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Dare to Desire

Dare to Desire (Dare to Love #2)(44)
Author: Carly Phillips

None of which had been on Alex’s radar. None of which he was certain he wanted. And though he conveyed his reservations to Kevin, the other man clearly wasn’t listening. He had his own agenda, which would line his pockets, and he expected Alex would give in and go along. Probably because, before his injury, he always had.

He then had a pre-dinner meeting with the head of S&E Network so the guy could schmooze with him ahead of the screen test with Allison Edwards. Alex didn’t have the opportunity to get to know or assess the other man, as Kevin was up his ass the entire time, as if he was afraid Alex would up and disappear on him before tomorrow.

And from there, his agent drove him over to the newest hot spot to see and be seen in town, so he could meet Allison for dinner and warm up to her before their on-air pairing test. For this meeting, Kevin decided to make himself scarce. Alex didn’t understand the man except that greed was his sole motivation. All the years before, he’d never cared as long as the other man did his job. Today he saw Kevin more clearly and wasn’t comfortable with his selfish, shark-like qualities.

“Make sure you get the chemistry flowing,” Kevin said as his parting shot before dropping Alex off at the restaurant and assuring him the limo would be waiting for him on his return.

The only good news in the entire day was that Rachel wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Apparently she’d been used as the connection to Alex and that was it. Something he was grateful for. He was glad to have made peace with her and his past, but he certainly didn’t want her anywhere near him in the future.

The restaurant, a place aptly named Buzz, was hopping with people, many of them famous. He caught sight of Eli Manning, the New York Giants quarterback, and his wife, and stopped to talk for a while. Eli was a guy Alex admired. Whereas while playing, he’d thought the man with his one woman was too tame, Alex now envied the home life the guy had and the way he managed his career. A few choice commercial spots, specific charity events, and time home with his family in between playing. Man, Alex realized now how screwed up his priorities had been before his injury. If his agent had his way, he’d be thrown right back into that fast-track way of life.

He ran his hand through his hair and groaned as he was hit by the sudden need to hear Madison’s voice. He hadn’t spoken to her the entire day. Hell, he hadn’t had five minutes to breathe or even think for himself.

He pulled his phone from his pants pocket and began to dial just as the hostess came over. “Mr. Dare? Your dinner companion has arrived. May I show you to your table?”

Resigned, he slid his cell back into his pocket and followed the woman over to where Allison Edwards sat waiting.

“Alex!” she said, rising as he walked over.

“Hi, Allison.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek. They’d met once or twice at various functions, and she’d interviewed him after a playoff game.

The good news was he’d been smart enough not to hit on women he worked with in a professional capacity—before Madison, that is—and he could have a decent working relationship with Allison, should he want to go that route.

Alex had to admit he and Allison got along well. They had a lot in common, with their love and knowledge of sports. They were able to find a rhythm and banter without trying too hard, and he wasn’t at all concerned about them having an issue on camera in the morning. Over dinner, they shared a bottle of wine—not his usual choice of drink, but she’d insisted he try her new favorite, and he had to admit it was good.

As the evening wore on, the restaurant grew more crowded, and it became difficult to hear each other speak. She moved from across the table to the seat beside his, enabling her to lean close while they talked. By the time the waiter asked if they wanted dessert, Alex was ready to crash in his bed, but Allison ordered chocolate mousse, and he had no choice but to wait. He asked for a double espresso, hoping the shot of caffeine would help him stay awake for a little while longer.

The waiter brought the small dessert with two spoons. Alex shook his head and declined her offer to share. But she tasted and moaned about how good it was, offering him a taste with her spoon. He wasn’t the least bit tempted, not in the chocolate treat or in her, as he belatedly realized she was also putting herself on the menu.

He shook his head and swore to himself, wondering when he’d gotten so out of practice that he didn’t notice a beautiful woman coming on to him. “Allison, listen. I’m involved with someone.”

She leaned back in her seat and watched him, amusement in her dark eyes. “All the good ones usually are.”

“I’m sorry.” He didn’t know what else to say.

She flipped her long hair behind her and laughed. “Alex, come on. You haven’t been out of the game for that long.”

Completely lost, he shook his head. “Maybe I have. What’s going on?”

“The offer is a done deal. Tomorrow is just a formality for the network brass. And this?” She gestured between them. “You and me? Dinner? The choice of restaurants, the new hot spot where we’re sure to be seen, all carefully orchestrated for exactly that. To be seen. The two new hosts of the hottest new sports show. Tomorrow at the audition, they’ll get some damn good, comfortable clips to use for promotion.”

He narrowed his gaze, but she went on, and he figured the best thing he could do was let her explain. Because he felt like he’d dropped onto another planet.

“And once the clips are released, everyone will be speculating whether that chemistry between us on the air is so good because we’re a couple off the air too. Backed up by pictures of us here. Tonight.” She waved a hand around them, and suddenly everything became clear.

“Kevin set this up.” His SOB agent, Alex thought.

“Well, Kevin and the network. Come on, it’s brilliant! Your stock and cachet will only go up when we explode onto the scene. They’re going to take this show national and run it on TV as well as the Internet,” she said, her enthusiasm and excitement huge.

“Did anyone even think of just asking me to go along?” he asked through clenched teeth. Because no way in hell would he have said yes.

She wrinkled her nose. “Well, your agent said you were waffling about wanting the job. He figured you just needed a good push and a reminder of all you’ve been missing out on to get your head back into the game. So to speak.”

“He had no right to lie to me.”

“Part of the reason was to make things between us seem natural. If you knew someone would be shooting cell phone pictures tonight for gossip rags, would you have been as relaxed with me? I was an actress before the news gig.”
