Read Books Novel

Deadly Game

Deadly Game (GhostWalkers #5)(41)
Author: Christine Feehan

He was looking down at her face, and even though her eyes were closed, she smiled, her full, sexy lips curving into a smile that made him want to kiss her.

Jack can be a bastard sometimes? Who would ever have thought? He isn’t at all like you, now, is he?

Maybe, he conceded. He slid his hand up her arm to her shoulder, caressed her neck, and tunneled his fingers into her hair. “We’re disturbing Mari. She needs to rest.” It was a good excuse to shut his brother up.

Lily stood up immediately and once again checked Mari’s heart and pulse. “She’ll be fine. She does need rest. We can go into the other room and let her be.”

“We’ll have to lock her down,” Logan reminded. “She nearly escaped.”

Ken shot him a warning glare. “I’ll stay here with her. She’s not going anywhere.”

“Actually she’s going to be very weak. GhostWalkers have a tremendous capacity to heal, but their bodies can only take so many traumas.”

Ken tried not to wince at the word. He knew what Jack was trying to say, but if he took a chance and kept Mari, and he was like his father, she would be the one to suffer.

Lily led the others out of the room, leaving Ken alone with her. He knew he should go to. She was temptation and he was weak, but he couldn’t bring himself to give her up quite so soon—and she was safe from him in her weakened state, he was fairly certain.

Chapter 9

“So, you’re all set to beat up the world for me,” Ken whispered, stretching out beside Marigold. He turned toward her, scooping her close to him with one arm, trapping her leg with his thigh.

“Mmm.” Her voice was drowsy. “Of course. It’s the least I can do. After all, you did save my life when your brother was going to shoot me with that gun of his. He needs help, you know. He can’t just go around offing people he doesn’t like.”

Ken smiled, for the first time in a long time feeling it was genuine. “I’ve been telling him that for years.” He found the drowsy note in her voice unreasonably sexy.

“What did they do to me?”

“A little torture. We tried extracting names, but you held firm.” He watched her face, and sure enough, he was rewarded with that same brief, intriguing smile.

“Good for me. I would have sung like a bird if you’d tried to make me eat peas.” She gave a little shudder and opened her eyes, blinking up at him. “That’s how all the interrogators get information from me.”

“I’ve made a note and we’ll go that route next time.” He wrapped his arm around her, holding her close to his body heat. “You scared the hell out of me, Mari. That was close. Way too close.”

She shifted toward him, wincing a little. “I think the Zenith did the job healing gunshot wounds and broken bones, but I feel like a truck ran over me.”

He ran the pads of his fingers down her face in a small caress. “You’ll feel better in a couple of days. You need lots of sleep.”

Mari’s lips tightened and her dark eyes went somber. “You know they’ll come for me, Ken. Everyone, including Lily, is in danger with me here.”

“We know. We’re taking precautions.”

“They’d better be darn good precautions. Don’t underestimate them.”

“We won’t,” he assured.

She liked having him lying beside her. “I’ve never lived anywhere but the compound. I’ve never been away from it except when they sent me on a mission, and we were always closely supervised. I’ve been on a lot of missions, and actually it was a relief to go somewhere and get away from there. Funny how this feels so different to me when it should feel the same. It’s a research facility, isn’t it?”

“Yes. It’s part of Whitney Trust. Lily inherited everything when Peter Whitney supposedly was murdered. She kept everything going—everything legitimate, that is.” On his side, propped on one elbow, he pushed the hair from her face with gentle fingers. “You’ve got to rest, Mari. You’ve got three IVs in you and Lily’s still running fluids. Zenith is nothing to fool around with. I should have known when you were healing so fast, but no one uses it. It didn’t occur to me that Whitney would deliberately endanger your life.”

Mari enjoyed the feeling of his fingers stroking across her forehead. His touch was light and gentle, and no one had ever caressed her that way. “Why are you being so nice to me, Ken?” Because she didn’t want to trust him—or the strange feelings she was beginning to develop for him.

“I’m never nice to anyone, Mari,” he said, a smile in his voice, although it didn’t show in his gray eyes. “Don’t go ruining my reputation.”

She closed her eyes because she couldn’t look at him anymore without feeling the burn of tears. She told herself it was because she’d nearly died, but she knew better. Ken Norton was giving her a taste of what life could be like—and she didn’t have a life, could never have a life.

“He owns us, you know. We talk about escaping, but we don’t do it, because we don’t know how to survive away from the compound. We’ve never walked a real city street. We’ve trained in urban warfare, in simulators, and we have mock cities we enter to face each other in battle, but we’ve never really been out of the facility, other than to go to a jungle or some drug lord’s little kingdom. Like I said, going on missions was a kind of vacation, as silly as that sounds.”

Her voice was soft and drowsy, the note hitting just the right pitch to make his body come alive. Hell. Everything she said and did, everything she was, brought out the worst in him. Ken fought to keep his mind centered on their conversation. “Were you ever in the Congo?”

“I’ve been in every jungle, rain forest, and desert there is,” she said without opening her eyes. “And every place they have leeches, I’ve managed to find them. Leeches are right up there with needles and peas for me. Before Whitney’s breeding program, I was a damned good soldier.”

“You’re still a damned good soldier.”

She flashed a small, grateful smile and moved just slightly, a small shift in her position, but it brought her soft br**sts right against his chest. He managed to suppress a groan, feeling more a pervert than ever. “If I put my arm around you, are you going to shove me off the bed?”

“No. Should I?”

“Do you want me to be truthful?”
