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Come A Little Bit Closer

Come A Little Bit Closer (The Sullivans #7)(70)
Author: Bella Andre

“I should have been there for her. I should have protected her.”

“No,” she argued. “You should have loved her. And you did.” She rocked him as she rocked her baby girl so much of every day and night, the baby that he’d asked her to name after the sister he’d loved so much. “You did.”

Chapter Thirty

In near perfect silence, the entire crew had watched the final scenes being filmed. In the very last one, Smith-as Graham introduced Tatiana- as-Jo to the family he’d walked away from two years earlier. Everyone on the cast and crew had to reach for tissues, especially when the prim and proper matriarch of Graham’s family had taken Leah onto her lap, kissed the child’s soft hair, then softly said to Jo, who still had the streaks of pink in her hair, “Thank you for bringing my family back together, and for joining it.”

Even hours later in her rental house, it was only the fear of ruining her perfectly applied mascara that kept Valentina from blubbering like a fool over the movie’s end. Thankfully, she hadn’t had to say her goodbyes to the friends she’d made on the set this afternoon. The wrap party tonight would give them all time to hug and laugh and reminisce and drink just a little too much together.

Over the past weeks, Valentina had begun to adjust to the spotlight, a little bit at least. She was used to holding Smith’s hand in public, she’d absolutely loved spending Thanksgiving at his mother’s house with Tatiana and the rest of his family, and she’d even accepted that stories and pictures of the two of them snapped by strangers in San Francisco would often end up on blogs and in newspapers.

But tonight was different.

The Maverick Group, a multinational corporation made up of a group of powerful billionaires who had a golden touch when it came to business, was the main investor in Smith’s film. They were throwing the wrap party for Gravity tonight.

Most women, she knew, would be thrilled to put on a stunning couture dress made by one of the top designers in the world and to slip their feet into heels that cost more than the average month’s rent in most places around the country. Valentina had never been like other women, though. Even as a girl, she’d been just a little more serious, far more likely to get excited over a book than a pop star.

Fortunately, Tatiana knew her inside and out. Her sister had gone out of her way for the past two hours to make it seem like they were simply having a fun makeover day together. Instead of going to a fancy salon for a blow-out, manicure, and makeup, Tatiana had suggested they make each other up, instead.

Of course, her sister didn’t need Valentina’s help. Tatiana was such a pro after all she’d learned over the past few years, that if she ever decided to give up acting, she’d have no problem launching her own hair, nails, and makeup line.

Now, Valentina tried not to see the panic in her own eyes as she looked in the mirror. Tatiana had a blow dryer in one hand, the other smoothing Valentina’s hair.

“There,” her sister said as she finally turned off the dryer. “Perfect.” She didn’t give Valentina too much time to study herself before pulling her out of her seat and handing her the shockingly gorgeous dress.

“Time for the finishing touch.” Tatiana smiled as she looked down at the dress Valentina hadn’t yet taken from her. “Smith has some seriously great taste. I can’t wait to see it on you.”

The large dress box had been yet another gift waiting on her desk this week. She loved that he hadn’t stopped surprising her, and she knew he never would.

Her sister was right about his taste. The soft yellow fabric was elegant while somehow hugging all of her curves at the same time, and the bodice glittered just enough to make the dress something special. In fact, it would have been the perfect dress if not for the long slit up the side of the leg.

She took a deep, steadying breath as her sister all but shoved the dress into her hand. Telling herself to stop being such a baby, Valentina quickly slipped off Smith’s button-front shirt that she’d been wearing while Tatiana did her hair and makeup, and stepped into the dress, putting her arms through the spaghetti straps. After Tatiana zipped her up, Valentina slipped her feet into the stunning heels.

She closed her eyes for a moment before turning to face her sister.

Tatiana’s eyes were wide. “Val.” Her pretty mouth curved into a huge smile. “You look amazing!” Her sister grabbed her hand and took her over to the full-length mirror. “Look!”

Valentina stared in the mirror with surprise. She’d expected to see a stranger. But even though she’d never been done up like this before, the woman looking back at her was the same one she saw every morning and evening in the bathroom mirror when she brushed her teeth with Smith standing right there beside her.

Granted, her hair had never looked quite so glossy or well styled, and her eyes had never seemed so smoky and mysterious, nor her mouth quite so plump and red.

A knock came at the door, followed by Smith’s deep voice asking if he could come in. Tatiana called out for him to enter, which was good because Valentina’s throat had gone completely dry.

She stood perfectly still as he walked in.


Tatiana slipped out unnoticed as Smith stood where he was in the middle of the room and stared at Valentina. “My God, you’re beautiful. I’m never going to get used to it, am I?”

Despite her own worries about how the evening was going to go, she couldn’t doubt for even one second that he meant what he said. Even the best actor in the world couldn’t have seemed that genuine if he hadn’t really believed every word.

“Thank you.” She tried to smile, but her lips had a hard time moving up at the corners.

This wasn’t her first Hollywood party by any means. She’d been to dozens with her sister over the years. The difference was that she’d always been in the background, just one of the support staff for her sparkling, beautiful sister. No one had ever noticed her. She’d been as invisible as the ice sculptures melting in the middle of the vegan buffet.

Tonight, she wouldn’t be invisible. And not just because of the dress, the shoes, the hair and makeup.

She’d be with Smith. On his arm. As much a target for dissection as the actors and actresses who had willingly signed up for a career in the spotlight. Yes, they’d already been in plenty of tabloids, blogs, and magazines, but this event was on a whole different level.

Before she’d met him, she’d been utterly certain that this kind of life was crazy, and that any woman who walked willingly into a relationship with a man like him was a fool. Now, Valentina was one hundred percent certain that he was worth being crazy and foolish for—worth even the terror that rode her.
