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Dead to the World

Dead to the World (Sookie Stackhouse #4)(19)
Author: Charlaine Harris

But the tall woman put even Tara in the shade. She was as dark-haired as Tara, though the new woman had reddish highlights that surprised the eye. She had dark eyes, too, but hers were huge and almond-shaped, almost abnormally large. Her skin was as pale as milk, and her legs were as long as a stepladder. She was quite gifted in the bosom department, and she was wearing fire engine red from head to toe. Her lipstick matched.

"Sookie," Tara called. "What’s the matter?" She walked carefully up to my old car, watching her feet because she was wearing glossy, brown leather, high-heeled boots she didn’t want to scuff. They’d have lasted five minutes on my feet. I spend too much of my time standing up to worry about footwear that only looks good.

Tara looked successful, attractive, and secure, in her sage green sweater and taupe pants. "I was putting on my makeup when I heard over the police scanner that something was up at Jason’s house," she said. She slid in the passenger’s seat and leaned over to hug me. "When I got to Jason’s, I saw you pulling out. What’s up?" The woman in red was standing with her back to the car, tactfully looking out into the woods.

I’d adored my father, and I’d always known (and my mother herself definitely believed) that no matter what Mother put me through, she was acting out of love. But Tara’s parents had been evil, both alcoholics and abusers. Tara’s older sisters and brothers had left home as fast as they could, leaving Tara, as the youngest, to foot the bill for their freedom.

Yet now that I was in trouble, here she was, ready to help.

"Well, Jason’s gone missing," I said, in a fairly level voice, but then I ruined the effect by giving one of those awful choking sobs. I turned my face so I’d be looking out my window. I was embarrassed to show such distress in front of the new woman.

Wisely ignoring my tears, Tara began asking me the logical questions: Had Jason called in to work? Had he called me the night before? Who had he been dating lately?

That reminded me of the shifter girl who’d been Jason’s date New Year’s Eve. I thought I could even talk about the girl’s otherness, because Tara had been at Club Dead that night. Tara’s tall companion was a Supe of some kind. Tara knew all about the secret world.

But she didn’t, as it turned out.

Her memory had been erased. Or at least she pretended it had.

"What?" Tara asked, with almost exaggerated confusion. "Werewolves? At that nightclub? I remember seeing you there. Honey, didn’t you drink a little too much and pass out, or something?"

Since I drink very sparingly, Tara’s question made me quite angry, but it was also the most unremarkable explanation Franklin Mott could have planted in Tara’s head. I was so disappointed at not getting to confide in her that I closed my eyes so I wouldn’t have to see the blank look on her face. I felt tears leaving little paths down my cheeks. I should have just let it go, but I said, in a low, harsh voice, "No, I didn’t."

"Omigosh, did your date put something in your drink?" In genuine horror, Tara squeezed my hand. "That Rohypnol? But Alcide looked like such a nice guy!"

"Forget it," I said, trying to sound gentler. "It doesn’t really have anything to do with Jason, after all."

Her face still troubled, Tara pressed my hand again.

All of a sudden, I was certain I didn’t believe her. Tara knew vampires could remove memory, and she was pretending Franklin Mott had erased hers. I thought Tara remembered quite well what had happened at Club Dead, but she was pretending she didn’t to protect herself. If she had to do that to survive, that was okay. I took a deep breath.

"Are you still dating Franklin?" I asked, to start a different conversation.

"He got me this car."

I was a little shocked and more than a little dismayed, but I hoped I was not the kind to point fingers.

"It’s a wonderful car. You don’t know any witches, do you?" I asked, trying to change the subject before Tara could read my misgivings. I was sure she would laugh at me for asking her such a question, but it was a good diversion. I wouldn’t hurt her for the world.

Finding a witch would be a great help. I was sure Jason’s abduction – and I swore to myself it was an abduction, it was not a murder – was linked to the witches’ curse on Eric. It was just too much coincidence otherwise. On the other hand, I had certainly experienced the twists and turns of a bunch of coincidences in the past few months. There, I knew I’d find a third hand.

"Sure I do," Tara said, smiling proudly. "Now there I can help you. That is, if a Wiccan will do?"

I had so many expressions I wasn’t sure my face could fit them all in. Shock, fear, grief, and worry were tumbling around in my brain. When the spinning stopped, we would see which one was at the top.

"You’re a witch?" I said weakly.

"Oh, gosh, no, not me. I’m a Catholic. But I have some friends who are Wiccan. Some of them are witches."

"Oh, really?" I didn’t think I’d ever heard the word Wiccan before, though maybe I’d read it in a mystery or romance novel. "I’m sorry, I don’t know what that means," I said, my voice humble.

"Holly can explain it better than I can," Tara said.

"Holly. The Holly who works with me?"

"Sure. Or you could go to Danielle, though she’s not going to be as willing to talk. Holly and Danielle are in the same coven."

I was so shocked by now I might as well get even more stunned. "Coven," I repeated.

"You know, a group of pagans who worship together."

"I thought a coven had to be witches?"

"I guess not – but they have to, you know, be non-Christian. I mean, Wicca is a religion."

"Okay," I said. "Okay. Do you think Holly would talk to me about this?"

"I don’t know why not." Tara went back to her car to get her cell phone, and paced back and forth between our vehicles while she talked to Holly. I appreciated a little respite to allow me to get back on my mental feet, so to speak. To be polite I got out of my car and spoke to the woman in red, who’d been very patient.

"I’m sorry to meet you on such a bad day," I said. "I’m Sookie Stackhouse."

"I’m Claudine," she said, with a beautiful smile. Her teeth were Hollywood white. Her skin had an odd quality; it looked glossy and thin, reminding me of the skin of a plum; like if you bit her, sweet juice would gush out. "I’m here because of all the activity."

"Oh?" I said, taken aback.

"Sure. You have vampires, and Weres, and lots of other stuff all tangled up here in Bon Temps – to say nothing of several important and powerful crossroads. I was drawn to all the possibilities."
