Read Books Novel

Chasing the Prophecy

Shuffling forward, Nedwin accepted that he would never see Galloran again. He would not be here to welcome his master home. But stories of this night would be everywhere. Galloran would find that his former squire had held true to the end, and that meant everything.

Nedwin paused near the hearth. The bright flames hurt his eyes. The warmth bothered his skin. Every instinct screamed for him to withdraw.

What if Galloran failed? What if the king never returned to his kingdom? If Maldor emerged victorious, Nedwin could unleash the plague and spoil the victory. Nedwin reconsidered a hasty escape. He thought about weeks of hiding, feeding on animals, waiting for news.

No. Too much could go wrong. For now, he felt certain that no worms had escaped his body. He had to keep it that way. He had to trust Galloran. But what if Maldor won? Nedwin bowed his head. He had no right to destroy the world. He had served Galloran to the best of his abilities. He must not sully his sacrifice. Bringing the worms out of Ebera had been his responsibility. Galloran had never authorized it. Every moment that Nedwin survived increased the risk of an accidental infection. The worms had to burn, which meant he had to burn with them.

It had been many years since Nedwin had feared death. He did not fear it now. The fire was not appealing. The blood promised fulfillment. He could smell it everywhere. The fire promised misery. He heard footfalls. Guards were coming. They were too late. Nedwin threw himself into the fire, squirming until he was settled at the heart of the flaming logs.

Everything inside him recoiled. Every instinct screamed that he must flee. He was not in pain. The worms, maybe—not him. The fire was everywhere. Warm, not hot. It had seemed bright and horrible, but now he found it almost relaxing. He smelled it consuming him. His eyes were closed. He was not dying. He was already dead. This was just the end of his worn-out body. He had stayed sane through it all. Sane enough, at least. He had done his duty. He felt certain that Galloran would be proud of him, and the thought gave him comfort. He could no longer smell the burning. He could no longer hear the logs crackling. His hardships had ended. No pain would haunt this slumber. At long last, Nedwin rested.



It was a long wait before Maldor arrived.

At first the emperor sent servants. But no conscriptors or displacers were willing to enter the shadowy room to retrieve Rachel. Not while she stood ringed by torivors. She had listened as her enemies had discussed the predicament. They were afraid of the emperor’s displeasure. They were eager for his approval. But every single one of them was more afraid of the lurkers. None of them even crossed the threshold.

Rachel would have lost track of time, but the lurkers kept her informed. Their negotiations had been concluded for hours. She did not engage them in casual conversation. According to the lurkers, the sun was already well above the horizon when Maldor appeared in the doorway.

He looked more like the smug gentleman who had visited her dream. He no longer appeared weary or infirm. No evidence remained of the facial paralysis. He wore dark, regal attire. The Myrkstone glittered against his chest.

Rachel wrung her hands. She was nearly out of time. This would be her only chance. She had to get it right.

“Such foolishness,” Maldor fussed amiably. “You have placed yourself in grave danger, Rachel. Come out of there.”

“I’m very comfortable,” Rachel said from within her protective ring of torivors. “Could you have my bed brought here? And maybe some food?”

A torch in his hand, Maldor stared at her patiently. He did not cross the threshold. “I am impressed that you accessed this chamber. Getting past the guards required talent, but tearing out the door exceeded my expectations. The portal and the walls were all reinforced with Edomic.”

Rachel was glad for the information. It confirmed that she had turned the stone to glass even though it had been enchanted. “I was determined.”

“Why? Have you any notion of the peril you face? Inside that room I cannot hold the torivors in check.”

“Do I look worried?” Rachel asked. “I have a lot in common with the torivors. We communicate with our minds. We’re here against our will. And none of us belong to this world. We’re all Beyonders.”

Maldor chuckled condescendingly. “You have very little in common with them, Rachel. If you have let them convince you otherwise, there may already be no rescuing you. These are no frightened prisoners. You are among caged predators who would tear this world to shreds if given the chance. If you come out of there immediately, I may still be able to save you.”

“They’re not harming me,” Rachel said.

“No matter what you imagine, Rachel, they are using you. Make no sudden movements. Walk to me slowly.”

“No. I trust you less than I trust them.”

“I’m sorry for the discomfort you suffered while trying to slay me,” Maldor said. “You wield surprising power for one so young. I defended myself as gently as the circumstances permitted.”

“You want to turn me into a freak, complete with displacer parts and a magic word that can destroy me.”

Maldor raised his palms. “You are loyal to the losing side. You have not disguised the fact that you are my enemy and that you would harm me if you could. As much as I admire your talent and wish to see it increase, I must take measures to protect myself. Considering the circumstances, I believe I have been both generous and understanding. That will cease if you do not come out of there.”

“What if I refuse?”

Maldor fingered his Myrkstone pendant. “I will order one of them to bring you to me. And then for the first time you will truly experience my displeasure.”

“I’d like to see you try,” Rachel said. “They don’t have to obey your commands. Zokar was a different story. You don’t have the same power over them. You can cause them suffering, and you can hold them bound until they fulfill their covenant, but the torivors are free to resist your demands. They can make you suffer too.”

Maldor was no longer trying to appear kindly. “How dare you defy me in my own castle? Do you know where your brave Galloran is at the moment? Running. Fleeing with his pathetic host. My forces are pouring into the valley. They are currently reclaiming the empty keeps and mustering around Felrook, awaiting my orders. Your comrades cannot run for long. At my leisure it will be a simple matter to cut off all escape and destroy them to the last man.”

“You think so?” Rachel asked.

“This is absurd. I have no need for a torivor to expel you. I need only deny you food and water and watch as you waste away. I will bring you the heads of the friends you might have saved had you been more cooperative.”
