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Champagne Kisses: A Timeless Love Story

Champagne Kisses: A Timeless Love Story(15)
Author: Krista Lakes

"I have several designs here for different stages of a pregnancy. This one is more for the beginning stages, just when things are starting to fit differently, and then this one," I turned the page and pointed to a drawing of a very pregnant woman in a flowing dress, "this one is for the last couple of weeks."

"May I?" Mrs. Saunders asked, reaching for the sketchbook. I nodded and handed it up to her.

"These are just some initial drawings. I would love to make some that are personalized to you and your tastes." I held my breath as she leafed through the drawings. A soft smile started to form on her face. She looked over, her brown eyes warming as the smile took hold.

"I would love to see more. I especially like this one," she said pointing to a flowing gown in emerald green. "But, I will need business appropriate attire as well."

"I actually have some ideas. Here." I flipped several pages to a series of woman’s business suits. They weren’t originally designed for maternity, so I hadn’t showed them to her yet. "If I modify the seams here, it would look fantastic throughout a pregnancy."

"What about this one?" she asked, pointing to a smart-looking skirt and tight blouse. I frowned slightly.

"I’m not sure I can make that one work once you hit the second trimester. I can make anything fit, but with the cut and shape of the skirt, it would look like I stuffed you into it. If you want it, I’ll make it, but I don’t think you’ll be pleased with the outcome," I answered honestly. Her smile grew a little bit bigger.

"Thank you for being honest. I had to fire my last designer because she said everything looked good, even when it didn’t. I need to look professional, not tacky. I help my husband run this business, and I can’t let this pregnancy slow me down." She sighed and looked over at the pictures of the little boy on her wall. "When I had Jack, I didn’t care what I wore. I was just so excited to be having a child. I look back at those pictures and wonder how anyone took me seriously. With the current market the way it is, I don’t have that luxury this time."

A knock on the door interrupted whatever she was going to say next. Mr. Martinez poked his head in. "Mrs. Saunders, you’re three-o’clock is here," he said softly. Mrs. Saunders nodded and he closed the door carefully behind him.

"Well, Ms. Weber, I think that this will work out wonderfully. I’ll have Edward set up an appointment for the two of us so we can get measurements and go over my preferences as well as payment." Mrs. Saunders stood up slowly, and I followed her example.

"I’ll make up some more design ideas. It was a pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Saunders, and I look forward to seeing you again." I shook her hand and she smiled warmly.

"Likewise," she said as she walked me to the door. I thanked her again and stepped out into the hallway, letting out a huge sigh of relief once the door closed.

She liked my designs. She wanted me to design more for her. A giddy rush of happiness consumed me and it took all my will power not to dance and sing as Mr. Martinez led me back out to the street and into a waiting car. I was in New York City, and I was going to be designing clothing! This was more than I could have hoped for.

Chapter 20

June 16th, 1990

Down at street level, I got into the waiting car and stared out the window. The driver was silent as I headed back to my hotel, and my mind was on designs rather than the giant buildings when something caught my eye. A young boy, about five or six years old, was walking resolutely along the sidewalk. He stopped, setting down a brightly-wrapped present, and pulled out an oversized map, his small face frowning as he tried to read it. The boy obviously was trying to get somewhere to deliver the gift, but I couldn’t see an adult with him. I watched him for a moment as we sat at a light, wondering why he looked vaguely familiar.

I gasped as it hit me where I had seen the boy before. He was the laughing child in the pictures on Mrs. Saunders’ wall. His mother would be worried sick if she knew he was out on the streets of New York by himself.

"Stop the car!" I shouted, unbuckling my seat-belt and practically lunging for the door. The driver looked back at me in surprise, but quickly pulled to the side of the road. Luckily, the street wasn’t very busy, and he was able to find a spot.

"Are you Jack Saunders?" I asked, hurrying over to the blonde-headed boy. He looked up from the map, determination and just a little bit of fear in his big eyes. He nodded.

"Who are you?" he asked. His little voice didn’t tremble, but he puffed out his chest and stood taller, trying to be bigger than he was. The warm wind ruffled his blonde hair, giving him a defiant look.

"My name’s Rachel. Your mom just hired me to make her some clothes," I answered honestly. "Are you lost?"

"You’re the lady who made the dress she likes?" he asked, looking up at me. His small mouth was pinching up on one side as he evaluated me. He must have decided I was trustworthy because he pointed to his map and said, "I’m trying to get to my dad’s office."

"Okay. Can I help you?" I asked, crouching down to be on his level. His big eyes somehow got even bigger as he nodded. He was doing a good job of not being afraid, but he knew he had bitten off more than he could chew. He handed me the map, his eyes watching me cautiously to make sure I didn’t run off with it.

I took the map from his small hands, turning it right side up, and looked at it carefully. Circled in red crayon was an intersection where I assumed was his father’s office building was located. He pointed at the circle and looked over at me.

"That’s Daddy’s office. I have a present for him. Yesterday was Father’s Day, but he was busy at work, so I didn’t get to give him my present. Mommy said I could go see him today, but then she got busy, so I am doing it myself." He gave me a toothy grin. "Daddy’s going to love my present. I worked really hard on it."

I grinned right back at him and folded up the map. "How about we let my driver take us? This looks like a pretty long walk from here."

He looked over at the car, picked up his present, and hurried over to the passenger door. I made a mental note to mention to Mrs. Saunders how easily I had convinced him to come with me. Five minutes was all it took and I loved the kid already. I found myself grinning as I walked toward the car, the little boy’s excitement infectious.

He slid into the back seat and waved to the driver. "Ms. Rachel says you can drive me to my dad’s office," Jack told him. The driver looked over at me as I crawled in beside the little boy. I nodded and handed the driver the map. He turned it in his hands, his eyebrows raising at the crayon circle, but he started the engine and pulled out into the street. I was glad he knew where we were going, because I had no idea.

Jack fastened his seat-belt and carefully placed the present in his lap before reminding me that I should be wearing a seat-belt too. I quickly clicked the belt into place, and he gave me another toothy grin.

"What did you get your dad?" I asked, nodding toward the box in his lap.

"I didn’t get him anything. I made it." Pride beamed off his small features. He held up the box for me to look at. "I even wrapped it myself."

"I think homemade gifts are even better than ones you buy. What did you make him?" I asked, making sure to emphasize the corrected word.

"I made him a picture frame. Mommy helped me get the picture- it’s of Daddy and me playing football, but I decorated the frame all by myself. I also made him a card. See?" The little boy held up an envelope with the word "Daddy" scrawled in messy handwriting.

"I am sure your dad is going to love it." I patted his knee gently and he beamed up at me. He pointed to the card and started telling me all about the colors and stickers he used. I let him babble on, nodding appropriately and asking simple questions. The more I sat and listened to him, the happier he became. It made me wonder just how much time he got with adults actually paying attention to him.

The car rolled to a stop in front of a tall gray building. The summer light reflected off the windows as we stepped out onto the sidewalk. I told the driver I was going to make sure Jack got to his father’s office safely.

"I’ll just park in the employee lot over there. When ever you are ready, just come get me. Take your time- I’m at your disposal for the rest of the afternoon," he told me. I felt my city exploring time fading away, but Jack’s excitement at getting to see his father more than made up for it.

As we walked into the lobby, a security guard recognized Jack and made his way over. Jack beamed up at the big man, waving and showing him the present.

"Hey, little man, is that for your dad?" the guard asked. When Jack nodded furiously, the guard laughed. "How about I take you two up there to see him, then?"

We followed behind the guard, Jack chattering up a storm as we stepped into an elevator. He didn’t stop the flow of words the entire way up. The guard lead us to a large desk with a busy secretary.

"I’d like to see my father, please," the little boy chirped up at her. She leaned over the desk and gave him a warm smile. It was apparent the boy was a common sight around the office, as workers often stopped to smile and wave.

"Hi, Jack! Your dad’s in a meeting right now, but I can let you see him as soon as he’s done. It’ll be about fifteen minutes." She looked up at me. "Are you two okay waiting that long?"

I nodded. They must all think I’m taking care of him, I thought. She reached under her desk, pulling out a stack of coloring books with crayons. Jack carefully took them and carried them to a couch with a small table. He carefully set his gift down, then spread out the crayons, organizing them by color before opening one of the coloring books.

"May I color too?" I asked, settling myself on the floor next to him.

Jack nodded and handed me a book. "You can have this one. I don’t like it."

I glanced down at the book. It was full of numbers, all drawn to look like cartoon characters with big eyes and funny gloved hands. Inside the numbers were doing math problems.

"Why don’t you like it?" I asked. I had a sneaking suspicion it was because math was involved.

"Because math is dumb," Jack said, looking up at me, his eyes full of what he thought to be knowledge. "I’m never gonna need that."

I managed to keep a straight face as a future business owner told me he didn’t need math. Math like addition and subtraction. He was going to have a heck of a time with payroll when he got older.

"That’s too bad. I have a cool magic trick, but you have to be able to do math for me to be able to show it to you," I said, picking up a crayon. I started to color the number four a nice shade of purple.

"A magic trick?" Jack asked. He stopped coloring, obviously interested.

"Yeah. I can tell the future. But, it involves math, so you probably wouldn’t like it," I said, switching my purple crayon for a blue one.

"But I like magic tricks," he said, a pout crossing his face. I knew I had him. No kid can resist a magic trick. "I wanna see your magic trick."

"Well, I guess I can show you," I replied, making sure to exaggerate my shrug. I heard the secretary snicker at her desk, a knowing smile on her face.

"Yeah! Show me! Please!" Jack came around so he could sit closer to me. I found a blank page in one of the coloring books, and ripped off a corner before handing it to Jack.
