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Deadly Game

Deadly Game (GhostWalkers #5)(53)
Author: Christine Feehan

Instead of running, Sean retained his hold on her, inspecting her for damage. He took in the bruises on her wrists and face, the marks on her neck, and the too-big pair of jeans. He stepped closer and inhaled. “Some son of a bitch f**ked you. I can smell his stench all over you,” he snarled.

It was the last thing she’d expected him to say. “What? No sympathy? No how did they treat you? No wow, you were shot, it’s a miracle you’re alive?” Mari scowled at him. “Nice of you to get so upset on my behalf, Sean. Too bad you don’t feel the same way when Brett comes to my room and you let him in. You’re a hypocrite.”

“That’s bullshit. It isn’t the same.”

“Why? Because you didn’t get to have your usual vicarious experience? What do you do? Stand there and listen while he beats the crap out of me and then gets what he wants? Don’t pretend to get all bent because some man touched me. You give the key to Brett whenever he gets a little horny.”

“I do my job. You’re in a special program. Get pregnant and the visits will stop. I know you’re doing something to prevent it. Whitney knows your cycle. You should be knocked up by now, and then he wouldn’t let Brett near you again.”

Sean slapped her across the face. Without hesitation, Mari punched him hard, turning into it, pushing off with her right foot to use every bit of strength she possessed. Sean dropped like a stone when her fist smashed into his cheekbone. Simultaneously, a bullet whined just over him, right where his head had been.

Don’t you dare shoot him, Ken. She should have known the man would never let anyone walk away with her. I have to go back.


She detested the implacable resolve in his voice—in his mind. You know the way you feel about Jack? That’s the way I feel about my sisters. I’m not taking a chance with their lives. So you’re not shooting him.

Sean climbed unsteadily to his feet. Mari didn’t back up or even flinch, staring him straight in the eye. “I can see you’re very torn up about my appearance. The gunshot wound, the broken leg and hand, and by the way, Zenith kills if it’s in your system too long—but maybe you knew that already. I died and had to be revived.”

“Zenith saved your life.” Sean rubbed his face, glaring at her. He inhaled her scent and scowled, still obviously furious over the idea that she’d been with a man. “Some man treated you like a camp whore and you’re thinking you might give birth to his baby? No chance, Mari. When you get back, you’re going to make damn sure you’re not pregnant.”

“How do you know how he treated me, Sean? Maybe I jumped him. You just never know with me. After Brett, a monkey might look good.”

“I’ve known you for years, Mari. Why do you think I stay in that hellhole and put up with Whitney’s insanity?”

“Because you care? Is that what you’re going to say? Save it. You pimp me out to that jerk and then have the gall to pretend we’re still friends. No thanks, Sean. You killed that a long time ago. You’ve been brainwashed by Whitney’s ‘take one for the good of mankind’ speech, but you know, it seems I’m always the one taking it, not you.” She stepped close to him, her fingers balled into two tight fists. “And if you ever hit me again, you’d better make damn certain I can’t ever get up, because I’ll kill you.”

She turned away from him and began to jog toward the tree-line, head up, shaking with fury. Sean had been her friend, someone she cared a great deal about. Whatever had gotten into him sickened her. Her vision blurred and she stumbled, realized she was crying, and wiped the tears with the back of her hand.

Ken. Can you hear me? She reached out to him, needing someone. She never needed anyone, but she was shaken and angry and terrified that something could have happened to him.

Sean fell into step with her, sneaking quick, hard glances at her, but she refused to acknowledge him.

I hear you and I’ve got a rifle trained on your friend, Mari.

She heard the sound of her heart pounding in her ears. Her hand went once again to the cross nestled between her br**sts. “Sean. You ever hear of a couple of snipers named Norton?”

“Hell yes. Everyone’s heard of them.”

“One of them has you in his scope right now. He nearly killed you before. Didn’t you hear the bullet when you hit the ground?” You can’t shoot him, Ken. If you do that, how are you going to follow me back to the compound?

I’m feeling a little mean right about now, Mari.

Sean’s breath sounded like one long wheeze. He looked wildly around. “Are you certain, Mari?”

I suppose you have reason to feel that way, she conceded to Ken. I had to think of something to keep everyone from getting killed, and after all, you did it to me first. I was saving your life, just like you saved mine.

Is that what you call it?

“Oh, yeah. I’m certain,” she told Sean. That’s what you called it, she reminded Ken. And just so you know, I didn’t know about the gas or the building blowing up at the time. It wasn’t my team. Someone on the inside working for Whitney did all that.

I have one hell of a headache, thanks to you. Veer to the left. I like seeing him sweat. If you go left it gives me more of an opportunity to wing him.

She glanced sideways. Sean was sweating. Droplets ran down his face and his shirt had damp spots on it. You are feeling mean. You don’t need to wing him. And I’d have more sympathy for the headache, except you gave me one first and I think you sort of deserve it.

I’m going to shoot the bastard, Mari.

Fine. I have sympathy. Loads of sympathy.

The son of a bitch didn’t need to slap you.

Her heart jumped again. Ken sounded lethal, all playfulness gone. I need him to help me get the others out.

You really think I’m going to let you go?

You have to, Ken. I mean it. Her heart thundered in her ears. It was only a few more steps. Once they made it into the trees, Sean would be safe from a bullet and she could figure out what was going on with him. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to one of the other women.

There was a small silence. She was counting steps now, trying to judge how many more to reach the safety of the trees.

Mari, if he touches you, he’s a dead man. You’d better know that. And I’m going to be with you every step of the way. Don’t try to throw us off the trail. That’s just going to piss me off, and you don’t want to see that side of me.
