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Dark Bites

Dark Bites (Dream-Hunter #1)(62)
Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Here the Regis, one representative for each branch of the Katagaria and Arcadians, met. It was amazing to her that they didn’t fight. But then that was why Savitar was here.

More like a referee, Savitar held the final fate of all of them in his hands. The only problem was no one really knew what Savitar was. Or even where he came from.

“Where’s Fury?” she asked Vane.

“I don’t know.”

“Are all the members here?”

He scanned the group. “All but Fury.”

Before she could ask another question, she felt a ripple of power behind her. Turning, she found an unbelievably gorgeous man there. At least six-feet-eight, he had long dark hair and a goatee. Dressed in surf clothes, he eyed her suspiciously.

“You have your witnesses, Wolf?” he asked Vane.

“I do.”

“Then let’s proceed.” He walked past the round table where the Omegrion members sat and took a seat on a throne that was set apart.

“Savitar?” she asked Vane.

He nodded.

Damn. He was scary.

Savitar let out a long, exaggerated sigh. “I know everyone here wants to be somewhere else. Trust me. So do I. But for those who haven’t heard and you’d have to live under a rock…” He looked over to the Arcadian Hawk Regis and hesitated. “Okay, so some of you do, which is why I have to explain this. It appears some of our good Arcadians have created and now used a weapon that can take away your preternatural abilities and lock you into your base form.”

Several members sucked their breaths in sharply.

Savitar nodded. “Yeah, it sucks. Two days ago, a couple of bastards decided to go hunting. I have the head of two of the four people responsible.” He indicated the lions to his left. “The family of the victim wants the other two. Dead. But tortured first. I can respect that.”

“Do we hunt?” Nicolette Peltier asked.

“No. It seems one of those responsible has come forward to turn himself in. He claims he killed the fourth member and doesn’t want to run.”

“Where is he?” Paris’s brother demanded.

“Wait your turn, Lion, or I’ll be wearing your eyeballs as jewelry.”

The lion backed down immediately.

Savitar snapped his fingers, and Fury appeared before his throne in chains.

Angelia started for him, only to have Vane stop her.

Fury did a doubletake as he saw her. “Dammit, Vane, I told you not to – ” A muzzle appeared on his face.

Savitar glared at him. “Next person or animal who interrupts me is going to get gutted.”

Fury’s gaze was locked on hers. Don’t speak, he projected to her. It’s better this way. Trust me. You can go home and have your life back.

Was he out of his mind?

That thought died as she saw Dare appear next to Fury.

Savitar eyed Dare with contempt. “We have a witness who swears he saw Fury in the act. Since that corroborates what Fury has said, I suppose your vote on his fate will be an easy one. Unless someone in the room has something more to add.”

Sasha stepped forward. “Fury didn’t do it. He’s protecting someone. I know him. I might not like his ass, but I know he’s innocent. I was there at Sanctuary when he saw the lion and he knew nothing about it.”

“It’s true,” Nicolette Peltier said. “I, too, saw him. He told me he would find the one responsible and make them pay.”

Savitar stroked his chin. “Interesting, isn’t it? What do you have to say about that, Fury?”

The muzzle vanished. “They’re on crack.”

Savitar shook his head. “Anyone else on crack?”

Tears stung Angelia’s eyes at the sacrifice Fury was willing to make. But she couldn’t let him do this. Looking down, she traced his symbol on her palm.

It would have been her greatest honor to be his mate and have his children.

If only it could have been.

“Fury’s innocent,” she said, stepping forward. “He confessed to save – ”


Angelia froze in shock as Dare cleared his throat.

“What was that?” Savitar asked.

Dare glanced to her, then looked at Fury. “I’m the one who fired the shot that maimed the lion. The one who killed the other is already dead.”

“And the others?”

“Also dead.”

Fury shook his head at Dare. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because it was my wrongdoing, and I refuse to have an animal show me up by being noble. Fuck you.”

“We had a bargain,” Fury said under his breath.

“I’m altering it.” Dare looked back at Angelia. “It’s time for once that I did the right thing for the right reasons.”

Savitar folded his arms over his chest. “We have another confession from Dare Kattalakis. Going once, going twice… are there any more confessions in the room? Anyone else want to admit to shooting a lion?” He paused. “Didn’t think so.”

The lions moved forward. “Then he’s ours.”

Savitar shook his head. “Actually, he’s mine. Sorry. You’ve already taken the heads of two Arcadians. Be glad I don’t demand justice for their families. We’re going to assume they were guilty, but without a trial…”

The lions looked less than pleased, but no one dared to question him.

“As for this little toy they used, don’t worry. I’ve already made sure the inventor doesn’t invent anything else. I have my people tracking down the handful he sold and we should have them destroyed soon. In the meantime…”

Dare vanished, and Fury’s shackles melted.

“Omegrion is adjourned.”

The council members flashed out.

Except for the wolves and Nicolette. Fury walked over to where they were standing. He held his hand out to Sasha. “Thanks.”

“No problem. And we’re still not friendly.”

Fury’s eyes danced with humor. “Yeah, you prick, I hate your guts.” He looked at Nicolette. “It was decent of you, too, to speak up.”

“You are still banned from my house… unless you’re wounded.” She teleported out.

Fury shook his head, then looked at Lia. All humor died. “You were going to turn yourself in to save me.”

“I told you, Fury. I will always stand at your back.”

He took her hands into his and then kissed each one in turn. “My back isn’t where I want you.”

She arched a brow. “No? Where would you prefer me, then?” She expected him to say under him – it was what an Arcadian male would say.

But he didn’t.

“I want you at my side. Always.”

“Ugh,” Fang groused. “Wolves, get a room.”

Angelia smiled. “Sounds like a great idea.”

The next thing she knew, they were home.

Savitar didn’t move as he watched the last of the wolves clear the room. The moment it was empty, he felt a power surge next to him.

It was Zarek.

“Sasha went home, Z.”

“Yeah, I know. I was checking with you about our earlier discussion.”

“My demons got most of the weapons.”


“There are still a few out there.”

Zarek cursed. “If Sasha gets nailed with one, Astrid will lose her mind.”

“Believe me, Z, I know.” Savitar looked out toward the clear horizon, but inside, he knew the same thing that Zarek did. There was a storm brewing. Fierce and violent.

They’d stopped this minor bout. But it was nothing compared to the one that was coming.

Fury lay in bed, nak*d, with Angelia on top of him. Their palms were still pressed together from their mating ritual.

“I still can’t believe you would have died so that I could go home.”

“I can’t believe you were going to call me a liar and take my place under the guillotine. Next time I try to save you, woman, you better stay saved.”

She laughed, then nipped at his chin. “I shall promise to behave, on only one condition.”

“And that is?”

“That you bond your life force to mine.”

He scowled at her. “Why is that so important to you?”

She swallowed against the lump in her throat. “Don’t you know?”


“Because I love you, Wolf, and I don’t ever want to spend another day in this life without you. Where you den, I den, and when you die, I die, too.”

Fury looked up at her in disbelief. In all his life, he’d only ever wanted one thing.

And Lia had just given it to him. A woman he could love and depend on.

“For you, my lady wolf, I would do anything.”

Anglia smiled as she felt him growing hard again. Kissing his hand, she knew that this time they wouldn’t just have sex. This time they would be joined throughout all eternity.


New Orleans, 2007

Nick Gautier was finally home.

And he was pissed. As the taxi wended its way from the airport in the midmorning traffic toward his Bourbon Street home and he saw the scars that were still left by the hurricane Katrina, his blood literally boiled.

How could this have happened? Closing his eyes, he tried to blot out the boarded-up windows and fallen signs. The white FEMA trailers. The malls and stores that were in shambles. But those images were replaced by the news feeds he’d seen of victims stranded on rooftops, of fires burning, of rioting in the streets…

Nick couldn’t breathe. New Orleans was his home. His touchstone. This city had birthed him. She was his lifeblood and the soul he’d sold to be reborn. And in one heartbeat, she’d been torn asunder. Crippled.

Never in his life had he seen anything like this.

Growing up here, he’d lived through numerous hurricanes over the years. They hadn’t had the money to evacuate like most people for the worst storms so he and his mom would get into her broken-down red Yugo or Mennie’s Taurus and drive up to Hattiesburg, Mississippi, where they would camp out in a grocery store parking lot, eating Deviled Ham sandwiches on stale bread with mustard packets, until it was safe to return. Somehow his mother had always made those days fun and adventurous, even when they were hunkered down in the car during tornado warnings.

After the storms cleared, they’d come home to a sight similar to what he saw now, only on a lesser scale, but within a few weeks’ time, everything would be back to normal.

It was now going on two years after the hurricane and still there were closed businesses – businesses that had been here for years, and in some cases, centuries. There were entire areas of the city that looked as if the hurricane had just blown through.

Most of his friends were either dead or relocated. People he’d known for decades.

In one heartbeat, everything had changed.

Nick gave a bitter laugh at the thought. He, personally, had changed more than anything else. No longer human, he wasn’t even sure what he was anymore.

The only thing that kept him going was his furious need for vengeance on the ones he blamed for this catastrophe.

He moved his hand to scratch his neck then froze as he felt the bite mark there. By taking a blood exchange, Stryker had made him his agent. If Nick obeyed the Daimon lord then Stryker would give him the means to destroy the man who’d ruined Nick’s life… and his town.

Acheron Parthenopaeus. At one time, they had been best friends. Brothers to the bitter end. Then Nick had made the mistake of sleeping with a woman he hadn’t known was Ash’s daughter.

Ash had torn him apart over it.

That he could handle. What had made them enemies was the night Nick’s mother had died right after that, and Ash had allowed it. Unlike the other immortal beings who made New Orleans home, Nick knew the secrets that Ash carried. He wasn’t just the leader of a group of immortal warriors who served the goddess Artemis, and protected mankind from the vampiric Daimons who ate their souls.

No… Ash was a god in addition to leading the Dark-Hunter army for Artemis. He had the power to do anything he wanted. He could have saved Nick’s mom or at least brought her back from the dead the way he’d saved Kyrian Hunter and his wife Amanda. But Ash hadn’t done that. He’d turned his back on Nick and left Cherise Gautier dead.

Nor had Ash saved this city from the storm. Up until the night Nick had slept with Simi, Ash had loved this city more than anything. That Ash would never have allowed New Orleans to suffer.

But that was before they’d become enemies. Before Nick had taken the wrong woman home.

Now Ash hated him so much that he’d taken everything from Nick.

Everything. Nick winced as he thought about Didymos – the island where Acheron had been born in ancient Greece. The island that Ash had sent to the bottom of the sea in a fit of anger very similar to the one he’d had when he sent Nick through a wall.

“Nice house.”

Nick looked up as the driver’s voice interrupted his thoughts. Sighing, he stared at the Bourbon Street mansion that had been his home since his graduation from high school.
