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Dark Descent

Dark Descent (Dark #11)(10)
Author: Christine Feehan

"Where the hell did that come from?" Jubal demanded. "That’s no natural bridge. Who could have carved such a thing? Can we cross it?"

Traian studied it warily. He shook his head. "I am beginning to be very afraid we have stumbled into a cave we do not want to be in. I fear that bridge is an invitation to death. A trap."

Jubal glared at him. "If you know something, tell us." He caught Joie’s hand and pulled her away from Traian. She was already looking upward, searching for another way out of the hall. "Joie, slow down for a minute," Jubal ordered. "I don’t understand what’s going on here, but I can tell you, this man is dangerous. We don’t know him and we don’t need to be associated with him." He actually shoved her behind him, the look in his ice-cold eyes making it clear he was prepared to protect his sisters against an obvious predator. "Why are we taking his word for anything?"

Traian swung his head around, his eyes glittering with menace. There was instant silence. Joie wrapped her fingers around her brother’s wrist. "I think we can talk about this at a more opportune time. Maybe when the fiends from hell aren’t chasing after us."

"Has it occurred to you, he’s one of them?" Jubal demanded, glaring at Traian. "He drank your blood, Joie. That ought to tell you something right there."

"It tells her I am different. Not quite human. The fact that I did not kill her – or you, for that matter – tells you I am not vampire." Traian spoke very quietly. "I will not allow any harm to come to her."

Joie made a move to slide past her brother, but he sidestepped, staying between her and Traian. She glared at him. "What is wrong with you? You aren’t going all macho and stupid on me, are you, Jubal? I love you dearly, but you can’t be serious. Did you see that thing? We’ve got to get out of here, and Traian knows the way." She tilted her chin to look up at him. "You do know the way, don’t you?"

Gabrielle slipped her hand into her sister’s. "I’m afraid, Joie. I’ve got a terrible feeling we’re all going to die."

"The vampires are broadcasting terror and images of death to feed your natural fear," Traian explained. "They are hunting something in these caves. The network is very large and, as you can see, not all naturally formed. I stayed to try to find what they are looking for. Vampires do not normally put so much energy into a project. Whatever it is they want, their finding it will not benefit either the Carpathian or the human race." Jubal nodded toward the raw wounds on Traian’s chest. "You’ve been in a few battles with them." He nodded. "Yes, and I have noticed changes in their behavior. Now vampires are running in packs. They used to be out for themselves, or occasionally a master vampire would use the newer ones as fodder for his battles, but lately they seem to be organized."

Jubal shoved a hand through his hair in agitation. "I feel like I’m losing my mind. Vampires are Hollywood creations, creatures in movies. They aren’t real." He stared hard at Traian’s mouth, trying to see his teeth. "I saw you bite my sister’s neck, and I’m sorry, but that puts you into the vampire category as far as I’m concerned. You just go your way and we’ll go ours, and we’ll pretend we never saw you."

Traian’s gaze swept over Jubal, his glittering eyes taking on a peculiar reddish glow in the light from the helmets. He noted Jubal’s aggressive posture, his clenched fists. "Do you think to fight me? There is no way to win. I am powerful beyond your imagination, just as the vampires are. You still do not understand the danger you are in."

"You didn’t look so powerful lying there while that thing was having you for dinner," Jubal snapped.

"He does have a point, Traian," Joie said. "But we don’t have time for this." She could hear a sound accompanying the drip of the water. A soft clicking, like branches banging together in the wind. It made her edgy.

There was no warning. One moment Traian stood in the glare of their lights, the next a huge, shaggy black wolf with a mouthful of lethal teeth sat in his place, eyes focused menacingly on Jubal. Gabrielle screamed and stumbled backward. Jubal reached out to catch her, dragging her away from the abyss to comparative safety beside the snarling animal.

Joie circled the wolf’s neck with a restraining arm. "Totally impressive, but not something I want to take home to Mom." Her heart was pounding so loudly, it sounded like a drum in her ears. Even her mouth was dry.

There is no need to fear me. I would never harm you.

"Why would you think I was afraid of you?" Joie demanded. "I’m not in the least afraid. I’m keeping you under control."

It may have something to do with the knife you are holding to my throat.

Traian said it casually, a soft amusement in his voice, as if the blade pressed so tightly against him didn’t matter in the least.

And that scared her more than the fact he had just shape-shifted into a predator. She looked down at her arm curved around his neck. The fur was thick and luxurious, and her arm was nearly buried in it. But she could feel the handle of the knife in her hand. She let out her breath and slowly eased the blade away from his throat. "I was just making certain you were paying attention," she said as she slipped the blade back into the scabbard.

Traian calmly shifted back into his true form. "Just how many weapons do you carry on you? You seem to be a walking arsenal."

"You are a walking arsenal," Jubal accused. "Joie, how did you get mixed up with him? And it’s obvious you’re talking with him telepathically."

Joie burst out laughing. "You sound so accusing, Jubal. I told you I was talking to him telepathically. We all do it. Don’t pretend it’s all that unusual for us."

"We have to work at it," Jubal complained. "You seem to communicate with him effortlessly."

"Jubal, we can discuss all this later when we’re far away from here," Joie said. "That clicking noise is driving me crazy. I don’t like the rhythm; it’s not natural."

"I want to get out of here," Gabrielle said. "Joie, find us a way out." Her voice trembled, and she sounded very forlorn.

"We’ll get out, hon," Joie said with confidence. "If the two macho boys can stop beating their chests long enough" – she blew her brother a kiss – "we’ll figure this out." The dripping of the water was more insistent. She looked anxiously toward Traian. Something was wrong. He knew it. She knew it.

"I will take them across and come back for you," Traian said to Joie. There was no sense in attempting to take his lifemate first. It was clear she would never go without the others, and he didn’t want to waste time arguing. He held out his hand toward Gabrielle. "Come with me."
