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CEO's Marriage Seduction

CEO’s Marriage Seduction(16)
Author: Anna DePalo

Monica’s words made Eva think about Griffin’s offer to get married. Was he just restless? Or was he feeling left out now that his siblings were wed?

Monica touched her arm. "Let’s talk about lighter subjects. How are you? And how is—oh, wait, what is his name?—Carter?"

"Gone," she replied succinctly.

From Monica’s question, Eva surmised that Griffin hadn’t filled in his sister about any of the sorry details of her life lately. The last time she’d seen Monica, months ago, she’d just begun dating Carter.

A line marred Monica’s brow. "Oh, I’m sorry."

"Don’t be," she replied. "It ended badly, but it’s all for the best."

A wry smile touched Monica’s lips. "I’m not good at picking lighter subjects, am I?"

Eva felt an answering smile pull at her mouth. "Don’t worry about it."

"Have you had a chance to see the house?" Monica asked, changing the subject. "Its details are glorious. You should have Griffin show you around when the party is over."

"It would be nice, but I’m sure he’ll be tired by the end of the evening," she responded, thinking Monica had no reason to believe Griffin’s house wasn’t a safe topic of conversation for her.

She was spared saying more, however, because Monica’s husband, Ben, joined them and the conversation abruptly veered in a different direction.

A short time later, she was called away to supervise cleanup in the kitchen as the guests began to depart. She arranged for the leftover food to go to a homeless shelter, as she usually did.

And she let her last employees leave just as she began to double-check the kitchen to make sure it had been restored to normal.

Griffin entered the kitchen as she was placing a couple of utensils in a drawer.

"Monica and Josh and company just left," he announced.

She looked up and stopped what she was doing. They were alone in this big house together? Tension throbbed through her.

"I thought they’d be staying here," she blurted. "There’s so much room."

"They’ve both kept the condos in San Fran that I bought for them several years ago." Griffin winked. "Much better than being under big brother’s watchful eye."

"Oh. Well, I’m sorry I didn’t have a chance to say goodbye," she responded.

Griffin had bought condos for his siblings? It was just another hint she’d gotten tonight of how well he’d taken care of Monica and Josh after their parents died.

"Monica knew you were busy in the kitchen and didn’t want to bother you," Griffin said as he sauntered over to a kitchen counter and leaned against it. He looked relaxed, while she felt pinpricks of awareness on every inch of her skin.

As she wiped nonexistent crumbs off his kitchen counter, she said, "I understand congratulations are in order. You’re going to be an uncle."

"Twice over," he replied. "Josh told me just a couple of weeks that ago he and Tessa are expecting, too."

The words hung in the air, calling forth the issues that stood between them—her quest for a child, and his offer, which she hadn’t yet given a clear yes or no to.

She tossed a paper towel into the garbage can, and he said easily, "You know Monica commanded me to give you a tour of the house before you left."

"Did she?" she replied quickly. "It’s really not necessary."

"I insist. The party was a great success thanks to you. You should at least get a tour of the house."

She didn’t want to be drawn any more into the house’s seductive allure—his seductive allure. She didn’t want to picture herself here, and imagine redoing one of the rooms as a nursery.

He pushed away from the counter and grasped her hand.

The contact sent a little electric shock dancing up her arm.

This was Griffin, her disbelieving brain broadcast to her heart.

She’d known him forever. She’d disliked him for nearly as long.

"Come on," he said.

* * *

Eva let Griffin lead her through the kitchen and toward the front of the house.

She was already familiar in passing with most of the downstairs rooms, but Griffin identified them with a nod as they walked past through a central hall.

A formal dining room was followed by an oversize living room with a carved wood mantel. There was also a study lined with built-in bookshelves, a laundry and a room devoted solely to a large pool table. The pool room had made her pause when she’d spotted it earlier in the evening—Griffin, it seemed, was as devoted a pool player as her father.

The decor was a mix of Victorian traditional and comfortable contemporary that made up a thoroughly and distinctively West Coast aesthetic.

When they reached the front entry, Griffin turned and headed up the house’s central staircase.

"You must have some help to maintain this place," she commented as they climbed.

"Yeah, but not live-in," he answered. "I use a housekeeping service here and for the cottage I’ve got in Napa."

Upstairs, he opened and closed doors, showing her the various bedrooms. One room still had the feminine rose-print wallpaper left by the previous owners. Another had two twin beds separated by a traditional Victorian vanity table. Two other rooms had yet to be furnished.

There were five bedrooms in all, and the master suite was last.

The final room took her by surprise with its casual ambiance. Griffin leaned against the doorjamb and watched as she looked around.

From the belongings scattered about, the bedroom looked lived in, unlike some of the other rooms of the house.

There was a large bed with a stunning black-lacquer frame and contrasting white linens. Sumptuous yellow silk curtains highlighted three large windows, and a patterned area rug covered the dark-stained wood floor.

"You approve?" he asked.

She nodded, knowing she had to get out of here before her pulse jumped through her skin. "The decor is lovely. The whole house is."

She moved toward the doorway, but he was filling it.

"I’m glad," he said, his voice low and rich.

"I need…"

To go.

But she never finished the thought, the words dying on her lips as he gazed at her intently.

He leaned toward her, searched her face and then lowered his mouth to hers.

This time she was expecting the tingle, the dizzying burst of euphoria.

He kissed her, hot and deep, pulling her into his arms. Her arms crept around his neck as their mouths tangled and the heat built.

The world faded away, and a flame of desire sparked within her.


She belatedly realized the sound had come from her.

When he pulled away, his breathing was deep and her eyelids felt heavy.
