his guitar over his neck. “For the grand finale, I’m going to unveil a new song just for you.”

The crowd went wild as the music struck up.

Zeke played some notes experimentally. “It’s called ‘Days of Sunshine and Summer.’”

Summer froze in mid-clap. He didn’t…He hadn’t…The title was just a coincidence, she told herself. Surely, he meant the season, and not the woman. Not her. Surely, he hadn’t written a song about their breakup—a song that he was about to play for the thousands of people around her.

Zeke nodded to the band behind him, then launched into a ballad of heated intensity about unexpected love. The song was a play on the word summer, so that it seemed as if the woman that he sang about was the same as the season: hot, bright and uplifting. “Summer she called to me/Sunny and inviting as a beautiful day,” he sang.

Summer held her breath. The song didn’t contain a word about heartbreak or betrayal or breakup. Its mood was upbeat and inspiring. And, if the words of the song were true, then Zeke loved summer—loved her.

The song brought tears to her eyes. There was no way that Zeke could know she was in the audience. Had he just used their romance—however brief it had been—to fuel his songwriting? Or, as she wanted to believe, were the words of his song true and heartfelt?

When the final notes of the song drifted away, Zeke seemed to look straight at her, and this time Summer could swear she wasn’t wrong.

Moving to the microphone, he said, “Everyone, I’d like you to meet Summer.”

Before she could blink, a spotlight shone on her. Under other circumstances, Summer was sure she would have reacted like a deer caught in headlights. But right now, her gaze was captured and held by the look on Zeke’s face.

Zeke held out his hand to her. “Summer, come on up here.”

Crazy as it was, it seemed that only she and Zeke existed, and her feet impelled her toward him.

She walked up onto the stage, the security guards making way for her. Her gaze was fixed on Zeke, the periphery of her vision a blur.

When she finally reached him, he took hold of her hand. The look on his face stole her breath. It was heated and adoring, and it contained just a touch of mischief.

He cast a sidelong look at the audience. “Sorry to embarrass you like this, sweetheart,” he said, sounding not the least bit apologetic.

The crowd laughed.

“What are you doing?” she whispered.

He gazed into her eyes and whispered back, “Do you love me?”

“Yes,” she answered. She didn’t have to think about it.

To the audience, he said, “She loves me.”

In response, there was whooping and laughter and clapping.

“You crazy man,” she said, trying to keep her voice low enough not to be picked up by the mike in front of him. “What are you doing? Your career—”

He silenced her with a passionate kiss that had the crowd clapping and laughing some more.

Summer clung to him. The kiss quickly brought forth the electricity that always crackled between them.

When he lifted his head and let her go, she watched in disbelief as he sank down on one knee and pulled a ring from his pocket, his eyes never leaving hers.

“Summer, I love you. Will you marry me?”

Her hands flew over her mouth, and tears welled in her eyes.

There were several calls from the audience of “Say yes!” And this time Summer knew there wasn’t a doubt in her heart.

Lowering her hands, she cried, “Yes!”

Zeke beamed at her, his face breaking into a grin.

He took her trembling hand and slipped onto her finger an antique band with a diamond flanked by two emeralds. Then he stood up, gathered her into his arms and bent her backward for a deep kiss.

When they broke apart, he flashed her a grin. “I hope you don’t mind the PDAs.”

“The new Summer Elliott likes public displays of affection a lot,” she responded breathlessly.

Minutes later, in the privacy of Zeke’s dressing room, Summer found herself in Zeke’s arms.

“How did you even know I was in the audience?” she asked, resting her hands on his chest.

Zeke nibbled at her lips. “Mmm…Shane told me.”

Her eyes widened. “He did?” Because her voice sounded squeaky, she tried again. “I mean, he did?” She didn’t know whether to thank her uncle or not.

Laughter lurked in Zeke’s eyes. “How else do you think he got his hands on a press pass and a last-minute ticket for one of the better seats in the house? The concert’s been sold out for a while.”

Summer’s eyes narrowed with suspicion. “What did he say, exactly?”

“Exactly? I don’t remember.”

She swatted him playfully. “Try.”

A smile hovered at the corners of his lips. “He didn’t say too much. He just said you were desperately looking for a ticket and a press pass in order to get backstage to see me.” He added, “Given how things had ended between us, Shane’s call was enough to make me hope you weren’t showing up just to put the final nail in the coffin of our relationship.”

“He used the word desperate?”
