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Conspiracy Game

Conspiracy Game (GhostWalkers #4)(45)
Author: Christine Feehan

“There’s a chance he’ll want to protect the child. He protects his brother. He’s part of a military unit, and you said yourself he doesn’t leave his people behind. He must have a sense of responsibility.”

“That’s a hell of a big leap of faith.”

“What choice do I have, Jeb?” Briony asked. “If what Montague says is true, and he had enough proof that a madman is after me, where can I go? Especially if Whitney is part of some secret government project. We don’t know one way or the other, but you told me you found enough proof in Mom and Dad’s papers to know I was adopted and Whitney, the same name Kadan Montague used, insisted I be brought up with a very strange training program. Sparks tried to drug me and Luther tried to kidnap me. I don’t think there’s much doubt I’m in trouble here.”

“Don’t sound bitter, Bri. Mom and Dad absolutely loved and adored you.” He flicked her a quick glance. “The money makes sense. They wanted to buy into the circus as partners. They wanted a child, a girl, and they wanted to give you the best education possible. You speak several languages, you’re a genius, and you can kick serious butt when you need to; it wasn’t as if they didn’t genuinely love and want the best for you. They loved you-don’t ever forget that in all of this.”

“I won’t, Jeb.” She put her hand over her already rounded tummy. “But that doesn’t change the fact that we won’t be able to protect the baby indefinitely. I’m not willing to let Whitney, or anyone else, take my child for experiments. I’m a strong person. I’ll do whatever I have to do to keep my child safe. Where else can I go? You tell me and I’ll do it.”

“They offered protection, Briony,” Jebediah reminded her.

“And what do we know about them? That man-Kadan-was enhanced both psychically as well as physically. I not only felt the difference in him, he admitted it. And I had the feeling he was more powerful than Luther. What’s to say he wasn’t sent to bring me back? We don’t know. At least you know Jack Norton. He saved your life. You told me he’s got integrity and that he’ll never stop if he takes on a job. I’m going to ask him to take on this job, to keep me safe until the baby is born. He can teach me how to hide, and once I have the baby, I can disappear. We should be able to figure out a way to make that happen. People disappear all the time.”

“What if he says no?”

“He owes us that much, but if he’s that big of a bastard,” she shrugged, “then I guess we’ll investigate these people and try to figure out who the good guys are.”

“Look me in the eye, Briony,” Jebediah challenged. “Look at me and tell me you aren’t harboring any girlish fantasies about Jack Norton falling in love with you. This is no fairy tale and he’s no Prince Charming. The last thing you want is to try to live with a man like that. I’m terrified of leaving you alone with him.”

She touched her brother’s arm. “I have no silly notions, Jebediah. You know me. I have above-average intelligence; I’m enhanced, and I certainly have more than my share of pride. I read the file on me thoroughly, especially the part where I would react to a certain scent. Jack said I’d be a liability and that he wasn’t the kind of man to have a woman around. Those are almost his exact words. Obviously, whatever it is between us was simply manufactured by this doctor so we’d have a child. It has nothing to do with emotion and everything to do with scent. I was inexperienced and got caught thinking Jack could love me. He made it very clear he can’t. I won’t make that mistake twice.”

“It scares me more that he actually might fall in love with you, Briony. He would take over every aspect of your life. You saw a glimpse of him, a tiny one. He isn’t an easy man. He’s got demons on his back, and they aren’t going to magically disappear. I hate saying these kinds of things to you, but Jack is different. When we’re out there with guns in enemy territory, we’re praying we don’t come up on anyone, and if we do, that he doesn’t spot us, because we don’t want to have to pull the trigger, but Jack… ” Jebediah shook his head. “He doesn’t give a damn either way.”

“Believe me, I respect your opinion, Jeb. If you say he’s dangerous, I’m not stupid, I believe you. But I also see how much you respect him and his abilities.” Her body shook with sudden adrenaline pouring in. “No one is going to take my child away from me. I can be absolutely ruthless if I have to be. And Jack Norton will underestimate me, just like everyone else does. I’ll have the advantage.”

Jebediah hit the back of his head several times against the seat in frustration and slammed the flat of his hand against the steering wheel. “This sucks. I should be able to protect you myself. How could something like this happen, and why the hell didn’t Mom and Dad suspect something was wrong when Whitney demanded all that specialized training for a child? No one makes a child stay under water for long periods of time and do all the crap you had to do.”

“I enjoyed it,” Briony pointed out. “If I hadn’t enjoyed it, they probably would have objected-just like they did when Whitney demanded I go for field training in Colombia.” She flashed him a wan smile. “At least I’m equipped to handle anything thrown at me.”

She looked out the window again, at the surrounding wilderness. She loved the outdoors. She loved the night. But-Briony sighed. Right now, darkness made her feel vulnerable instead of cloaking her in safety as it normally did. The trees and shrubs took on a sinister quality, rising high and dark and ominous, as if lurking in the shadows were monsters ready to leap out and devour her.

“I’ve spent my entire life feeling a coward-always afraid-but this situation is truly terrifying.” She blinked back the sudden tears burning behind her eyes. “I’ve never been without you and the circus. I knew I was different; Mom used to tell me I had to hide it all the time, and maybe that was the appeal of Jack Norton. I finally found someone like me. The moment I laid eyes on him, I knew he was like me. I wanted to belong. Just once.”

“Damn it, Briony, you’ve always belonged with us. Always. We wanted to have a sister as much as Mom and Dad wanted to have a daughter.”

“I know that. It has nothing to do with adoption. You’re my family and always will be. I didn’t feel unloved-just different.” She struggled to make him understand. “I didn’t have to hide who I really am from Jack. He saw me and I saw him. I didn’t have to hide the fact that I’m stronger and faster and can see people in ways others can’t. More than that, I didn’t hurt.” She closed her eyes. “Can you imagine what that was like for me? For the first time I could be around someone and not know what they were thinking or feeling. Emotions didn’t swamp me or make me sick. It was such a relief.”
