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Still he did not reach for me. He walked behind me. I could feel his presence at my back, but I did not turn to see what he was doing.

Dorian placed his hands on my hips. His fingers squeezed as he tugged me against himself hard, but not painfully.

“There are just too many things I’ve thought about doing to you,” he whispered in my ear. “Decisions, decisions.”

I smiled. “Why not try them all?”

“Oh I plan too,” he said matter-of-factly. The scrape of his zipper lowering was like a dinner bell and I was starving. Dorian kicked off his jeans and they too went sailing across the room. He swiped my hair to the side, exposing my neck. I tilted my head to the side to give him better access. A moan vibrated out of my throat when he sidled against my back. His erection pressed against my backside. Even through the strain of cotton, it made an impression.

Dorian sucked, licked and kissed my neck while his hand cupped my breasts. His fingers worked my nipple as his hips began to grind against my behind. My body sagged against his and I reached behind me to feel any amount of him I could. I just needed to touch his skin.

In a flash, he was in front of me. I stared at him with hooded eyelids. He was temptation incarnate. He cupped my face and kissed me hard. His tongue twined with mine while his hands settled on my hips again. In one fluid motion, he hoisted me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, and then we were moving. The bounce of his steps caused my nipples to brush against his chest with delightful friction.

Dorian deposited me on my bed and I stretched out along my down comforter. He stood at the edge of the bed with a mischievous smirk on his lips. The caress of his eyes left heat in their wake. My body yearned for that burn, for him.

Dorian shook his head slowly. “You’re not a witch or a spirit walker….You’re a temptress. That body is so soft but as dangerous as the edge of blade.” He crawled onto the bed, positioning himself between my legs. “I wonder if you taste as tantalizing as you look?”

My breath caught in my lungs as he leaned forward and licked a circle around my nipple. The suction of his mouth on the hard nub drove me wild. I arched my back, pressing more of myself against his lips. Dorian’s hand slid down my stomach and I gasped when it slipped between my legs. With his fingers, he rubbed a circular pattern against the pink folds. I writhed under him as he picked up speed.

Dorian slinked down my body, pressing kisses along my stomach until my thighs framed his head. Strands of his hair brushed against my leg and his breath was hot against my center. He watched me up the length of my body, his mouth hovering over my folds. I bit my lip, mentally pleading that he not waste any more time. He moved and I held my breath. Dorian kissed my inner thigh and I wanted to scream. He shifted his attention to the other leg, pressing more kisses until a whimper fell from my mouth.

His eyes connected with mine and he smiled coyly. “You don’t devour dessert, you savor it. Let me savor you, cupcake.”

Was it possible to orgasm from words? His words resounded through my mind and gave me such imagery that not only was he seducing my body, but my mind too. Talk about head games. Each mischievous glance and naughty smirk drew me further into his seduction.

“I can feel your legs trembling.” He spoke so close to my center that the heat of his mouth was a provocative tease. “I wonder what would happen if I did this…” The pressure of his mouth pressed against me in a lingering kiss. An unbearably slow lick seared an upward path toward my clitoris and flicked. I fisted the cover in my hands as my body twisted. Dorian lifted my legs up so that they rested on his shoulders. His hands gripped my hips and moved my body against the rhythm of his tongue. Over and over he licked, probed and flicked the wet crease.

Moans I didn’t recognize as my own filled my bedroom. Heat rushed between my legs, building pressure the longer he drove me to the edge. Dizziness filled my head and my body writhed helplessly with each searing stroke of his tongue. Dorian added two fingers to the technique and increased the speed as his mouth and hand worked to send me over. A desperate need built until all that fell from my lips were whimpers. His thumb came up to rub circles around my clitoris and then the pressure broke free.

Spikes of euphoria washed through my body. A delicious heat spread from my center. My legs tightened around his head as I lost myself in the rapture. My bones turned to jelly as the sensation warmed me from the inside out.

Dorian slid up my body and claimed my mouth. The taste of me on his lips was sinfully erotic. I raked my nails up his back and through his hair and kissed him until I was dizzy again. He leaned back to look at me. The clouds in his eyes were so dark hardly any gray showed. I half expected to see lightening flash through them. He kissed me again, this time softer—slower.

At one point, he had removed his underwear, though I couldn’t recall noticing it. Now, the head of his erection pressed against my folds. Slowly he moved his hips forward and I clutched onto his shoulders as he filled me. He didn’t move at first, giving my body time to adjust to his size. I reached up and found his mouth again, slipping my tongue between his lips and kissing him unhurried.

Dorian began to move his hips. He pushed forward and I arched from the pleasure of the fullness filling me. He withdrew slowly and thrust into me hard— repeatedly. I raked my hands up his back, digging my nails into his skin when he started to pick up speed.

Dorian’s hands slipped underneath my body and cupped my behind. He yanked my hips against his, crashing our sexes with tantalizing harmony. I thrashed beneath him, pleasure coursing through every nerve ending. The friction of our bodies caused a desperate need that built with each thrust of his rhythmic hips. And when it seemed that pressure would break, Dorian stopped. Something resembling a whimper echoed from my throat.

Dorian chuckled against my skin, and then slid off the bed. “Come here.” His voice was primal and caused a thrill to shoot through me. I eased off the bed and he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist again and he slid me down onto his hardness. I gasped against his mouth, my body jerking against his as he thrust upward.

Then he was walking again. We could have been going outside for all I cared. I wasn’t going to let go of him until the needy pressure found its release. We ended up in the bathroom. Dorian set me down and turned me to face the mirror. My breath caught when I realized what he was going to do.

“I’ve fantasized about taking you right here so many times,” he said against my shoulder. I couldn’t speak or think. Dorian buried himself in me again and I clutched onto the sink counter to keep from collapsing. He began to move and my legs trembled beneath me. His arm wrapped around my stomach and helped me stand. I leaned against his hard frame and turned my head back to find his mouth. Our tongues twined as he delved into my folds deeper.

“Look,” he ordered, motioning with his head.

I turned away from him and watched our sweaty bodies in the mirror. It was one of the most arousing experiences I had ever had. Dorian’s muscular frame towered over me as he claimed my body. His fingers indented my hips and he pressed kisses to my shoulder. The softness of his hair against my heated skin caused goose bumps to erupt.

We held each other’s gazes through the mirror with raw unadulterated need for one another. The sweet ache reached its peak, quivering for absolution.

“Hmm…more,” I begged. My insides wound tight, ready to burst.

Dorian’s hand slipped down to my dark curls, his fingers forming a circular pattern to match the pace of his thrusts. I cried out, jerking against his body as a tidal wave of ecstasy ripped through my body. Whimpers tore from my lips as aftershocks vibrated my entire frame.

Dorian picked up speed and I thought I would collapse. He held onto me, steadying my wobbly legs. I was riding the most delicious high, my head foggy and my body spent. Dorian groaned behind me and I found his eyes in the mirror again. He gritted his teeth, his fingers digging into my flesh as he gave into the need consuming him.

“Fuck!” He groaned. After a few seconds, he released his grip and spun me around. His hands framed my face and he kissed me softly before drawling me against his body and holding me against the slickness of his chest. I could feel the slam of my heart against my breasts as I regained my breath.

Dorian leaned back to look at my face. “My imagination failed me. That was…” he smiled, “round one. I’ll give you ten minutes to catch your breath. It’s going to take all night to try all the things I’ve imagined doing to you.”

I grinned. “That might be a little difficult.”

Dorian arched a questioning brow.

“My legs don’t seem to be working.” I looked down at said legs. Little spasms vibrated through my skin.

“Well then,” Dorian said. “I guess I’ll just have to hold you the entire time.”

* * *

Sweat and sex infused the air. As I stared at Dorian’s nakedness, deliriously sated, a wide smile grew across my face.

“I don’t know, isn’t this about the time you grab your clothes and hit the road?” I teased.

Dorian rested his hands on either side of my hips, pinning me. “You’re it,” he breathed, “the exception to my every rule.” The amazement in his voice left me speechless. “But don’t for one second think I’m trading in my motorcycle for a minivan. That’s where I draw the line.”

“Deal,” I laughed and then paused. “Wait, you can’t…I mean angels can’t impregnate women, right?” A burst of panic shot through my heart. All supernaturals were different. With Micah I’d been on the pill, and Aiden couldn’t get me pregnant so I stopped taking it. I hadn’t expected to worry about that sort of thing any time soon.

Dorian smiled. “Yes, you are now carrying my spawn. We’ll go to Lamaze classes and turn Fiona’s room into a nursery. I’m partial to sailboats if it’s a boy and butterflies if it’s a girl.”

My mouth dropped open and my hand went to my stomach. Babies and I were like oil and water. In time, I could come around and want one, but that was in the distant, distant future—if at all.
