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Deadly Game

Deadly Game (GhostWalkers #5)(84)
Author: Christine Feehan

Mari’s stomach heaved. She knew Ken was listening, felt him go very still. She desperately wanted to wrap her arms around him.

Was he aware that the man who went to rescue him was captured and tortured? That Ekabela was waiting for him? Violet, he had to have known, and he led them there anyway in order to get a better political position.

I know. It was a terrible thing to do, and he regrets it. I’ve talked to him, made him see what a monster Whitney is.

Mari closed her eyes. Ed Freeman was directly responsible for Ken’s capture and torture by Ekabela. Ken had gone to the Congo to rescue the senator. He’d literally put his life on the line to save him. And Freeman betrayed him for a place on the vice-presidential ballot. Neither Violet nor her husband could possibly conceive of the damage Ed Freeman had done to Ken—damage that would last a lifetime. It sickened Mari that Violet could love such a man.

Ken considered himself a monster. He feared the violence in himself, but Mari knew one Ken was worth a million Ed Freemans. Ken would never, under any circumstances, deliver another man to the enemy, especially knowing how bloodthirsty and brutal Ekabela was. Everyone knew his reputation for genocide, for torture, for the mass murder of opposing forces. Yet Whitney had made a deal with him, and Senator Ed Freeman had gone along with that deal to further his political career. She was suddenly very suspicious that if Freeman was capable of betraying a soldier for political gain—he just might have his own agenda coming here to this place.

Mari broke off contact with Violet. Ken, I’m so sorry you had to hear that.

I’m all right, baby.

But he wasn’t. She knew he wasn’t. Tears for him burned her eyes. Ed Freeman is an ass**le, Ken, and Violet’s an idiot if she really could love a man like that. I’m not sure what to say to them.

It’s a trap, Mari. I don’t know what they expect to get out of this visit, but they want something, and it isn’t to get you and the other women out. Warn the others not to talk to her at all, not to give out any information.

They won’t. Mari could feel Violet tugging at her mind, trying to open the pathway between them. Mari kept her out, but it wasn’t easy. Her head pounded, and she felt the thin trickle of blood at her ear.

Tell me what you want to do, baby.

She made up her mind. They had to go now. Whatever was happening, they couldn’t wait, they had to try to make their escape.

Ken, get to the other women and get their cells unlocked. Do it now!

Roger that. I’ll give Jack the word they’re coming out.

Violet shoved hard at her mind and Mari let her in. Mari, honey, I’m afraid for you. Dr. Whitney seemed really upset with you. He didn’t want Ed talking to you. He offered to allow him access to all the other women, but I convinced him to insist on speaking with you.

Mari sank down onto her cot, slamming her mind closed again to Violet. Ken, Violet is well aware any of the women could tell her husband what’s going on here. This isn’t about the superbaby program, that’s for sure.

We’re going with your instincts, sweetheart. I’ve got your back.

Mari let her breath out. Of course he did. Ken could be counted on. Get the cells open fast before Whitney pulls his ace out of the hole. Violet’s playing with a cobra and she’s bound to get bitten.

The little group came around the corner, Senator Freeman and Violet surrounded by her security team, Whitney leading the way, and, to her disgust, Sean walking beside Whitney.

Whitney stopped in front of her cell, that same little half smile on his face. “The senator would like a word with you, Mari.”

She stepped back away from the cell door, glancing at Sean. His gaze was on the smudge marks and strawberry on her throat and going lower below the neckline of her blouse. There was satisfaction in his expression, and she realized he believed she had cooperated with him and he had been the one to leave marks of possession on her body. For some reason, that embarrassed her and she found it much more difficult to face Violet and her husband.

Senator Freeman moved out of the circle of his security guards. “I’ve been hearing rumors about a breeding program. According to what I’ve heard, and I can hardly give it credence, Dr. Whitney is forcing psychically enhanced women to breed against their will with enhanced soldiers to produce offspring to be raised as weapons.”

Ken, he sounds like he rehearsed that over and over. Mari moistened her lips and glanced toward Whitney.

“It’s all right, Mari,” Freeman assured. “I’m a United States senator. Dr. Whitney isn’t going to harm you for telling the truth. You know my wife, Violet. My word is good. I’ll see to it that you don’t come to any harm.”

She moved farther from the door, toward the back of the cell, and shook her head.

“She’s afraid Dr. Whitney will hurt the other women,” Violet volunteered. “We’re trying to help you,” she added. “Just tell him the truth.”

Eyes locked on Violet, Mari said distinctly, “Yes, Senator, it’s all true. There are several women here. Dr. Whitney holds one under threat in order to secure cooperation from the rest of us.” He already knows, Ken. I can see it in his eyes. He looks triumphant and so does Violet. They can’t be so stupid as to think Whitney would let them walk out of here if he thought for a minute they’d expose him. What are they up to?

“You’re telling me that these women are held against their will? That the doctor sends soldiers in to force cooperation?”

“You don’t need to act as if you’re outraged, Ed. You know what’s at stake here. You know what we’re trying to achieve. Besides, you’ve done much worse. You helped deliver a U.S. Special Forces soldier to Ekabela to be skinned alive. And as for you, Violet, my dear, you really should have done a better job keeping your husband’s attention properly focused.”

“We’re taking Mari with us,” Freeman said, his voice unnecessarily loud and demanding.

It had all definitely been rehearsed. Whitney would never let the senator get away with this puffed-up importance. “No, you aren’t. I absolutely won’t go with you.” Violet, whatever deal you have with him isn’t going to work you know. You can’t trust Whitney. If you’re selling all of us down the river to stay on the ballot . . .

I love my husband, Mari. I don’t want him dead.

Understanding dawned. Mari felt like a fool. This was your idea. You made the deal with Whitney. Whatever he wants in exchange for Ed’s life. You knew he was the one who put the hit out on him. There was no other explanation. Whitney wanted something from Violet and Ed Freeman, and they were willing to do a deal. In return, Whitney would call off the hit and his friends would back Freeman for the vice presidency. What did you have to do, Violet? Who’d you sell out?
