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I jumped to my feet and tried to remember to move human slow as I wove in between the tables to get to them. "You son of a-" Tristan began.

Dylan laughed, or tried to. It came out as a wheeze past Tristan's forearm, which was pressing against Dylan's throat. "Jealous, Coleman?"

"I'm going to kill you, Williams," Tristan said, their faces only an inch away from each other. Tristan's irises had turned silver-white. Oh, so not good.

The thoughts of everyone around us slammed over me like a tidal wave....

Where the heck did he come from?

Whoa, looks like Coleman's still got the speed even after missing a whole season of practice! I didn't even see him move across the cafeteria. He's got to be juicing.

So Tristan isn't over Bethany after all! I knew he wouldn't get over the only girl who ever dumped him!

Oh, my God, look at how jealous Coleman is! He ran so fast over here I didn't even see him coming. He's going to try to steal Bethany back from Williams. But will she dump Williams for Coleman?

Oooh, look at poor Savannah's face. How devastating to have to see her boyfriend get so jealous over another girl! Any second now she's going to start bawling, and...

The descendants were thinking just as loudly. There was no way to shut out the ocean of voices. And way too many humans had noticed how fast Tristan had moved.

I risked closing the distance between us and grabbed Tristan's shoulder. "Tristan, let him go."


"I know. But you've got to let him go." And you've got to calm down, I added silently since we were surrounded by both descendants and humans who could easily hear even a whisper in the now dead-quiet cafeteria. Everyone just saw you vamp blur over here. If you bite him, too, the council will have no choice but to go after you. Don't give the Clann what they want. If you do, Dylan wins.

Tristan growled under his breath. Dylan's grin wasn't helping him regain control of his temper. But finally Tristan shoved himself away from Dylan and walked off.

Breathing out a sigh of relief, I followed him back across the cafeteria. My legs felt rubbery as I eased down into my chair again. Then I looked up and realized Tristan was still standing by his chair. I gave him a questioning look, then snuck a peek at his thoughts.

He was immersed in the thoughts of everyone around us.

I reached out and tugged at his hand. He blinked a few times, sank down into his chair, then slouched down in the seat with his arms crossed, lost in everyone else's thoughts.

Silence at our table, even though the noise level in the rest of the cafeteria had risen back to normal.

"I would have punched him in his stupid face," Anne said, then casually took a long chug of her soda.

"Anne, that wouldn't have helped the situation," Carrie said.

"No, he definitely should have hit him," Michelle said.

Tristan frowned, feeling like the rope in a game of tugof-war between listening to my friends' opinions and everyone else's loud thoughts. He turned to me. Sorry, Sav. I didn't even decide to go after him. One second I was here and the next...

I sighed, reached over and patted his thigh. It's okay. I hoped.

But now everyone thinks I'm jealous about Bethany, and I'm not! I just hate that Dylan's using her to try to piss me off. She's a sweet girl. She deserves better than that.

This was definitely an awkward conversation to be having with my boyfriend, silently or otherwise. I tried not to squirm in my seat. Let's just focus on getting through the rest of lunch without vamping out on anyone else, okay?

One corner of his mouth tightened. Go on and say it. You told me so.

I shook my head, pressing my lips together. Nope, not going to say it.

Why not? You totally earned the right to this time. You warned me that coming here was going to push me too hard too soon, and just like you feared, I lost control.

I sighed. Well, it could have been worse. At least you didn't actually bare your fangs or bite him.

No, but I sure wanted to. His mouth slanted into a wry smile as our eyes met. He took my hand from his thigh and raised it to his lips for a kiss. Have I told you lately how lucky I am to have you?

I smiled. Oh, you're just saying that to try to cover for the fact that you're jealous over your ex.

He rolled his eyes at the joke. You know that's not it.

I nodded.

But did I really know that deep down?

I pushed the question away. Tristan loved me. He was just a good guy who hated to see Dylan hurt anyone, including one of his ex-girlfriends.


Great. So much for proving I was in control all day long. We stuck around in the cafeteria till ten minutes before the bell. Then Savannah and I cut out early, planning to grab a few minutes of alone time out on the catwalk.

Except it was already in use by Dylan and Bethany. The rage rose up like a bonfire inside me, blistering across my skin, all but demanding I go after Dylan.

Then I felt the cool touch of Savannah's hand on my forearm, reminding me of all the reasons I shouldn't kill the punk descendant.

"I'm fine," I muttered to reassure her as we took the steps up to the ramp that led to the catwalk.

I planned on walking right past the couple without saying a word, just to prove I was in control again.

But then Dylan stopped kissing Bethany. Grinning, he clearly thought, You always did have the best taste in women.

Did she taste like honey to you, too?

I stopped, my fists clenching at my sides.

"Dylan, shut up," Savannah hissed, stepping in front of me. Dylan laughed. "Why, when it's so much fun to see him lose it over and over? You really should get a leash for that one. I don't think he's going to make it much longer if you don't."

Rumbling in my chest made me realize I was growling. I swallowed down the sound. Control. Stay in control, Coleman.

Don't give him what he wants.

"Bethany, you should get out of here," Savannah muttered, glancing over her shoulder at me. She reached back to grab my forearm again, and this time her grip said she wasn't letting go for anything.

Bethany's eyes narrowed. "Why? We were here first." "Don't be stupid, Bethany," Savannah hissed. "You could get hurt."

Bethany rolled her eyes. "I'm not some fragile f lower, Savannah." She reached around and slid a hand across Dylan's chest with a smile. "Besides, Dyl will keep me safe, won't you?"

"You know it," Dylan murmured, turning his head to kiss her again.

"Bethany, can't you see he's just using you to tick me off?" I said.

They stopped kissing and Bethany smiled. "I don't think so. We started dating while you were gone, and we've been dating for months without you here to see it. If all he wanted was to make you jealous, why wouldn't he wait till you came back before asking me out?" Still smiling, she cupped Dylan's cheek. "I know my baby loves me. And for the record, if you're so worried about someone hurting me, maybe you should look in the mirror. Because Dylan has done nothing but treat me like a queen, which is more than I can say about you."

Dylan slid a hand around her waist and pulled her hard against him for another kiss. "That's right, baby. But don't be late for class because of me. See you after Charmers practice?" Bethany nodded, threw me one last smirk, then walked down the catwalk with an extra swing in her blond ponytail, her thoughts full of confidence now that she believed she had two guys fighting over her.

Savannah glared at her fellow Charmer's back with one thought. Ugh.

Bethany stepped off the catwalk and headed down the sloping grounds' cement steps. The second she disappeared into the math hall on the sports and arts building's ground f loor, I got in Dylan's face. "If you're leading her on, all the Clann abilities in the world aren't going to be enough to save you."

"Oh, yeah? And if I was, what are you going to do about it?"

My hands ached to grab handfuls of his shirt. Instead I clenched them down at my sides. "You really don't want to f ind out."

"Maybe I do," Dylan murmured. "Maybe that's exactly what I want, to see what the big bad Tristan can do now that he's turned. Why don't you prove how badass you are now, Coleman?"

"There's no audience around to save you now," I reminded him. Why was he pushing me so hard?

Savannah was right. Something was off. Dylan was obviously trying to push every button I had.

It smelled like a trap.

I took a step back, and his eyes f lared then narrowed.

Something bitter, like lemons, waved off him like a cloud. I checked his thoughts.

He was...afraid?

Told you, Savannah thought. His dad's probably demanding he push us over the edge at school where everyone will see us lose control so either the council or the Clann will come after us. It's what he tried to do to me earlier this year.

Yeah, but why? The Clann already kicked me out. What's the point of getting rid of me now? I'm not in his dad's way anymore. "What's the matter?" Dylan said through gritted teeth.

"Afraid to take me on now? I never knew you were a coward, Coleman. Did your daddy's death destroy you?" Son of a... I breathed slowly, pushing the anger down again. "Shut up, Williams. You're not getting what you want here. I'm not going to give your dad the ammunition he needs to force the Clann to take us out."

Dylan's breathing sped up. He closed the distance between us, and this time it was his turn to grab my shirt and get in my face. "My father has nothing to do with this. This is all about you two freaks being where you don't belong...." He went on, spit f lying in my face. But I didn't even hear him speaking anymore. It was all cover noise. The real truth was in his thoughts, in the memories of Mr. Williams's hand raised palm-out in the air, in the sounds of sizzling as spell after spell slammed into Dylan.

"Do it!" Dylan screamed in my face. "You freaking bloodsucker, you know you want to kill me. Just do it already!" I grabbed his forearms, their bulging veins taunting me, calling to me. I pushed him away from me an inch at a time, watching as Dylan's eyes rounded and the muscles in his neck corded with the effort to fight me. But the physical difference between us was too much for Dylan to even have a prayer. "What does he want, Dylan?" I asked. "He told you to tick us off, to push me over the edge. Why? I'm cast out. I can't be the leader anymore. So what does he want this time? What's the point of trying to get rid of me? Nothing I do will make my mother look bad now. She's washed her hands of me." He'll kill me. The thought echoed over and over inside Dylan's thoughts as his chest heaved. He tucked his chin down, and I recognized that look.

As he ran at me, I whirled to the side and avoided the tackle. Dylan had always sucked at tackling. It was why he'd been so much better in the quarterback position. Snarling, he turned around and came after me again. This time I grabbed the back of his neck as he missed me again. I pushed him against the metal railing, a bong vibrating down the entire length of the catwalk.

"Tristan," Savannah said.

I shook my head at her. Still in control.

Out loud I said to Dylan, "You know I can hear every thought inside that peanut-sized brain of yours. Why don't you just save us both time and tell me the truth?" "Or what? You'll torture it out of me? Go on and try!"

He whirled around, his fists f lying through the air toward my face. I leaned to the left, then the right, neatly avoiding each blow.

"Tristan, the bell's about to ring," Savannah muttered. Time was up. I grabbed him where his left shoulder met his neck, driving him back into the nearest pole. "Don't make me lose my patience."

Dylan closed his eyes. "Just do it already." If you don't kill me, he will.

"Why would he kill his own son, Dylan?" Savannah asked. "Get out of my head, you b-" Dylan tried to scream. Shaking my head, I tapped his left cheek with my open palm. I'd meant to barely slap him, but his pupils dilated and he started to slump. Cursing, I held him upright. Turn me, Dylan thought as he fought to hold on to consciousness. Just turn me or kill me.

Whoa. Surprise almost made me let go of him. I regained my grip on his shoulder before he fell all the way to the cement. "What are you talking about?"

His eyes rolled as he blinked slowly. "I know she can do it. She pulled it off with you."

"You don't mean it," Savannah muttered. "You can't really want this."

But he did. He blinked hard, trying to clear his vision enough to stare at her. "You don't know him. I'm dead either way. At least if I were like you..."

Heat built in my chest, but this time the anger had a whole new target. Mr. Williams. "If your dad's using magic on you, tell the Clann. They'll put a stop to it-"

Dylan let his head drop back against the pole. "You don't get it. They don't care. Besides, it'd be my word against his.

He's got too many friends on his side. The Clann will never stand against him."

"My mother would." The words slipped out of me as quickly as I thought them. Then I realized it was true. For all her faults and fears against vamps, she would never knowingly allow any Clann kid to be abused.

"She's not as powerful as she thinks," Dylan whispered.

His pupils slowly contracted to their previous size. What did he mean by that?

At first, I thought he was still trying to tick me off. But his tone was wrong, f lat and unemotional now. Like he was just stating a fact.

"She's the Clann leader," I said. "Not even your dad would be stupid enough to mess with her."

He looked me in the eye, uncaring whether he got gaze dazed in the process. "Want to bet?" Before I could react, he looked away again. "Now either kill me or let me go, man." Noise as other students drifted out of the cafeteria and

headed in our direction.

"Tristan," Savannah murmured, her tone a warning. I released Dylan and stepped back, lost in thought. He hesitated for a second then slunk off, shoulders hunched, hands shoved in his front pockets, his head hanging. He looked like a freshly beaten dog.

"Do you think he meant it?" Savannah asked just before the bell pealed, signaling the end of lunch. "About his dad threatening to kill him, I mean?"

I shook my head. "I don't know."

"Can't we do something to help him?"

I glanced at her in surprise. "Help the guy who's been bullying you for years? Are you serious?"

Her nose scrunched. "Yeah, I know. He's the world's biggest jerk. But that doesn't mean he deserves to have the crap magically kicked out of him all the time by his dad." We slowly walked side by side toward the main building. I scowled at nothing, walking by sheer instinct, too lost in thought to notice the growing traffic around us as we neared the metal doors of the main building's back entrance. Being furious at Dylan was a lot less complicated than whatever this new feeling was that was pushing around at my insides. If I didn't know better, I'd call it...pity. Nah. Couldn't be.

"Maybe I'll shoot Em a text and see what she thinks."

Dylan was never going to become a vamp, not if I had any say in it. But something about the whole situation didn't feel right.

What had Dylan meant about our mother not having as much power as she believed?

Yeah, I'd definitely have to talk to Emily about this. I doubted the Williamses had as much pull within the Clann as Dylan seemed to think. But it was better to give Emily a heads-up just in case something was going on within the ranks that she didn't know about. And while she was sniffing around, she could also tell our mother about Mr. Williams's abuse of his son.
