Read Books Novel


Charade (Heven and Hell #2)(8)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“You’re staying?” The slightly insecure tone to his voice had my gut tightening.

I turned from the bathroom door. “Yup. I want to hang with you tonight.”

“Cool,” he said and walked to the cabinet to find the mac n cheese.

Before he turned away, I saw him smile.


The shop was finally empty. With a great sigh of relief, I grabbed a cleaning rag and went around the counter to wipe down the tables and straighten the chairs. This afternoon, I think everybody and their mother wanted ice cream. From the minute I walked in to begin my shift, it was nonstop scooping and ringing at the cash register. About fifty people wanted milkshakes. I hated milkshakes. An odd thing to hate for sure, but with a line out the door and me as the only one working, every time someone uttered the word ‘shake,’ I cringed. They were a real pain to make. I had to get a tumbler, scoop out the ice cream, add the flavorings and the cream, hook the glass into the machine and turn it on and wait… then I had to put it all into a cup, add the whipped cream and a lid. I glanced over at the shake machine and stuck out my tongue. Did I mention what a pain in the butt that thing was to clean? Ugh. The bell on the door rang and I sighed. It seemed my reprieve would not be for very long.

“Hey, girl,” Kimber sang. I looked up, surprised to see her. Things between us lately have been kind of strained, which I knew was my fault. It’s hard to pretend to be a BFF with someone whose aura gave away that maybe she isn’t as great of a friend as you thought.

“Hey!” I said, tossing the rag on the last table and turning around. From behind Kimber, Cole grinned and waved. I smiled even as my stomach did a little dip. I didn’t want to feel uncomfortable around Cole. But ever since the other day in the parking lot, I did.

“What the heck happened in here?” Kimber said, looking around at the damage the crowd had left.

“I think everyone in Sebago Lake stampeded the place this afternoon.” I finished wiping up the last table and turned my attention to the floor. It was littered with napkins and sample spoons. I sighed. “What can I get you guys?”

“I’ll take a scoop of Moose Tracks,” Kimber said, coming to stand at the counter.

I looked over at Cole, but he wasn’t paying me any attention. He was picking up the trash-littered floor. “You don’t have to do that Cole.”

He shoved a handful of trash in a nearby wastebasket and straightened, our eyes meeting for the first time that day. He was such a great guy. “It’s no big.” He smiled.

I smiled back, then went to work scooping out Kimber’s ice cream and handing it over. Then I looked at Cole, lifting a brow. “Peanut Butter cup.” He pointed to the flavor he wanted.

I scooped out a huge cupful and then added a drizzle of caramel to the top. It was the way he always got it. “Thanks, Hev,” he said around a huge mouthful.

“So what are you guys up to today?” I asked, turning away to begin the dreaded cleaning of the milkshake machine.

“Shopping,” Kimber answered. “My wardrobe for Italy is completely lacking.”

The mention of the trip made my stomach go tight. I still wasn’t even sure I was going to be able to go. I had to go. Returning the Treasure Map to its rightful place was the only way Sam or I would get any peace. I pushed away my thoughts and worked to make my voice as light as possible. “The trip isn’t for a few weeks yet and already you’re shopping?”

“A good wardrobe takes planning,” Kimber said, exasperated.

“Did you get your mom to sign the permission slip yet?” Cole asked.

“Not yet,” I hedged. “But I will this week.” I had to. Mrs. Britt told me if I didn’t get it signed by the end of the week, she couldn’t hold my spot any longer. I felt the first tingling of panic curl through my belly and stifled the urge to groan. I thought I was past this panic stuff. You are stronger than this! I yelled at myself. Still, the thought of Sam flying off to Rome with the scroll and without me made my heart race. Sam could get hurt, the scroll could get taken, and then… people would die.

“Heven?” Cole spoke from behind me.

I spun around, the warm soapy water in the tumbler spilled over onto my sneakers. “Sorry, I was just thinking.”

“You okay?” he asked, concern darkening his brilliant blue eyes, eyes that seemed to see too much these days.

“Sure,” I lied, forcing a smile and looked around him at Kimber. “Heading into Portland to shop?”

“Of course, so we better get going.” Her aura was huge and bright, the colors always bursting around her erratically. Sometimes it was hard to focus when she was around; it was so distracting.

“Sure. Thanks for coming by.” I took a deep breath and realized that I had managed to calm myself down. Way to go! I was so much stronger than I used to be and it made me proud of myself.

To my relief, Cole moved off to stand at Kimber’s side. His aura was a lot less intense than Kimber’s, but it was still distracting. Why was his different than everyone else’s? Before going out the door, he fished a five-dollar bill out of his pocket.

“It’s free,” I reminded him of our free ice cream deal.

“I know,” he said, sticking the five into the half-empty tip jar.

I opened my mouth to respond, but my vision clouded with red. Kimber’s aura was practically exploding with jealousy. Not again.

“That isn’t necessary,” I told Cole, hoping he would take the hint and take his money back.

“You give us free ice cream all the time. It’s the least I can do,” he said.

My shoulders slumped while Kimber glared between us. Didn’t he see that Kimber was seething?

“Well, have fun you two,” I said, choosing to ignore the situation and went back to the milkshake machine.

The doorbell rang behind them and I let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness they were gone.

How much ice cream have you eaten today? Sam’s voice floated through my head. Did you save me some?

Sorry, chocolate’s all gone. I teased, smiling.

Guess I’ll have to get my ice cream somewhere else, then. He made a dramatic sound and I laughed out loud. Good thing I was here alone or people might think I was crazy.

All right then. I guess I will have to find another way home from work. There was this guy in here earlier that left his number in the tip jar…

A growl vibrated my brain and I laughed again. Leave it to a hellhound to figure out how to growl in someone’s head.
