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Dark Secrets

Dark Secrets (Dark Secrets #1)(179)
Author: A.M. Hudson

Everything was back where it was before—before the universe flipped the hourglass, before I lost everything in my world that grounded my soul, and before I ever knew anything about David Knight.

Now, I was in the arms of the one I was destined to be with all along.

It was an odd learning curve, and a painful one, but I just had to accept it. When I got home, when I landed in Perth and went home to Mike’s house, she wouldn’t be there—around the corner. Mum was gone. Harry was gone. And I had to move on.

This was moving on.

I closed my eyes and let the world pass by for a moment, spinning, like the snow in a musical, glass dome. When I opened them again, fairy lights twinkled from the tall white trunks of leafless trees, and soft music filled my ears as sound suddenly enhanced my world again.

An almost magical glow seemed to surround everything. The majestic old council chamber sat tall as the backdrop to the dim, candle-lit space, and masked dancers twirled around the floor with hypnotic cadence—sweeping and bowing to the harmony of a string quartet.

Mike and I stood at the cusp of the wooden dance floor, surrounded by the beauties, but my eyes delighted only in the canopy of stars, observing the Masquerade from the kingdom above.

“Do you recognise anyone?” Mike asked.

“No.” I felt kind of lost, like I was alone in the crowded space. The dance floor, the stairs, and even the balcony off the council chamber were filled with people—masked strangers, just like me—but for all I felt in my soul, the court could’ve been completely empty.

“Would you like some refreshments before we dance?” Mike gestured toward the balcony.

“I’m fine.” I tucked my arms into my chest, wondering if David was here—watching.

“Would you like to dance?” Mike bowed, offering his hand.

“Not really.”

“Aw, come on, Ara. First rule of a dance is never to refuse a dance,” he said with a grin, stealing my hand.

Rolling my eyes, I sunk into a curtsy, obliging Mike, and with one step over the threshold of the dance floor, he swept me into his safe, strong arms, and we joined the flow of dancers like a rose petal on the breeze; never missing a beat. I followed each step of Mike’s wide stride, closing the movement with a short, gliding turn, making patterns like circles around the room. “When did you learn to dance like this?” I asked, very impressed.

“Well, a guy’s gotta know a few tricks if he’s gonna get the girl.” He flashed his cheeky grin, and a small flutter started my heart.

“I like this new you,” I said, turning my head in the direction our hands led us.

“Good, because this is the me you’ll be marrying.”

The music faded out then, and the room came to a standstill; Mike kissed my hand and bowed, while the rest of the crowd softly applauded the musicians.

“Can we go find Em and the others now?” I asked.

“Of course, Ara. This is your night. We can do whatever you want.” He looked over his shoulder. “Come on, we’ll go to the balcony—it’ll be easier to see from up there.”

As we passed through the crowd, they parted for us, turning their heads; I leaned closer to Mike and whispered, “What are they staring at?”

“You,” he said.

“Why? Is my bra showing?” I quickly tucked my thumb around the rim of my dress.

“No, baby.” He laughed, pushing my hand down. “It’s just because, of all the beauty here tonight, you’re the brightest thing in the room.”

Shrinking into myself, I glanced at the other costumes; pale grey, coffee, burgundy, black—no blue. I was the only girl in a colour this bright. “Great. I feel like a wasp at a bumblebee convention.”

Mike laughed. “Well, you look like the flower.”

“Erg.” I rolled my eyes.

We stopped by the balcony railing and looked down onto the room of dancers, swirling under a blanket of stars. I felt like a god between worlds.

“Wow, it’s so much prettier from up here.”

“Yeah. These Yanks really know how to throw a shindig.”

“Yanks?” I raised a brow at him.

He just grinned, inching away from the slap he expected. But as he turned back to lean on the railing again, he stopped, watching a young couple giggle their way into the darkness on the other side of the chamber court. “What’s down there?”

I looked too. The gardens were dark, the lights, usually lining the paths that wound through the endless trees and wide planes of grass, were switched off—an obvious attempt to deter hot-blooded teens. Little did the planning committee realise, that dark spaces made it so much easier to be…’romantic’.

“Do you think your friends might be down there?”

“Don’t think so,” I said with a sigh. Above, the clock on the tower chimed nine; its hollow, long tolls haunting and dreary, like warning bells down the streets of death and plague.

He nodded a few times, his eyes narrowing. “You’re missing him…aren’t you?”

“I—” I drew a breath and looked away; there was no point in lying.

“I’m sorry,” he said, looking down at his clasped hands.

“Mike?” I started, “It’s—”

“Hey, there you are.” Before I even spun around, Emily wrapped her arms over my shoulders and squeezed. I gave Spencer, who stood awkwardly in the dust cloud of Emily’s enthusiasm, a short wave. “We’ve been looking everywhere for you guys.”

“Yeah, sorry.” I stood back from her, swiping my hair from my face. “But we’re here now. And look at you—” Emily twirled around to show her long blonde ponytail, in a spiral down her back, and the perfect fit of the dress; Mike cleared his throat beside me. “I can’t believe how grown-up you look.”

“Yeah, my mom says—” She stopped and looked beside us when Mike and Spencer shook hands. “Oh yeah, sorry guys.” She ducked her head a little. “Um, Mike—Spence; Spence—Mike.”

“Nice to meet you.” Mike grinned.

“So, you’re Ara’s fiancé?” Spence looked at me for confirmation.

“The one and only,” I said; Mike grinned as I linked my arm in his. He liked that. I could tell. And I liked that he liked it. “So, Spencer? You scrub up nice,” I added.

“Yeah, thanks. You’re not so bad yourself, Ara.” He appraised my gown—not in a creepy way, but I think he was just as shocked as I was that it was actually me under all the sparkles.
