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Dark Storm

"Jasmine is going to give birth any minute," Riordan explained. "Juliette feared complications, so we've been bringing her to a doctor they know here in the city. She's jaguar and takes care of many of their women. A couple of days ago, she began to feel as if someone was following her. I wasn't with her, but some of our people were and they saw nothing to make them suspicious. Juliette and I went out when we rose and we couldn't find a hint of anyone watching her. Still, she was so uneasy, I didn't dismiss it."

"Thank God," Juliette said.

"This evening, I received a call, first from a friend in the police department and then from Jasmine's doctor. The police made a grisly find when they busted a warehouse filled with drugs. A bunch of Goth kids belonging to some underground cult were making their home under the warehouse and they had the bodies of six infants dipped in gold. They claimed the babies had been stillborn, and they were selling them on the black market."

Horrified, Riley stepped back and bumped into Dax. He dropped his hands onto her shoulders to steady her. Instantly, she felt comforted. His hands were large and strong, but his touch was very gentle. He didn't say much, but he didn't need to.

"That's disgusting," Jubal said. "I hope they throw away the key."

"There are some cultures that believe having the body of a child dipped in gold in their home brings luck," Riordan said.

"Who in their right mind would think that an infant's body covered in gold would bring them luck?" Jubal demanded. "That's sick."

"Nevertheless," Riordan said. "It happens. It's just that Dr. Silva, Jasmine's doctor, thinks all six babies came from women going to her clinic. All jaguar women. She said that six of her patients in various stages of pregnancy had suddenly stopped coming to her; they'd just disappeared. She tried contacting them, but no one called her back. Jaguar women can be very elusive ..."

"They have to be," Juliette defended. "But they wouldn't stop going to their doctor before giving birth." She stepped away from him and paced in agitation some feet away.

Riordan reached out to her. Juliette immediately put her hand in his. "I know you're worried about her, but nothing will happen to Jasmine. She's got all of us to look out for her."

"She's been through so much," Juliette said. "To add this is just wrong. If she really knew they were after her again, she'd be devastated."

"Her doctor warned her to be careful. She had a bad feeling about the other women and had even gone so far as to go to the police, but no one seemed alarmed. Dr. Silva said two of the women had acted uneasy and one said she thought someone had been outside her house the night before," Riordan continued. "Most of the jaguar men are scattered, but many have gone to the cities. We were afraid they would begin stalking the women here."

"That's what Dr. Silva thought," Juliette said. "That the men had found them. All of those targeted were carrying jaguar babies, so we assumed it was the males looking to take them back."

"Juliette and I went to the women's homes, believing we could pick up the trail and get the women back," Riordan added. He shook his head and glanced at his lifemate.

"It wasn't jaguar men," Juliette assured. "There was no evidence of any of them anywhere near the women's homes or properties. I would have been able to scent them."

"You believe a vampire has something to do with these disappearances?" Riordan asked Dax, cutting to the chase.

"You're uneasy. Juliette is uneasy. Jasmine is."

Riordan frowned as he nodded slowly. "I felt the presence of evil but I couldn't track it. It was very strange. We hunt the forest and cities all up and down South America. This felt different to me. I couldn't quite catch the scent, but I knew it was there. Very evil and yet so faint that I couldn't follow the trail. I hunt vampires and yet this was ... different is the only word I can think of. I couldn't identify it as the undead."

"We tracked Mitro here to this city," Dax said. "It would not surprise me if he was behind this. He is unlike any vampire you have ever faced, and it is not easy to track him, not even for me and I've followed him for hundreds of years. He is ... different."

Juliette shuddered and moved closer to Riordan. "Jasmine can't know this, and she has to be guarded around the clock."

"Gary and I can stay with her during the day," Jubal volunteered.

"And thanks to Juliette's cousin, Solange, we're able to be up longer during the day, so if there's need we can come to your aid," Riordan said.

Dax felt the familiar leap in his brain connecting dots. "Solange?" He needed more information. He had no idea what he was onto, but he'd been following Mitro for so long that he knew the way the vampire thought and acted. His brain had jumped at the casual conversation, his instincts suddenly kicking in.

"Solange is my cousin," Juliette said. "Lifemate to Dominic."

"Of the Dragonseekers? He still lives?" Dax asked.

Riordan nodded.

Dax crossed to the railing. He was unused to being so close to so many people, and looking out at the lights of the city made him feel less closed in. "What is different about Solange's blood that allows you to stay in sunlight?"

"She's jaguar royalty," Riordan explained. "She's exchanged blood with us, and that's allowed us to handle the sun for longer periods of time, but there is a cost. The weakness is severe and comes on unexpectedly and very rapidly. We try not to use that ability too often because you can find yourself in danger very quickly, but it does give us some advantages we didn't have before."

"Does all jaguar blood allow Carpathians to stay longer hours in the sun?" Dax asked, staring straight ahead at the dazzling display of lights.

"If that was the case, I would have been the first to discover it," Riordan said. "Juliette was jaguar. I would have been able to spend more hours awake."

"How do you know that you couldn't? Did you try?" Dax asked.

Riordan and Juliette looked at one another, clearly shocked. Riordan eventually shook his head. "I didn't think to try, why would I? Still, I don't think Juliette's blood could have done what Solange's blood does, and of course now, Juliette's wholly Carpathian so it's a moot point."

Dax turned to face the Carpathian. He was a hunter first, and he knew his prey almost as well as he knew himself. If Mitro was behind killing pregnant women and taking their babies, it wasn't all for his amusement. He had targeted each victim deliberately. If he had found a way to prolong his time in the early morning or evening hours, he could do even more harm than he already was doing. He made a formidable enemy already. By adding daylight hours, he would have more time to recruit his army and more time to kill or make puppets.

Riordan shook his head. "No vampire could ever go out in the sun. It isn't possible."

"Mitro is no ordinary vampire," Dax cautioned. "I took his heart and threw it in the magma pool and still he lives."

Riordan went very still. Juliette's gasp was audible.

Dax had no way of knowing, but the morbid, depraved taking of unborn infants from their mothers felt like Mitro. He looked at Riley. Obviously, she was thinking along the same lines as he was. She looked horrified. Truly horrified. He wanted to put his arms around her and shelter her close to his heart, keep her from twisted, depraved monsters.

Her eyes met his. She sent him a small, reluctant smile and his heart turned over. I'm all right. We've seen how bad he is. And we came here for this.

Arabejila's blood as well as her gifts-and those of her ancestors-ran deep in Riley's veins. If there was one person who could track Mitro, it was Riley, and she understood that.

"Take us there, to one of these houses where you felt a presence," Dax ordered. "Tonight. We have no time to lose." He didn't give the others time to refuse, turning on his heel, holding out his hand to Riley and gliding toward the door.

There was relief in leaving the inside of the house. He could see how the Carpathians had designed it to suit them, but they were used to the modern world and civilization. He was not. The air didn't feel the same. Nothing felt the same to him inside four walls. Riley's presence helped, but he preferred the outdoors and the mountains.

Riordan hesitated. "Juliette?"

"I'll stay with Gary and Jubal. We can watch over Jasmine. With safeguards, if the vampire has targeted her, his puppets won't be able to get in here if you don't return before the sun comes up. We'll be safe as long as we're inside."

Riordan nodded and then followed Dax out. Both hunters inhaled deeply, scenting the air, seeking information. Riley crouched low as both worked on the safeguards for the house, sinking her hands into the soil. Dax linked with her to gain knowledge the earth might provide to them.

There was always that first little resistance to his push into her mind. She hadn't quite figured out how to be open mind-to-mind at all times, but she couldn't resist the way he poured warmth into her once he touched her. His half of their soul cried out for hers, and hers answered. There was no more being alone, every shadow gone, and each time they shared minds, they both found it difficult to break apart.

His blood surged hotly the moment they shared their intimate connection. He waited until the first rush passed and watched his heart, that he didn't change the rhythm of hers. Deep in her veins, a pulse thrummed, keeping time to her heartbeat. She seemed to be concentrating on what should have been her own pulse.

He stepped closer to her, dropped his hand on the back of her neck, and moved deeper into her mind. She was following something she understood, but he hadn't quite grasped yet. He stayed still, waiting. He was a hunter and he had learned patience. Whatever was eluding him surely would come to him, there was no doubt in his mind.

There it was. A tiny irregular beat inside her pulse. He listened intently.

It's not right, Riley said. This is strange. Something is very wrong here. Feel the way my blood moves in my veins. It's very faint, but there is something pulling me toward the edge of the cliffs, over to the left. I think he was there ...

She broke off, shaking her head, and turned to look around her. A small grove of trees was off to the left, branches swaying slightly.

I would know if he was here.

You're right. It wasn't him, but his blood was here. A distance so as not to disturb the occupants, but someone or something is watching.

Dax pushed a brushing of air that would feel like a touch on Riordan's shoulder to warn him. He switched to the common Carpathian mind link. We are not alone.

The watcher was no doubt following the movement of Riordan's hands as he set the safeguards over his home in the city, rendering those inside vulnerable.

You are certain of this? Riordan didn't stop the motion of his hands, but he set the weaves in odd patterns.

Riley is certain of it, and that's good enough for me. I catch a faint trail, but it isn't Mitro. Riley says his blood is here, Dax informed the other Carpathian.

He had taken both Jubal's and Gary's memories, but he had not done so with Riordan. Memories were sacred to each Carpathian male. Sometimes honor was kept only with memories. He felt handicapped by his lack of knowledge of what had transpired in the history of his people. Gary had the most knowledge, but he was human and didn't have the data required for centuries of fighting vampires or what information the hunters had on them or the tricks they used.

Riley trembled beneath his fingers, and Dax started a slow massage. Just continue what you're doing, sivamet. We will find it, this watcher. Can you track the blood without the watcher?

Her mind moved against his and once again he experienced that strange weakness in the vicinity of his heart. She didn't protest, or fall apart, but kept her hands deep in the soil, her head down as if listening intently.

Yes, I think there have been others, back in the same grove of trees. More than one, but a few days ago. The trail is very faint, but if I listen to my blood, the call is there.

Dax continued massaging her neck with one hand, the other down at his side, hand open, subtly moving, shifting the wind just slightly, bringing it rushing up from the ravine, swirling around the grove of trees and gusting straight to him.

Second tree from the left. High up in the branches. A rodent. Mitro's using him the way the mages used familiars, he informed Riordan.

I've got him now, Riordan acknowledged, dropping his hands as if he had finished and thought his home safe.

You'll have to come with us, Dax whispered softly into Riley's mind. If you don't, he'll know we're onto him. He had to keep reminding himself she wasn't Carpathian, but she didn't flinch, although she didn't attempt to hide her silent reluctance.

She took the hand he extended to her and got up, taking her time dusting off her jeans. He knew she was giving herself time to compose and steel herself for whatever was to come.

"I'm ready," she said aloud, flashing a smile to him and then to Riordan. "Let's go. I'll do the shopping. Those boys are starving, and I doubt the two of you know much about grocery shopping." She even managed a small laugh at her own joke.

He tangled his fingers with hers, amazed at her playful tone, not overly loud; in fact, he wasn't certain the watcher could hear her, but it didn't matter. She acted perfectly natural. He quickened his pace without seemingly doing so. Riley fell a step behind, but he appeared not to notice, leaning toward Riordan to say something in a low voice as they walked down the winding path to get to the vehicle parked in the left-side garage nearest that small grove of trees. She tucked in behind him in that way he was coming to love, her hand slipping into his back pocket as she matched his pace, using his body as a shield.

It's tracking your lifemate, Riordan warned. It isn't looking at either of us, just her.

Dax was careful not to look at the creature directly, but he'd already seen the beady eyes glowing bright through the foliage and the stare was directed solely at Riley. Mitro believes she is someone else and he fears her. He rejected his lifemate Arabejila and he intended to kill her, but he couldn't force himself to finish the job. She is the one person he can't kill, so he'll send every minion he has to do the job for him, Dax explained.

That thing is looking at me, Riley hissed in his mind.

She sounded scared. Her hand transferred from his back pocket to the small of his back. She bunched his shirt tightly in her fist.

It will be all right.

That's easy enough for you to say. It isn't looking at you.

He suppressed a smile. Stop looking at it.

It has big teeth.

Of course it does. It is meant to kill you. I'm certain the claws are of equal size. They were in striking distance now.

She thumped him hard on his back. Do you think you'll ever get the concept of watering down the danger level?

I don't understand what that means. He was genuinely puzzled. She was half serious, half joking, but he didn't like the idea that he might be failing her on some level. How did one "water down"-whatever that was-danger? Any creature a vampire used to do his bidding was extremely dangerous, especially one that wanted to kill his lifemate.

Of course you don't.

There was a hint of laughter in her voice. Arabejila had a gift allowing a Carpathian male who had lost all color and emotion to feel some faint sensation, but the times he managed to feel something, the reaction had been so faint and distant, he'd never been entirely certain whether or not the sentiment had been merely a long-ago memory, or if he'd really experienced feeling. Certainly not humor. Arabejila had always had a sense of humor, but he hadn't always understood her laughter.

Now, with Riley, humor had become fun. He liked teasing her. And he liked that she teased him. He was coming to understand humor, and hers always showed itself at unexpected times.

It's getting ready to attack.

Dax could tell Riordan's voice in her head startled Riley, but the only sign was the way she bunched the back of his shirt tighter in her fist and pressed her forehead against his back, making herself smaller. All the while, she stayed in step with him.

When I say, let go and crouch low.

He was in her head and heard her silent protest, but she nodded several times indicating she heard him. She was afraid. Really afraid. He was used to Arabejila, who always followed his orders without question. Like him, she didn't fear death. Both had lost all hope of a lifemate, and knew death was now a matter of honor. Now, he had everything to live for, but fear was something he wasn't familiar with.

I would not allow you to come to harm, Riley. It was a simple truth. He couldn't allow such a thing. She was his lifemate, his world, light to his darkness and there was no possible way he would let anything hurt her. Arabejila understood that ...

If you compare me to that woman one more time, I'm going to hit you over the head with a very large object. I'm not Arabejila, and I'm not wild about the comparisons.

He swore her teeth snapped together just shy of his skin. She might have torn his shirt.

I think the dragon would be a good thing right now. Maybe you ought to call him out. He's big and he's got teeth, too.

She was royally angry at him, but again, he didn't really understand why. Lifemates were much more difficult than he'd ever considered. And the dragon? She wanted the Old One to protect her? He felt a faint stirring of an emotion he couldn't quite catch or identify.

All the while he tried to puzzle out her illogical reasoning, he kept most of his attention centered on the rodent. Small flames had begun to burn in the beady, glowing eyes. Muscles bunched as it gathered itself in wait for its prey to get close enough.

Now. He gave the command as the watcher leapt from the branches, bursting into the open, hurtling itself through the air straight at Riley.

She dropped low, releasing his shirt as scales slipped over his skin, that hard armor protecting him, and he swung at the creature with a hammerlike fist. He connected with the long snout, smashing through razor-sharp barred teeth, and driving the fangs back down the rodent's throat.

The rodent flew backward, right into Riordan's hands. He caught the watcher around the neck and held tight, staring into the flame-filled eyes. Deep inside those red flames burned black hatred. Riordan only caught the briefest of glimpses in the midst of the swirling, leaping towers of fire raging inside the eyes of the beast.

He's shadowed, Dax, you were right.

The creature snarled and ripped at Riordan.

Now, but watch for the sliver to try to save itself.

Before the shadowed rodent could sink its claws into Riordan's skin, the hunter hurled it into the air. Dax summoned dragon fire, opened his mouth and breathed a torrent of flames to engulf the watcher, burning it fast. The smell was terrible, noxious, even poisonous. The snarling turned to a terrible scream. Riley put her hands over her ears and held her breath.

Both hunters didn't take their eyes off the burning rodent as it fell to the ground. Shockingly, it got to its feet and staggered toward Riley. Dax sent another sweeping torrent of flames at the creature, the force so strong the watcher rolled over and over away from Riley. Burning fast, squealing, the rodent opened its mouth and coughed out a small sliver of darkness, a mere shadow. The shadow fell to the ground and began burrowing deep. Without the shadow of Mitro keeping it alive, the hapless creature burned hot and bright, turning to nothing but ash.

"Stop it, Riley," Dax commanded the moment the sliver landed on the ground. "Don't let it use the soil to get away. Drive it back to the surface."

She plunged her hands into the soil without hesitation, although her fear was tangible. He didn't need their mind bond to feel it. Her murmured chant was low but strong and firm without hesitation. Mother Earth answered her child.

At once the ground rippled, rolled and then shuddered. Dirt burst into the air, a geyser spewing high as the sliver of evil was rejected. The wind shifted away from the Carpathians. Dax and Riordan both leapt through the spray of soil, eyes trained on the single dark shadow as it was taken in the direction of the trees.

Once more Dax called the fire, inhaling deeply, drawing on the reserve in his belly, and sending the stream of flames directly into that sliver of darkness. Screams of rage and pain rent the air. Dogs howled throughout the neighborhood, the alarm spreading throughout the city. Car alarms went off. Sirens sounded. Windows shattered in some homes and businesses. The promise of retaliation-of vengeance-came as the unholy noise faded away.

Riley knelt with her hands over her ears, head down. Riordan checked to make certain both the sliver of evil and the creature were dead.

"It's over," Dax said, hurrying to Riley's side. He reached down and lifted her to her feet, pulling her into the shelter of his body.

Riley leaned into him for a brief moment, taking the comfort he offered. He wrapped his arm around her, nearly crushing her to him, inhaling, drawing her deep into his lungs. Her scent wiped out the repulsive, offensive stench permeating the air around them.

"What was that?" She rested her head on his chest, betraying nerves by the nervous little strokes of one hand over his heart.

"Mitro created a watcher by putting a small sliver of himself into the creature so he could see what it did. That way he could send it where he wanted, have total command, and obtain information at very little risk to himself," Dax explained, bringing one hand up to the nape of her neck to gently ease the tension from her.

She turned her face up to his. "You live in a very scary world. What did he hope to gain?"

"Clearly he was having someone watch either the Carpathian hunters or Jasmine."

Over her head he could see Riordan once again weaving new safeguards around his home. This time there would be no watcher able to report back to Mitro the exact patterns of the wards, knowledge of which would have essentially given his minions free entrance into Riordan's house. Now, it would be nearly impossible for anyone wishing harm to gain admittance.

"You believe he's after Jasmine." Riley made it a statement.

"Don't you?"

Riley stepped back, her eyes meeting his. "Absolutely. He's after her child for some reason and we're going to have to find out why, Dax, and stop him. He's a serial killer. You can call him anything you want, but in the end, he seems to take great pleasure in torturing and murdering innocent people. He's ritualistic in his killings."

"He wants others to think that, Riley. The rituals are put in place to impress his followers. He wants them to worship him and to do that, he demands his sacrifices."

Riley sighed. "If there is a faction of young, lost Goth kids that he's impressed, then he's building an army, a cult, young people looking for answers and strengths, somewhere to belong when they don't fit in. Believe me, Dax, there are so many runaways and throwaways looking for a home, and they'll do anything for the right charismatic leader. They're lost souls, and he's collecting them."

"But the killing of these jaguar women, that has nothing to do with his followers, other than they bring the women to him," Dax said. "At least that's my suspicion. I need you to confirm that for me and see if you can follow the trail."

Riley nodded. "I said I would and I meant it." She gestured toward the burnt ashes. "That changes nothing, but it was after me, wasn't it?"

Dax nodded. "Mitro will do anything to destroy you. You have to understand, his ego, his vanity is enormous. He believes himself superior to all beings, all species. Remember the village in the Amazon?"

She shuddered, giving him one look of reprimand. "It's impossible to forget."

He stroked a caress down her long hair. "He needs to be worshipped. That need drives him all the time. He fears nothing on this earth but Arabejila-his lifemate-and her blood is strong in you."

Riley made a little face at him. "When I'm dead and in the ground, I've got a few things I want to say to that woman. I longed for adventure when I was teaching at the university, but I have to tell you, thanks to Arabejila, normal seems really, really perfect."

Dax found his mouth actually curving into a smile at the little bite in her voice. He hastily tried to hide it, knowing it wasn't the smartest move on his part, smiling when she was a little annoyed. He took her hand and urged her gently toward Riordan.

"Take us to the home of the woman who disappeared most recently."

Riley shook her head. "Not there. The doctor's office. Her clinic. Let's go there first."

Riordan frowned. "There're too many people in and out. You'll never get a clear trail."

"If you see a pregnant woman walking down the street, can you tell she's a jaguar woman? I was introduced to Jasmine, and I couldn't tell by look or scent that she was any different than a human woman. Can you? By scent maybe?" Riley asked.

Dax had to concede she had a point. "No, the jaguar is usually well hidden, especially in a pregnant woman."

"So the common thread has to be the doctor they choose to see. She has to be how they target the women. They can't just randomly pick a woman walking down the street, not if your theory that Mitro wants jaguar babies for some nefarious purpose is correct. If this Dr. Silva is the only doctor jaguar women trust, then once Mitro knows that, he can figure out that the majority of the women who go to her are probably jaguar. That takes the guess factor out of the game."

Riordan nodded. "Do you think you can catch the trail even with the number of people in and out of that place?"

"Mitro can't be getting the information himself. He wouldn't use a watcher," Dax said. "He can't risk weakening himself. He has to have a human aiding him. And whoever it is wouldn't just be hanging around outside. Someone would notice eventually."

"You think his puppet actually works at the clinic?" Riordan asked.

"That would make sense," Riley said. A small shiver went through her body. "Whoever is helping Mitro sees these women, talks to them and probably has access to their medical histories. They work there and might even deliberately befriend these women. The women would be unsuspecting if they ran into one another somewhere else. Not every one of Dr. Silva's patients is jaguar. How could they be? Does she turn everyone else away?"

"No, of course not. She sees many human patients as well," Riordan said. "No one will be there at this time of night."

Riley shrugged. "I'm perfectly okay with that. I thought we were just going to pick up a trail. I don't want to run into anything that vampire has created."

Riordan flashed a grin. "Where's the fun in that, ma'am?"

Riley sent him a look from under her lashes, her mouth curving slightly, but she didn't answer as she followed Riordan to the car.

Dax found the idea of traveling in a vehicle silly when they could just fly and get there much faster. "Why?"

"We need to fit in," Riordan explained. "With the new technology, we have to be more careful than ever and appear human."

"No one is around. Your home is secluded. Let's just get this done," Dax said.

Riley raised her hand. "I don't fly. I just thought you might like to know that before you make a decision. I have feet, not wings."

Dax caught the little flutter of excitement as the image of the dragon came into her head. He was grateful she didn't mention the dragon to Riordan, although the Carpathian hunter would assume he simply had shifted into the mythical creature, using the illusion for flight. The Old One was not friendly. He accepted Dax and Dax's woman, but the rest of them-he might consider barbecuing them.

It wouldn't do to have a giant dragon breathing fire over a major city. It would end up on YouTube. There was laughter in Riley's voice.

I am unfamiliar with YouTube.

She sent him images, but he still couldn't quite grasp the concept. Computers and television had to be seen first before he fully understood it. Nevertheless, she was right, it wouldn't do to have the Old One in the skies where airplanes thought it was their space. As far as the red dragon was concerned, the skies were his dominion.

Dax wrapped his arms around Riley and took to the sky, masking his presence from any who might be out. He didn't want to argue about fitting in or using a vehicle. He didn't like that method of travel.

Riordan's laughter echoed in his mind. I suppose it would be difficult to get used to modern ways after all this time. We were lucky to have seen history unfold. Cars and planes are necessary to us.

Dax took the time to enjoy holding Riley in his arms. She clutched him tightly, her face, rather than being buried against his shoulder, was turned toward the wind as usual, her long hair streaming around them, brushing his face and shoulders like silken threads.

You love this, don't you?

Her laughter filled his mind. You know I do. I can't help it. Isn't this the most incredible experience? The stars above us, the lights below, the wind in our faces? Doesn't it make you feel alive?

He took flying for granted. He'd been doing it for centuries, but now that he was no longer in the volcano, he could appreciate the freedom it gave him. Riley gave him so much more. He was seeing through fresh eyes, experiencing flying for the first time all over again and like Riley-because of Riley-he felt exhilarated. Each time they took to the air, he found joy spilling into him. Hers, his-it didn't matter who felt it first. It was there.

His emotions had returned, but because he wasn't used to feeling, he reverted to using logic, not trusting the intensity around anyone but Riley. She was at ease in the modern world, yet she managed to function in his world with grace and intelligence even when she was afraid.

She had a way of slipping inside him-into his soul. He knew the Old One felt it as well. As much as the dragon didn't want to feel affection, he was far too emotional not to make those connections. He was fiercely loyal and Riley and Dax were his only family now. He had been protector of a large family unit. The Old One was not a solitary creature as many might think, and Riley had gotten into the dragon's soul as well.

Dax found he was still shaken by the knowledge that she existed-that in his darkest hour, he'd found his lifemate. He had long ago given up any hope of such a thing. He had no idea the intensity of emotion a man could feel for a woman. At times his growing love for Riley was a storm inside of him, a whirling tornado that threatened his stability. He'd always been stoic and calm, yet she shook the entire foundation of his carefully controlled world.

She made him feel vulnerable, exposed to the world whenever he looked at her. He knew it showed, the way she made him feel. He hadn't expected that she could do that to him, make him feel so much that the solitary man he'd become would do anything to keep her.

He found himself fascinated with her smile, watching for it-needing it the way his kind needed the soil. He loved the way her eyes lit up and her face changed the moment her lips curved. He wanted to be the one to bring that smile to her face. There was serenity in her and yet, she had a sense of fun about her which made him think of the possibilities.

Her inevitable mourning for the loss of her mother was so deep even the Old One tried to comfort her. That told Dax she loved without reservation, with her entire heart and soul. He had never considered that she would feel that same intensity, that deeply about him. He felt he'd been handed a miracle.

Dax rubbed his chin on the top of her head, feeling the silky waterfall of thick black hair against his skin. He found it astonishing how quickly a man could adapt to being with a woman. She seemed like a part of him already. He was aware of her every breath, her very heartbeat. He could see why lifemated males rarely hunted. They had too much to lose, and they could so easily be distracted at that crucial moment.

It was necessary to have Riley track Mitro; she was the only one who could do it so fast. And the vampire needed to be stopped, but Dax didn't have to like it.

As if sensing his thoughts, Riley turned her face up to his. I'm afraid at times, Dax, but I've never felt so alive, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here with you.

Their minds weren't connected, yet she was so tuned to him she had to be catching part of his concerns, the lifemate bond at work. It was nearly impossible to hide anything from a lifemate, nor would he want to.

I chose a profession I thought I'd love because I have such a love of languages, but I find the students come in and they don't love all the various languages in the same way. I've always longed for adventure. I thought my abilities would carry me into interesting situations, but instead, I became bogged down in the same dull routine.

Riley held her arms out as if she was hugging the night sky, her face turned up toward the stars as they flew over the city. Her soft laughter teased his senses.

If I forget to tell you thank you for these experiences later, I'm saying it now.

He didn't know how to tell her she turned him inside out sometimes, so he tightened his hold on her, drawing her closer to the warmth and shelter of his body. He was keeping her in danger-worse, subjecting her to the depraved cruelty of a monster-yet she was thanking him.

I'll keep you safe. It was the best he could do.

She turned her face up against his chest and rubbed like a cat. I know you will. Still, I can't help being afraid when some horrible ratlike creature as big as a dog is staring at me with red eyes and strings of saliva dripping from its mouth.

I don't like to feel your fear. It is a new experience for me, this emotion and yours is intense. Especially fear.

She rubbed her body against him again, much like a cat, sending fingers of arousal crawling down his spine and up his thighs. A fire started in his belly and spread down to settle in his groin.

Behave yourself, palafertiilam, we have work to do.