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Charade (Heven and Hell #2)(27)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“Sure, there’s a lot of land there. How about in the woods off the trail where Heven rides Jasper? There’s a clearing a little way in.”

“I know the place,” I agreed. “I’ll meet you there tomorrow before I go to work, but after I do the chores around the farm.”

Heven frowned, but she didn’t say anything. Gemma pushed away from the tree, standing up, clearly ready to end our meeting. I stood up too, equally ready to get out of here. Automatically, I scanned the woods and then looked back over the lake, looking for any strange movements in the water. Everything seemed fine.

For now.

“Wait,” I said, wanting the answer to one more question. “You knew who I was back then, who Heven was. You knew that the bracelet had the key to open the scroll.”

Gemma waited for me to continue.

“Why didn’t you just give it to me? Why didn’t you tell me all this then?”

“Would you have believed me?” She didn’t wait for him to answer before saying, “You know you wouldn’t have. You had to learn about this for yourselves. Besides, I wasn’t sure you’d manage to stay alive this long.” She shrugged and began walking away only to turn back and look at me. “Besides, the fact that you paid for the bracelet really makes it a gift.”

We both watched as she took a few more steps before disappearing completely from sight.

Chapter Seven


There was one good thing to come out of almost drowning: time alone with Sam. The day was only half over when we left the lake and our meeting with Gemma behind. The undercurrents in the truck were heavy as we were both still pretty shaken up from my near-death experience and from meeting a fallen warrior angel. I wasn’t sure how I felt about all of it. Finding out there were three amulets out there that someone could use against Sam was terrifying. The thought of anyone hurting him made me crazy. Then there was Gemma herself. She was gorgeous and strong, and I couldn’t help but be drawn to her. I was curious about her, her past, and the shadows that sometimes seemed to pass behind her eyes. I found myself actually hoping she wasn’t crazy and that we might become friends. When Sam turned onto the dirt road that led to Gran’s, I glanced over at him. He appeared calm, his face smooth and a pair of sunglasses shading his eyes. But I knew that he was still upset about earlier—I could feel it. I ran my thumb over the knuckles of his hand that I was holding and he glanced at me, giving my hand a light squeeze.

When he parked the truck in his usual spot beneath a large tree, I turned to him. “Can you come in before you go to work? I’ll make you a sandwich.”

He nodded, and instead of releasing my hand, he got out and pulled me along with him, lifting me out of the driver’s side door. Inside, Gran was nowhere to be seen and I was glad because I knew that I wasn’t looking my best. I left Sam in the kitchen to race upstairs and survey the damage. The worst thing was my hair. It was half dry, frizzing and hanging in scraggly clumps. I grabbed a comb, some leave-in conditioner and got to work. As I combed, I studied the rest of me: my skin was paler than usual, my lips colorless, but otherwise I looked normal. Finished with the comb, I pulled my hair back into a short ponytail and hurried to throw on a pair of jean shorts and a white tank, and then feeling a little chilly, I grabbed a light sweater and threw that on over my tank. Before going back downstairs, I swept on a little pink lip balm, hoping to infuse my face with some much needed color.

Sam was still in the kitchen, staring out the window. When I entered the room, he turned, his hazel eyes sweeping me from head to toe. He said nothing, but pulled me into his arms and held me tightly before releasing me to sit at the table, positioning himself near the door and the window. He wasn’t as carefree as this morning. In fact, this morning seemed eons ago.

I went to the fridge and pulled out the makings for roast beef sammies, noting the package of ground beef and package of hotdogs chilling in the fridge. Looks like Gran planned to grill out tonight. I made a mental note to make up a few plates to take to Sam at work and to Logan at home. Then I had a thought. “Sam? Would it be okay if I went and got Logan while you were at work this evening? We’re cooking out and he could have dinner with me and Gran.”

Sam glanced at me from the window, his eyes turned to liquid honey, mesmerizing me. “You would do that?” He didn’t seem surprised but… touched.

“Of course. I don’t like to think of Logan alone so much.” If he had as many mixed-up feelings as I figured, being alone all the time wouldn’t help. Besides, being around Gran would be good for him and maybe he and I could start getting along better, i.e. he wouldn’t make me so uncomfortable all the time.

“Thank you,” he said, getting up and coming over to where I was slapping some mayo on bread. “But I’m not going to work tonight.” He grabbed up a slice of roast beef and shoved the whole thing in his mouth.

“You’re not?” I stared at him as he chewed. “I thought you had a shift at the gym?”

“I called in sick while you were upstairs.”

“Are you not feeling well?” I dropped the knife and turned, placing my hands on his face and forehead. “This is all Gemma and that stupid amulet’s fault.”

His mouth kicked up in a crooked smile. “I’m fine. It’s you that almost drowned. I’m not leaving you alone today.”

My hands fell to my sides. “You’re skipping work for me?”

“I won’t be able to concentrate anyway.” He grabbed up the sandwich and took a huge bite. He groaned in appreciation. I couldn’t blame him. I made a good sandwich.

I couldn’t say that I was sorry he was skipping work. I would get to spend an entire day with him—something that had only happened once or twice since we met. I was sorry, though, that the reason was because he was afraid for my life. “Maybe Gemma could teach me to fight too.”

He paused in chewing to look down at me. “No.”

I rolled my eyes. “It’s a good idea. Then I would be able to take care of myself. You wouldn’t have to do it.”

“It’s my job.” He shoved yet another insanely huge bite into his mouth. He was going to have that sandwich gone in like three bites. I shook my head and began to make him another one.

I knew that Sam loved me. I felt it every day but how much of his love came from responsibility? How long before he tired of me and all the trouble I caused him? “I’ll ask her tomorrow.” I went back to finishing the sandwiches.
