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Christian (The Mitchell/Healy Family #3)(8)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Just as I started to reply I heard a phone ringing, and it wasn’t my normal tone. I shuffled through the sheets until I found an unfamiliar cellular device. It was obviously Seth’s.

“Oh shit. That’s Seth’s phone isn’t it?”

I nodded. “What should I do? It says that it’s Mike.”

“Pick it up. It’s probably just Seth looking for his phone.”

I did as she suggested and lifted the receiver to my ear. “Hello?”

“Chris, it’s Seth. Can you meet me later so I can get my phone? I left it by accident.”

The elephant in the room was obvious to me, even if it wasn’t meant to be. He wasn’t bringing up where he’d left it, or the fact that he’d left without saying goodbye. “Yeah, I guess.”

The line was quiet for a second. “Do you think maybe we could study later together?”

This caught me off guard. Did the popular man I’d just spent the night with really want to get behind a book with me? “Are you jokin’?”

“No. Listen, I’m late for something, but I’ll call you later when I’m done.”

“Okay,” was all I could say to him. I was still in shock, too flabbergasted to think about my actions.

After the call ended I noticed that Becca was still standing in front of me. Her hands remained on her hips, while her brow was cocked. “I could hear what he asked you. Chris, you can’t see him again. I mean, we all like Seth, but he’s the kind of guy that’s too good to be true. I can assure you that you’re nothing but a rebound.”

I didn’t care. I hadn’t been with him because it was love at first sight. Things like that only happen in novels. He’d gotten into my pants because I’d let him for selfish reasons. Love had nothing to do with our predicament. “I’m a grown woman, Becca. I’m not afraid of the competition. As for his ex, well she shouldn’t have let her man go if he meant that much to her.” I was risking a lot by standing up for myself, but I’d been around this girl long enough to say she appreciated a woman who stood her ground. I intended to remain in control, even when I didn’t dare have a clue what I was getting myself into. “Last night Seth and I had a great time. Who knows if somethin’ will come out of it. He’s sexy and all, but I’m not about to get carried away like it’s some fairytale. We both know the probability of us becoming a real couple is slim to none. Before you get all judgmental I want to make it clear that it was the first one-night-stand I’ve ever had. As much as I enjoyed it, I don’t plan on making it a habit.”

I watched the corner of her lip curl as a half-smile formed. “We’re goin’ to be great friends, you and I. It’s funny because when you moved in here I thought you were lame. I’m sorry for judging you. It’s quite obvious you’re a woman who knows what she wants. We could all learn something from you.”

I wanted to laugh. If she only knew that I was shaking as we spoke, in fear of being called a liar, or someone who didn’t have a clue about standing up for herself. “I wouldn’t go that far. I’m just a quiet girl tryin’ to make new friends. Thanks, by the way, for taking me out last night. It was a great time.”

“Amber really likes you. It’s funny. She’s one of Seth’s go-to girls when he and his girlfriend are on the outs. I’m surprised you two hit it off so well. She’s been crazy about Seth for years.”

It was discerning hearing that Amber secretly had a thing for the guy I’d just spent the night with. She hadn’t brought it up, but neither had he. If I wanted to be accepted by all these people I couldn’t freak out, at least until Becca left the room.

Then I wondered if she was testing me. Perhaps her queries were more on an insight as to what type of friend I’d be. “I wish she would have told me that. She must be so pissed at me.”

As much as I enjoyed meeting Amber, I couldn’t let my guilt distract me. I also couldn’t let the past night’s antics set me back. “Do you think she hates me now?”

Becca shook her head. “Amber’s not like that. Honestly, she’s too smart to let a man get her down. Besides, you’ve seen how she has them lined up. Seth’s just one of many that she’s messed around with. Don’t get me wrong, she’s not a whore. She’s got this seven date rule where the only play she’ll give is a kiss or some shit. She says if they are good guys they’ll wait it out.”

“You’re making it worse. So she’s gone out with Seth more than seven times?”

“That I don’t have a clue about. He spent the night a lot, but who knows what happened between the two of them. Amber’s too proud to let someone like Seth win her over. If you learn anything from living with me it will be how to handle a man. I can’t have my friends getting involved with losers.”

I giggled, finding it impossible to contain how I felt about being schooled. On the other hand, hearing her call me a friend was invigorating. “I appreciate the support. Don’t worry about Seth. I can handle him. Last night is in the past. I’m sure it was a one-time thing for the both of us. I’ll give him his phone back and let him know that it’s never goin’ to happen again.”

She seemed content as she pranced out of my room, leaving me to stew with everything she’d shared. While intoxicated I hadn’t considered that Seth could be a man-whore. I’d also not gotten an inclination that he and Amber had hooked up more than once. They seemed like friends, but nothing more.

For someone that promised to not give a damn about Seth, I spent the next few hours going through everything in my closet in order to look my best. It occurred to me early on that I was most definitely interested in him. The problem was that I didn’t want to get involved with drama just so my peers could accept me. Because I longed for real relationships, I had to be careful.

My cell phone began to ring, sending me scavenging around to locate it. Though the caller wasn’t whom I’d anticipated, my heart skipped a different kind of beat seeing the name.

“Hi, mom.”

“Hey, honey. Dad wants to know if you’ll be home tomorrow night for Sunday dinner? Your brother and Shalan have some wedding stuff to discuss with you.”

I played with my fingernails while resting the phone against my shoulder to hold it in place. “Yeah, I’ll be there. Noah messaged me yesterday about it.”
