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City of Fallen Angels

City of Fallen Angels (The Mortal Instruments #4)(6)
Author: Cassandra Clare

The elevator came to a rattling stop, and the gate opened. Beyond it, she could see the empty nave of the cathedral, light shimmering in a line of candelabras down the center aisle. She clung to Jace, glad there was very little light in the elevator so she couldn’t see her own burning face in the mirror.

"Maybe I can stay," she whispered. "Just a little while longer."

He said nothing. She could feel the tension in him, and tensed herself. It was more than just the tension of desire. He was shaking, his whole body trembling as he buried his face in the crook of her neck.

"Jace," she said.

He let go of her then, suddenly, and stepped back. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes fever-bright. "No," he said. "I don’t want to give your mother another reason not to like me. She already thinks I’m the second coming of my father-"

He broke off, before Clary could say, Valentine wasn’t your father. Jace was usually so careful to refer to Valentine Morgenstern by name, never as "my father"-when he mentioned Valentine at all. Usually they stayed away from the topic, and Clary had never admitted to Jace that her mother worried that he was secretly just like Valentine, knowing that even the suggestion would hurt him badly. Mostly Clary just did everything she could to keep the two of them apart.

He reached past her before she could say anything, and yanked open the elevator gate. "I love you, Clary," he said without looking at her. He was staring out into the church, at the rows of lighted candles, their gold reflected in his eyes. "More than I ever-" He broke off. "God. More than I probably should. You know that, don’t you?"

She stepped outside the elevator and turned to face him. There were a thousand things she wanted to say, but he was already looking away from her, pushing the button that would bring the elevator back up to the Institute floors. She started to protest, but the elevator was already moving, the doors closing as it rattled its way back up. They shut with a click, and she stared at them for a moment; the Angel was painted on their surface, wings outspread, eyes raised. The Angel was painted on everything.

Her voice echoed harshly in the empty room when she spoke. "I love you, too," she said.

Chapter 3


"You know what’s awesome?" said Eric, setting down his drumsticks. "Having a vampire in our band. This is the thing that’s really going to take us over the top."

Kirk, lowering the microphone, rolled his eyes. Eric was always talking about taking the band over the top, and so far nothing had ever actually materialized. The best they’d ever done was a gig at the Knitting Factory, and only four people had come to that. And one of them had been Simon’s mom. "I don’t see how it can take us over the top if we’re not allowed to tell anyone he’s a vampire."

"Too bad," said Simon. He was sitting on one of the speakers, next to Clary, who was engrossed in texting someone, probably Jace. "No one’s going to believe you anyway, because look-here I am. Daylight." He raised his arms to indicate the sunlight pouring through the holes in the roof of Eric’s garage, which was their current practice space.

"That does somewhat impact our credibility," said Matt, pushing his bright red hair out of his eyes and squinting at Simon. "Maybe you could wear fake fangs."

"He doesn’t need fake fangs," said Clary irritably, lowering her phone. "He has real fangs. You’ve seen them."

This was true. Simon had had to whip out the fangs when initially breaking the news to the band. At first they’d thought he’d had a head injury, or a mental breakdown. After he’d flashed the fangs at them, they’d come around. Eric had even admitted that he wasn’t particularly surprised. "I always knew there were vampires, dude," he’d said. "Because, you know how there’s people you know who, like, always look the same, even when they’re, like, a hundred years old? Like David Bowie? That’s because they’re vampires."

Simon had drawn the line at telling them that Clary and Isabelle were Shadowhunters. That wasn’t his secret to tell. Nor did they know that Maia was a werewolf. They just thought that Maia and Isabelle were two hot girls who had both inexplicably agreed to date Simon. They put this down to what Kirk called his "sexy vampire mojo." Simon didn’t really care what they called it, as long as they never slipped up and told Maia and Isabelle about each other. So far he’d managed to successfully invite them each to alternate gigs, so they never showed up at the same one at the same time.

"Maybe you could show the fangs onstage?" Eric suggested. "Just, like, once, dude. Flash ’em at the crowd."

"If he did that, the leader of the New York City vampire clan would kill you all," Clary said. "You know that, right?" She shook her head in Simon’s direction. "I can’t believe you told them you’re a vampire," she added, lowering her voice so only Simon could hear her. "They’re idiots, in case you haven’t noticed."

"They’re my friends," Simon muttered.

"They’re your friends, and they’re idiots."

"I want people I care about to know the truth about me."

"Oh?" Clary said, not very kindly. "So when are you going to tell your mother?"

Before Simon could reply, there was a loud rap on the garage door, and a moment later it slid up, letting more autumn sunlight pour inside. Simon looked over, blinking. It was a reflex, really, left over from when he had been human. It no longer took his eyes more than a split second to adjust to darkness or light.

There was a boy standing at the garage entrance, backlit by bright sun. He held a piece of paper in his hand. He looked down at it uncertainly, and then back up at the band. "Hey," he said. "Is this where I can find the band Dangerous Stain?"

"We’re Dichotomous Lemur now," said Eric, stepping forward. "Who wants to know?"

"I’m Kyle," said the boy, ducking under the garage door. Straightening up, he flipped back the brown hair that fell into his eyes and held out his piece of paper to Eric. "I saw you were looking for a lead singer."

"Whoa," said Matt. "We put that flyer up, like, a year ago. I totally forgot about it."

"Yeah," said Eric. "We were doing some different stuff back then. Now we mostly switch off on vocals. You have experience?"

Kyle-who was very tall, Simon saw, though not at all gangly-shrugged. "Not really. But I’m told I can sing." He had a slow, slightly drawling diction, more surfer than Southern.

The members of the band looked uncertainly at one another. Eric scratched behind his ear. "Can you give us a second, dude?"

"Sure." Kyle ducked back out of the garage, sliding the door closed behind him. Simon could hear him whistling faintly outside. It sounded like "She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain." It wasn’t particularly in tune, either.

"I dunno," Eric said. "I’m not sure we can use anyone new right now. ‘Cause, I mean, we can’t tell him about the vampire thing, can we?"

"No," said Simon. "You can’t."

"Well, then." Matt shrugged. "It’s too bad. We need a singer. Kirk sucks. No offense, Kirk."

"Screw you," said Kirk. "I do not suck."

"Yes, you do," said Matt. "You suck big, hairy-"

"I think," Clary interrupted, raising her voice, "that you should let him try out."

Simon stared at her. "Why?"

"Because he is superhot," Clary said, to Simon’s surprise. He hadn’t been enormously struck by Kyle’s looks, but then, perhaps he wasn’t the best judge of male beauty. "And your band needs some sex appeal."

"Thank you," said Simon. "On behalf of us all, thank you very much."

Clary made an impatient noise. "Yes, yes, you’re all fine-looking guys. Especially you, Simon." She patted his hand. "But Kyle is hot like ‘whoa.’ I’m just saying. My objective opinion as a female is that if you add Kyle to your band, you will double your female fan base."

"Which means we’ll have two female fans instead of one," said Kirk.

"Which one?" Matt looked genuinely curious.

"Eric’s little cousin’s friend. What’s her name? The one who has a crush on Simon. She comes to all our gigs and tells everyone she’s his girlfriend."

Simon winced. "She’s thirteen."

"That’s your sexy vampire mojo at work, man," said Matt. "The ladies cannot resist you."

"Oh, for God’s sake," said Clary. "There is no such thing as sexy vampire mojo." She pointed a finger at Eric. "And don’t even say that Sexy Vampire Mojo sounds like a band name, or I’ll-"

The garage door swung back up. "Uh, dudes?" It was Kyle again. "Look, if you don’t want me to try out, it’s cool. Maybe you changed your sound, whatever. Just say the word, and I’m out."

Eric cocked his head to the side. "Come on in and let’s get a look at you."

Kyle stepped into the garage. Simon stared at him, trying to gauge what it was that had made Clary say he was hot. He was tall and broad-shouldered and slim, with high cheekbones, longish black hair that tumbled over his forehead and down his neck in curls, and brown skin that hadn’t lost its summery tan yet. His long, thick eyelashes over startling hazel-green eyes made him look like a pretty-boy rock star. He wore a fitted green T-shirt and jeans, and twining both his bare arms were tattoos-not Marks, just ordinary tattoos. They looked like scrolling script winding around his skin, disappearing up the sleeves of his shirt.

Okay, Simon had to admit. He wasn’t hideous.

"You know," Kirk said finally, breaking the silence. "I see it. He is pretty hot."

Kyle blinked and turned to Eric. "So, do you want me to sing or not?"

Eric detached the mike from its stand and handed it to him. "Go ahead," he said. "Give it a try."

"You know, he was really pretty good," Clary said. "I was kind of kidding about including Kyle in the band, but he can actually sing."

They were walking along Kent Avenue, toward Luke’s house. The sky had darkened from blue to gray in preparation for twilight, and clouds hung low over the East River. Clary was trailing one of her gloved hands along the chain-link fence that separated them from the cracked concrete embankment, making the metal rattle.

"You’re just saying that because you think he’s hot," said Simon.

She dimpled. "Not that hot. Not, like, the hottest guy I’ve ever seen." Which, Simon imagined, would be Jace, though she was nice enough not to say it. "But I thought it would be a good idea to have him in the band, honestly. If Eric and the rest of them can’t tell him you’re a vampire, they can’t tell everyone else, either. Hopefully it’ll put an end to that stupid idea." They were nearly at Luke’s house; Simon could see it across the street, the windows lit up yellow against the coming dark. Clary paused at a gap in the fence. "Remember when we killed a bunch of Raum demons here?"

"You and Jace killed some Raum demons. I almost threw up." Simon remembered, but his mind wasn’t on it; he was thinking of Camille, sitting across from him in the courtyard, saying, You befriend Shadowhunters, but you can never be of them. You will always be other and outside. He looked sideways at Clary, wondering what she would say if he told her about his meeting with the vampire, and her offer. He imagined that she would probably be terrified. The fact that he couldn’t be harmed hadn’t yet stopped her from worrying about his safety.

"You wouldn’t be scared now," she said softly, as if reading his mind. "Now you have the Mark." She turned to look at him, still leaning against the fence. "Does anyone ever notice or ask you about it?"

He shook his head. "My hair covers it, mostly, and anyway, it’s faded a lot. See?" He pushed his hair aside.

Clary reached out and touched his forehead and the curving scripted Mark there. Her eyes were sad, as they had been that day in the Hall of Accords in Alicante, when she’d cut the oldest curse of the world into his skin. "Does it hurt?"

"No. No, it doesn’t." And Cain said unto the Lord, My punishment is greater than I can bear. "You know I don’t blame you, don’t you? You saved my life."

"I know." Her eyes were shining. She dropped her hand from his forehead and scrubbed the back of her glove across her face. "Damn. I hate crying."

"Well, you better get used to it," he said, and when her eyes widened, he added hastily, "I meant the wedding. It’s what, next Saturday? Everyone cries at weddings."

She snorted.

"How are your mom and Luke, anyway?"

"Disgustingly in love. It’s horrible. Anyway-" She patted him on the shoulder. "I should go in. See you tomorrow?"

He nodded. "Sure. Tomorrow."

He watched her as she ran across the street and up the stairs to Luke’s front door. Tomorrow. He wondered how long it had been since he had gone more than a few days without seeing Clary. He wondered about being a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth, like Camille had said. Like Raphael had said. Thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground. He wasn’t Cain, who had killed his brother, but the curse believed he was. It was strange, he thought, waiting to lose everything, not knowing if it would happen, or not.
