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Darkest Before Dawn

He abruptly stood and she felt the loss of their closeness, suddenly chilled and shivering.

“You need to rest,” he clipped out. “You’re in pain. And don’t deny it. Conrad is going to give you another injection, and I want you to sleep.”

But she knew his order was only partly born of his belief that she needed rest and relief from the relentless pain that nagged her. He could no longer bear to look at her. Could no longer bear the guilt and horrible anger and helpless rage without losing all control.

Because they both knew her fate was inevitable, and he hated himself because there was no other way. No alternative. And they both knew it. He hated that she could so calmly accept what he could not and that worse, she’d given him forgiveness and understanding, two things he felt he didn’t deserve.


“THE exchange has been set up.” Bristow said what Hancock already knew, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. “Maksimov was very pleased when I told him I had the woman in my possession.”

Hancock stood in silence, waiting. Behind him his men were just as silent, though he could feel the undercurrents, the tension radiating from them all. Because they knew that once Honor was delivered to Maksimov, she had no protection. And none of them were fool enough to think Maksimov wouldn’t avail himself of Honor and enjoy her for a time before he made the delivery to ANE.

“You leave in two days’ time. I have the coordinates and all the information you need. Maksimov has explicit instructions as to how he wants the woman delivered. I expect you to heed them all.”

Hancock merely nodded and took the folder from Bristow’s outstretched hand.

“Consider it done,” Hancock said coolly.

Bristow tossed a thick envelope toward Hancock. “Half your payment now. The other when you make the delivery.”

It took every ounce of his willpower not to kill the man right here and now. The envelope burned his skin. Blood money. He would give it to his men. They deserved it. But he wasn’t taking one goddamn cent for sending Honor to her death.

“You can leave now,” Bristow said arrogantly. “I’ll see to the travel arrangements. Discretion will be necessary, of course.”

“I will make the plans,” Hancock said in a cold tone. “You hired me to do a job, but it will be done my way. My men. My mission.”

“Very well. As long as you accomplish what I’m paying you to do, I don’t care how it’s done.”

Without another word, Hancock turned and stalked from the room before he completely lost it and slit the man’s throat.

His men followed, and the only thing that broke the silence was, “Bad mojo.”

Very bad mojo indeed.

He couldn’t even look his men in the eyes. He merely told them to rest and prepare for the journey ahead. No one argued. No one said anything at all. They merely melted away to their separate quarters, no one attempting to meet his gaze just as he had avoided theirs.

He doubted any of them would sleep the next two nights.


HONOR was roused from a medication-induced sleep to a strong hand over her mouth and another cupping and squeezing one breast roughly, painfully. Her heart leapt as she struggled through the fog and haze from the medication.

“He won’t save you this time, you little bitch. He’s too busy planning your delivery to Maksimov, and I intend to make use of the little time I have left before I hand you over to the Russian. A man like Maksimov won’t mind used goods. He certainly won’t turn you back over to ANE before having his fill of you.”


Oh God. Where was Hancock? Had Bristow drugged him to make sure he wasn’t a threat? Or was he truly planning the exchange as Bristow had said?

When he tore her shirt, rending it in two and exposing both her breasts, she began struggling, the effects of the medication quickly disappearing as adrenaline kicked in and she fought with every ounce of strength she had.

He didn’t slap her as he had before. He balled his fist and punched her in the mouth, leaving her breathless and panting at the pain. Then he punished her with his mouth, kissing her brutally, licking at the blood that seeped from her torn lip.

He stuffed a foul-tasting rag into her mouth, and to her horror she realized it was dipped in some kind of drug. Then he taped her mouth shut, trapping the material in her mouth.

But she wasn’t going down like this. Yes, she’d resigned herself to her fate but not to being raped by this asshole. She’d die before allowing that to happen.

His hands mauled her, roving possessively over her body, delving below the band of her pants, pulling impatiently and swearing when she still resisted. Maybe he thought the drug would have rendered her senseless by now, but she’d had enough medication and drugs to have built a slight resistance and could hold out longer now.

She fought soundlessly, panicked by the fact that she could make no sound. No scream for help. For Hancock.

His fingers jabbed brutally between her legs and she went wild, bucking, kicking, fighting with every bit of strength and willpower she could muster. She could feel the effects of the drug, knew she was sluggish, but she drew on reserves she didn’t even realize she possessed.

He cursed and hit her, again and again, but she didn’t stop. Couldn’t stop.

He bit at her breasts savagely, leaving marks and bruises. Tears of rage and helplessness burned her eyelids. She’d had enough of being helpless and powerless.

She managed to free one of her hands, and she ripped at the heavy tape, gasping as skin came away. She shoved the rag with her tongue, recoiling at the taste, but she managed to spit it out and then let out a scream.
