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Deadly Game

Deadly Game (GhostWalkers #5)(51)
Author: Christine Feehan

The smile on his face faded. “Never?”

She shook her head.

He scowled at her. “What the hell did this idiot Brett do to prepare you?”

“He didn’t care if my body accepted his or not. He used a lubricant for his own convenience, not mine.”

Ken swore out loud. “Someone needs to tear his heart out.”

A small smile curved her mouth. “Jack likes to shoot people. Maybe we just ought to introduce them.”

Ken slid off the bed, pulling up his jeans before finding a cloth. Dipping it in water, he carefully washed her body, deliberately stroking caresses between her legs. “What other things have you managed to miss?”

“Why? I shouldn’t have told you that.”

“If I don’t know what you’ve missed, I won’t know all the things I get to introduce you to.” He dried her body with careful strokes.

“I’ve never celebrated a birthday or holiday.”

“When do you get presents?”

She laughed. “What kind of presents? Sean gave me a knife once, but he took it back when I was put in the breeding program. I think they were afraid I’d remove certain portions of Brett’s anatomy.”

It bothered him. Okay—it bothered him a lot—that she didn’t have holidays and fireplaces and presents. At the worst home he’d been in, they still celebrated birthdays. “When is your birthday?”

Once again her gaze slid from his, and she shrugged with exaggerated casualness. “I have no idea. Whitney found me in an orphanage somewhere and he didn’t exactly think that date was important, so why would you think he’d celebrate our birthdays?”

Ken’s belly knotted up again, but he kept his voice and face expressionless. He cupped her face and leaned in for another heart-stopping kiss. The woman tasted like honey and exotic spice, so addicting he thought about just kissing her until neither of them knew their own names anymore. “He’s a scientist. Isn’t the age of his guinea pigs important? Let’s break into his files and get the information. I’ll bet he has it.”

She laughed. Really laughed. The sound was very soft, but it made him want to smile. He pulled a chain from around his neck. Made of braided gold, it held a small golden cross. He slipped it over her head, lifting her hair out of the way so that the chain slid along the back of her neck and the medal nestled between her br**sts.

“Your first present, one of many. I’m not very religious, but I always like to keep my options open. It will keep you safe when I’m not right beside you.”

She inhaled sharply and blinked hard several times.

Ken touched her long lashes and found them wet. She suddenly looked sad, shadows replacing the laughter in her eyes. “Presents are supposed to make you happy. I don’t think you’re getting the concept here.”

Mari slid her arms around his neck. “Surprisingly, this has been the best day of my life. Thank you.” She lifted her mouth for his kiss, her fingers gliding over his neck. She struck hard and fast, finding the pressure point with little problem and, using her enhanced strength, digging deep. She could never have done it if she hadn’t caught him completely by surprise, but he succumbed, slipping into a black void, slumping to the bed and then sliding to the floor.

Chapter 11

Mari jumped off the bed, crouching down to check Ken’s pulse. The whisper of warning buzzed in her head like the distant sound of bees. They were here. They’d found her, and if she didn’t act fast, they’d kill Ken, Jack, Logan, and Ryland. Lily would be taken prisoner.

She took a deep breath and opened her mind to the team leader. Pull back. There are civilians and innocents here. This team was protecting the senator, not there to assassinate him. Until we know how the wires got crossed, we can’t risk killing innocents. She prayed Sean listened to her. She was not going to be responsible for bloodshed, and no one was going to hurt Ken Norton, not if she could help it. If he was conscious, he’d fight to the death to keep her; she knew that much about him.

She had to keep Sean and her team away from this room and away from the others. But how? She had only seconds before someone triggered an alarm or set off one of the other GhostWalker’s highly tuned senses. Quickly pulling on a pair of jeans, she laid her hand on the wall as she leaned against the door to listen, hoping to hear if Jack Norton had already been alerted to the danger descending on them.

Silence. Complete and utter silence. That made no sense. She caught the whiff of a peculiar odor, faint, but disgusting, much like rotten eggs. Cautiously, Mari pushed open the door. Bodies were strewn all over the floor. Her heart nearly stopped beating. This couldn’t be happening. Were they all dead? Jack, Ken’s brother? Ken would go berserk and hunt down every single member of her team and execute them.

What have you done, Sean? My God, the woman is pregnant. You killed them all? She tasted fear and anger. Tears burned her eyes and clogged her throat. She inhaled sharply and knew the smell was a mixture of gases.

What are you talking about?

She could hear a soft hiss as the gas entered through a pipe in the wall. Her heart nearly stopped beating and she ran to the windows, forcing several open before she caught Lily’s arm and dragged her into the room with Ken before rushing back for Jack.

Stop the gas, goddammit. I mean it, Sean, stop the f**king gas.

Gas? I didn’t—His voice broke off then resumed sharply. Get the hell out of there now. That’s an order, Mari.

She ignored the coordinates of the rendezvous point he sent her, and dragged Jack’s limp body into the room with Ken and Lily. Ryland was next and then Logan. As soon as she had all of them in the small medical room, she shut the door and sealed the crack using towels and clothing, anything she could find.

Tears streamed down her face, from the gas or because she was so afraid for them all, she wasn’t certain, but it blurred her vision. She put a wet cloth on the back of Ken’s neck in the hopes of bringing him around faster.

Damn it, Mari, we can’t get farther into the building without raising the alarm. You’re supposed to be making your way toward us. Get moving fast.

She put an oxygen mask on Lily. If you didn’t do this, who did?

Sean swore at her, a long burst of eloquent and dirty curses. Haul your ass out of there, soldier.

I’m not leaving them to die.

We had nothing to do with killing anyone. Sean’s voice changed, dropped an octave, held a low plea. Whitney has someone there on the inside. We came to get you out, but he wanted us to kill them all and pull out his daughter, Lily. The orders came through as we were entering the compound. I pretended to be out of range, but he has someone inside supposedly helping us.
