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Cowboys & Angels

Cowboys & Angels (Sons of Chance #13)(9)
Author: Vicki Lewis Thompson

As if thinking about that activity prompted it, her cell phone pinged with an incoming text. She grabbed her phone eagerly. Winding down. Should be about 10 min. Will text when on my way.

Heat swirled through her. She thought she’d been calmly waiting for this text, but apparently not. The phone shook in her hand as she tried to reply with a simple OK, see you soon. She took a deep breath and managed to punch the right letters.

Now what? She had the sudden urge to take a quick shower. And shave her legs. She accomplished that in record time. As she dried off and lotioned up, she thought about what to wear. Nothing too revealing and sexy. Although that would be fun, she’d be walking the halls, where she might meet people.

But she certainly didn’t have to put on underwear. Finally, she settled on jade-green yoga pants and a matching sweatshirt. Easy on, easy off. She got hot again thinking about that. She had some slip-on running shoes without backs. Those would do for her feet.

She put on a little makeup because, once again, she’d be walking the halls and could run into people who might wonder why she looked ready for bed. Ah, she was so ready for bed. Brushing her hair, she left it loose.

Her phone pinged again, and adrenaline rushed through her system a second time. She picked it up. On my way.

Heart racing, she texted him back. Me too. Pocketing her room key and her phone, in case she needed to set an alarm, she turned off all the lights and left her room. She didn’t want someone to see a light in her window at three in the morning and ask her about it.

As she took the stairs to the first floor and walked through the double doors into the guest portion of the hallway, she saw a cluster of guys talking and laughing near one of the suites. They behaved in the jovial way of men who were slightly drunk. She thought she recognized the Chance brothers, who were with an older man she hadn’t met.

They’d probably all attended the bachelor party. She hadn’t thought about it until now, but Trey might be under the influence, too. Liquor usually flowed freely at such events. Could be an interesting evening.

The four men in the hallway were busy joking with one another. Although she’d have to walk past them, they might be too involved to notice her. She could only hope.

As she drew closer, she confirmed that the three younger men were the Chance brothers. The older guy had a handmade card stuck in his hatband that said Groom. Must be Emmett Sterling.

“Give me one good reason why I can’t sleep with my fiancée tonight,” he said in a voice that carried down the hall. Yes, he was definitely tipsy.

Nick Chance stuck one finger in the air and belted out, “Tradition!”

“It ain’t mine,” Emmett said with a grin. “So back off, boys. I’m goin’ in.”

“I’d advise against it.” Gabe put a restraining hand on his shoulder. “You’ve slipped your little love note under the door, so we need to get goin’. I’m sure she told you about this program, buddy. She’s a thorough lady, and she would’ve mentioned it.”

“Yeah, but she was only joshin’.”

Gabe glanced over at Nick. “You think she was kidding, bro?”

Nick shook his head. “Not when I talked to her. She wanted to be A-L-O-N-E tonight.”

“Oh, she just thinks she does. I’ll convince her different,” Emmett said.

Head down to hide a smile, Elle walked faster. Maybe she could scoot past while they were arguing this delicate point.

“Emmett, this is why Pam got you a different room for tonight.” Jack sounded reasonable and patient. “She wouldn’t do that if she didn’t mean it.”

“But I still got a key for this one, and I know how to use it. I’ll surprise her. She loves surprises.”

Unable to help herself, Elle snuck a peek at the action. Emmett fished a card key from his pocket and started for the door. Feisty guy.

“Hang on, there, cowboy.” Nick caught his arm.

“Sorry, Emmett.” Jack plucked the key from his hand. “If we let you go through that door, our ass is grass. We promised Pam. The elevator’s right down this way.” With a glance at Nick, he took Emmett’s other arm. “What d’ya say we mosey in that direction, just for fun?”

“Fun means moseying through that door. Bunch of spoilsports.” But Emmett allowed himself to be turned.

That put all four of them on a collision course with Elle. She’d been too busy eavesdropping and hadn’t moved fast enough. She smiled brightly, pretending that she had not been listening in on their exchange. “Hi there, gentlemen! Did you have a good time at the bachelor party?”

“We surely did.” Jack turned to Emmett. “Emmett Sterling, our esteemed groom, I’d like you to meet our equally esteemed ski instructor, Elle Masterson.”

“Nice to meet you, ma’am.” Emmett touched the brim of his hat. “Thought about getting out there on the bunny slope, but Pam and I decided I might break something, which would mess up our honeymoon.”

“I understand.”

“Say, what’s this I hear about you being the young lady who pulled Trey Wheeler out of a snowdrift last spring?”

Hearing Trey’s name mentioned when she was on her way to have sex with the guy made her blush. “Fortunately I came along right after he flipped his Jeep.”

Emmett nodded. “I’m mighty glad you did. He’s a good hand and plays that guitar of his real nice, too. Kept us plenty entertained tonight.”

“I’m glad.” Dear God, how she wished that her blush would fade, but Trey was a subject guaranteed to put pink in her cheeks.

“I assume you’re free tomorrow afternoon and evening,” Emmett said, “since we’re your only responsibility and we sure as hell won’t be out skiing then.”

Carl had given her the day off, which wouldn’t help her at all when it came to Trey, who would be at the wedding. “I thought I’d do a little skiing on my own,” she said.

“Ah, you can do that anytime.” Emmett waved a dismissive hand. “Come to the wedding and watch me get hitched. Ceremony’s at two, but you’d best get there early and grab a good seat.”

“Thank you so much, but I don’t want to intrude.” That much was true, but she wouldn’t mind getting to hear Trey and Watkins perform.

“Emmett wouldn’t ask if he didn’t mean it,” Jack said. “It’s a great idea. We’re all grateful for what you did for Trey. You’d be most welcome.”

“Absolutely,” Nick added. “You have to come. I’m sure Pam would want you there, too.”

Gabe grinned at her. “It’ll be the wedding of the century. You don’t want to miss that, do you?”

She laughed. “Not when you put it that way. Thank you. I’ll be there.”

“Good. That’s settled.” Emmett looked pleased. “Now, before you go, I have an important question to ask. Normally I wouldn’t discuss this in public, but I’ve had a few drinks, so my tongue’s loosened up a bit. And you’re a woman.”

“Yes, I am. Excellent observation.”

“A mighty pretty woman, at that. Anyway, as a woman, what do you think of keeping a man and his fiancée apart the night before they get hitched?”

Elle glanced at Jack, whose eyebrows rose expressively. She understood his silent request that she help the cause, not hinder it.

As it happened, she was glad to. “I think it’s sweet,” she said, earning her a big smile from Jack. “Old-fashioned, maybe, but sweet. It gives you a chance to miss each other a little, and that will make the wedding night even better.”

“Hmm.” Emmett stroked his mustache. “Hadn’t thought of that. Might be true. Guess I’m okay with it.”

“If that’s settled, we’d best be off,” Nick said. “Big day tomorrow.”

“Yep.” Elle was more than ready to be on her way, too.

The men all said their good-nights and touched the brims of their hats in farewell.

“Thanks again for the invitation,” Elle said.

“We’ll be expecting you.” Jack met her gaze. “Have a good night, Elle.”

“Thanks.” She’d probably imagined a gleam of mischief in Jack’s dark eyes. As she continued down the hall, she told herself he didn’t know where she was going. Yeah, right. Why else would she be roaming the halls at one in the morning if not to pay a call on the cowboy in room 124—the very cowboy they’d just been discussing?

* * *

AFTER ELLE’S EAGERNESS that morning, Trey halfway expected her to beat him to the room. Instead, he had time to straighten the covers on the bed and retrieve a couple of condoms from his duffel bag. He’d bought more in one of the resort shops devoted to toiletries and over-the-counter medicine.

When she still hadn’t arrived, he sat on the bed and took off his boots. Then he stripped his belt from its loops and laid that on the dresser. After that, he had to stop himself from taking off everything else. Not cool. She might have caught him wearing only a towel this morning, but his showing up at the door like that again would lack class.

Yet he was too agitated to sit still. Laughing to himself, he thought of his original plan to have an in-depth conversation with Elle before getting nak*d. Good thing he’d shelved that idea. But he hadn’t given up on the concept of getting to know her better, and vice versa.

Their current situation put a premium on hav**g s*x, because they didn’t have the luxury of time. Maybe, after the wedding was over, they’d have that luxury. She’d still be working, though. He had a lot more questions than answers right now.

High on the list was wondering where the hell she was. He’d made the trip from his room to hers, even gotten lost, and it hadn’t taken him this long. He glanced at his phone, both to check the time and see if she’d texted. Okay, she wasn’t that late. His perception of time was skewed by his impatience.

At long last, the knock came. He hurried over and stubbed his toe on the desk chair. Swearing under his breath, he threw open the door.

“I got held up.”

“Never mind that.” He pulled her into the room, kicked the door shut and filled his arms full of warm, fragrant Elle. “God, you feel good.” He rained kisses on her upturned face. “And smell good.” He delved into her mouth. “And taste good,” he murmured, lifting his head and changing the angle so he could go deeper.

Nudging off her shoes, she pressed her sweet body against his, and unless he was mistaken, she didn’t have anything on under her yoga pants. He slid both hands inside her waistband and encountered her bare, sexy bottom. Not even a thong presented a barrier to his questing fingers.

His lips hovered over hers. “I like this decision.”

“I wish you’d shown up in a towel.”

“Didn’t want to be repetitive and boring.” He pushed the yoga pants down her h*ps and kneaded her sleek little derriere.

“Trust me, not boring.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” He reached between her thighs. “You’re soaking wet.”

She moaned softly. “Your fault.”

“And I could drive nails with my cock.”

Her laughter was breathless. “Maybe…” She gulped as he caressed her. “Maybe we should do something about that.”

“Good idea.” Cupping her bottom, he lifted her up. Her yoga pants fell to the floor as he cradled her against his jutting fly.

“Excellent move.” She wrapped her legs around him.

He carried her the short distance to the bed and lowered her to the mattress. Then he followed her down and wedged his aching cock, trapped behind his fly, between her thighs.

She squeezed her legs tighter, and her voice was ragged. “I’ll bet…if you stayed right there…I could come.”

“Want to?” He rocked his h*ps forward, pressing against her heat as he nibbled on her mouth.

She sucked in a breath. “I like the old-fashioned way.”

“Then turn me loose. I’ll take off my—”

“Can’t wait that long.” She relaxed her thighs and reached for the button below his navel. “Need you now.”

Lust scorched a path straight to his groin. “Go for it.” While she dealt with his zipper, he grabbed a condom on the bedside table. But when she pushed down his briefs and got both her hands on him, he groaned and nearly dropped the packet on the floor.

Desperation made him hold on to it. He ripped it open with his teeth, and she took over from there. He was breathing like a charging bull by the time she finished rolling it on, and then he was afraid he acted like one, too.

One of these times he would use more finesse when he engaged in this activity with her, but now wasn’t that time. Now was about thrusting home with no hesitation or apology. Fortunately, she didn’t seem to mind at all.

In fact, she seemed very pleased with his randy behavior, judging from the way she urged him on. She used some pretty earthy language to do it, too, and he loved that. She was no shy maid, his Elle.

Maybe he didn’t know a lot of things about her, but he knew how she responded to sexual pleasure. She gave it everything she had, which inspired him to do the same. He didn’t need to think about holding back and waiting for her orgasm, because she let him know it was right around the bend.

He could go headlong and seek the cli**x he craved. He could ride her with fierce energy because she asked him to. Hell, she begged him to. He could use the same four-letter words she used to describe the hot sex they were sharing.

She was, hands down, the best partner he’d ever had. Yeah, they’d have a conversation eventually, but he believed they were having one now. And this one counted, too. Oh, yeah, it counted.

She cried out and arched under him mere seconds before he came in a glorious rush that made him dizzy. They clung to each other and gasped for breath in unison. He didn’t know what else they’d find in common, what other pleasures they’d share, but this…this was unbelievable. And so right.
