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Dark Storm

Dark Storm (Dark #23)(78)
Author: Christine Feehan

The flutter of wings overhead told Riley they weren’t completely out of danger. She was shaken at the thought that even when Mitro was long gone from the forest, he could still leave such successful traps behind. He was much more powerful than she had ever imagined. She should have known when Dax was so amazing and yet in battle after battle with the vampire, neither had won. Mitro had to at least be his equal.

"Stay alert," Dax advised Jubal and Gary. "Keep everyone in a tight formation and pick up the pace."

The travelers fell into line, Weston and Shelton grumbling as usual. "It’s best to stay quiet," Dax said. "You never know what’s going to trigger a jaguar attack."

Weston swore under his breath, but both men immediately fell silent. Riley hid a smile. You have such a way with people.

I am learning to be in your world.

Smug. Arrogant. Male. Hot as hell. Why in the world did she find him so attractive? He made her feel as if she could do anything when she was with him.

I think I’ve fallen in love with you. Right here in this rain forest in this terrible, awful, ugly situation. She made the confession as she walked along the trail, keeping her head down as if she was watching the narrow trail. All the while, she held herself still. You’re so beautiful, Dax. Your heart. Your soul. I don’t think I could ever find a better man.

Dax poured himself into her mind, needing the closeness every bit as much as she did. Carpathians knew. There was no doubt for them. But humans wondered. Worried. And Riley was moving from her world into his-an enormously generous decision. A gift beyond price. How could he not treasure her?

Dax felt his soul brush hers. You are han ku kuulua sivamet, which means, "keeper of my heart." And you are ainaak enyem, "forever mine." I am fully aware of the courage it took for you to bind yourself to me without fully knowing what you were getting into, and I will forever be the keeper of your heart, Riley. I will be forever yours.

Riley hugged his words to her as she kept moving through the dense foliage. She listened to the sound of water racing down the slopes and over rocks to run in narrow ribbons or wider streams. Water was everywhere. Drops fell from the leaves above them to add to the rushing rivulets. More water burst from the side of the hill in a long fall over boulders, a frothy stream of glittering silver. Below the waterfall, the large, moss-covered rocks formed a pool.

Bright green moss covered everything near them, the rocks, the fallen tree trunks, even the trees standing. Riley spotted flowers springing from the green slopes and rocks, some in bushes almost as tall as some of the smaller trees. The splashes of color along with the bright silver of the water in the dark were beautiful. She wished she was alone with Dax and could just sit quietly with him, holding hands and listening to the sounds of the waterfall splashing into the cool pool below.

Dax answered her with a caress down her cheek. I can always have the Old One make an appearance. He isn’t fond of people. He’ll clear them away fast.

Riley laughed, unable to contain her happiness that she had him. He made her feel safe in a world turned upside down. She could forget the ugliness of the situation for just a few minutes and see the beauty around her because of him.

"It’s damned hot," Weston called. "Come on, Riley, want to strip down naked and go swimming tonight with all of us? Bet you’d like that. You’d be the center of attention."

Riley glanced back at Dax. Their eyes met. Amusement bubbled up. Serpent in paradise. There’s always one.

The Old One particularly finds him foul.

Riley reached deeper. The dragon opened a sleepy eyelid, winked and went back to sleep. He wanted little to do with man. The Old One, or you? she teased.

Perhaps both, Dax conceded. His hands were gentle on the professor, his steps sure as they continued hiking toward the river. If Weston truly wishes to be naked, I can help him with that.

The trail led down a ravine and back up the other side. The going was easier. Miguel’s machete was silent. Ferns grew everywhere, in between the boulders and along the banks of the pool and stream, creating a glimpse of paradise.

Don’t you dare! Laughter bubbled over.

Perhaps not, Dax agreed, but he quickened his pace until he was up beside Weston.

The engineer snickered. "You got something to say to me? I’m just saying what every man here is thinking, including you." He grinned at Riley. "Isn’t that so, baby? Your fantasy. Naked with all these men licking that gorgeous skin. You’d love it."

Riley’s heart stilled. She shook her head, her breath burning in her lungs. Weston had no idea what he was dealing with. Dax could go from easy-going to extreme violence and back in seconds. Don’t. Don’t hurt him.

He will not feel a thing. His voice had gone from soft and sensual to grim and forbidding.

A shiver went down Riley’s spine. This was a man-a being-one couldn’t control. He would go his own way, make his decisions based on the rules of his world-not hers.

Weston opened his mouth to taunt Dax again and a deep, bullfrog croak came out. Startled, Weston’s hand went to his throat, his eyes going wide. Shelton burst out laughing. "Dude! What’s wrong with you?"

Riley pressed her lips together, trying not to laugh. Your sense of humor is out of hand.

I don’t find anything about Weston humorous. You wish him to live, so better he croaks this way than another.

There was no amusement in his voice, or in her mind, but his answer made her laughter escape in spite of her determination not to encourage him.

Weston cleared his throat and tried again. A series of loud sounds much like croak, croak, croak burst from his throat.

Even Jubal’s mouth twitched as though he had to suppress his laughter. Gary and Miguel smirked, but neither commented. Miguel continued leading the line of travelers down through the narrow canyon that was a shortcut to the river. The small gorge would save them miles.

You can’t leave him like that.

I think it’s best, Dax replied.

Once again warmth flooded her mind, all that slow, heated molasses filling her brain with erotic fantasies.

He can’t say your name and naked in the same sentence, not without me remembering just how soft your skin is. The only man to lick water off your skin is going to be me.

A frisson of pure arousal slid down her spine. Heat curled in her belly. Even when he was being bad-especially when he was being bad-he was downright sexy.

Now you’re just being outrageous. She paused and then let her imagination take flight, wickedly feeding him a few fantasies of her own.

She felt his breath catch in his throat. Fire smoldered deep.

You could get yourself in trouble. I can always shield us from prying eyes, and believe me, sivamet, I am more than willing.
