Read Books Novel

Desire After Dark

"He was right to refuse you," Antonio said. "A decision like that— "

"He said you should do it."

Antonio stared at her, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Will you? Or will I have to search the world for a vampire who will bring me across?"

"You are determined to do this thing?"

"Yes. Very."

"My warrior woman." He drew her into his arms. "You must be sure, sweeting. Once it is done, it cannot be undone."

"I’m sure. I’ve thought about it for weeks and weeks." She looked up at him, frowning.

"You do know how to do it, don’t you?"

"Yes, I know how, though I have never made another vampire."


"There is no hurry. When you are ready, let me know."

"I’m ready now. I want to share your life, all of it. I don’t want to waste a minute."

"You will not age. Are you sure this is the age you wish to be from now on?"

She thought about that. She was twenty-two, old enough to know what she wanted. She could wait a year or two or five and still be young, but what if something happened to her while she was waiting? She was in good health now, but could get deathly ill or hit by a truck or, heaven forbid, become the target of another madman with a penchant for redheads.

"I’m sure."

He swept her into his arms and carried her up the stairs to the bedroom. At his nod, a fire sprang to life in the hearth.

Gently, he placed her on the bed, then sat down beside her and drew her into his arms.

She looked up at him, her eyes wide. "Are you going to bite me now?"

"Yes, but there is more to it than that."

"Will it hurt?" she asked tremulously.

"No," he said, and then he explained how it was done, that he would take her blood and then she would take his. Her earthly body would die and when she awoke, she would be as he was, a creature of the night.

"Are you still sure this is what you want?" he asked.


"You must remove your crucifix."

Vicki wrapped her hand around the thick silver cross. She had worn it for almost as long as she could remember. How could she take it off?

He read the pain and confusion in her eyes. And waited.

"Will I still feel the same about everything when I’m a vampire?"

"That is up to you. You need not surrender your faith or your beliefs. There are priests and rabbis among the Undead. They are men who did not ask for the Dark Gift, but who have adjusted to it and manage to continue to live their religion, though slightly modified. Becoming a vampire is like mortal death. Whatever a man is in this life is what he takes with him into the next world. The same is true of becoming a vampire. A man who was a liar when he was alive will be a liar when he is turned, just as an honest man will remain an honest man when he becomes a vampire."

She thought that over for a moment and then she removed the cross and chain and wrapped it in a hanky she pulled from the pocket of her jeans. She held it tightly for a moment and then placed it in the back of the bottom dresser drawer. When she closed the drawer, she knew she had also closed a door on one chapter of her life. Tonight, a new chapter would begin.

She looked deep into Antonio’s eyes, dark blue eyes filled with love and hope, and then she sat down beside him and kissed him.

With a low groan, he tightened his arms around her. He fell back on the bed, carrying her with him, his mouth working its familiar magic, carrying her to places she had never been before, making her forget everything but her need for this man in her life.

She felt the brush of his fangs against her neck, a sudden rush of heat followed by waves of intense pleasure. She knew a moment of fear as all the strength seemed to leave her body. The world grew dark, and she was falling, falling, her hold on life growing weaker as she fell into the darkness.

And then she heard Antonio’s voice calling her back, telling her that he loved her, that she must fight to live. Must drink.

He pressed something warm to her mouth and she drank, drank his life and his memories.

"Sleep now, my sweetest one." His hand stroked her brow. "When you awake tomorrow, I will show you the world as you have never seen it before. Sleep… "

Filled with an aching tenderness, Antonio gazed at the woman in his arms. He had not prayed since he was turned, but he prayed now, prayed fervently that he had not made a terrible mistake, that she would not hate him for doing what she had asked.

He wiped the blood from her mouth. Though he had never slept in this bed, he knew Victoria would not want to awake in a coffin; indeed, he had a feeling he would be taking his rest in a bed from now on.

After removing her shoes, he tucked her under the covers, fully clothed, and then he went through the castle, making certain all the wards were in place. They would sleep here tonight; tomorrow, he would move the bed to a more secure location. But tonight…

Tonight, for the first time in his preternatural life, he would take his rest beside a woman he loved.

Tonight, he thought as he stretched out beside her. Tonight, and for all his tomorrows.

She didn’t want to wake up. She felt warm and secure and at peace for the first time in her life. Sighing, she turned onto her side, remembering the dream she’d had the night before. It was very like the dreams she’d had before, the ones with the golden goblet, only this time she had been the one to drink the contents, and in doing so, she had become a vampire. One of the Undead. A creature of the night.

Eyes still closed, she frowned. Had it been a dream? It had seemed so real. Fully awake now, she realized that she was vividly aware of the texture and smell of the cotton pillowcase beneath her cheek. She knew the sun had set. She knew it was raining.

She knew she wasn’t alone in the bed.

"Good evening, my sweet one."

"Antonio." She rolled over and he was there. Propped up on one elbow, he was watching her, his expression oddly vulnerable. "What happened?"

"You do not remember?"

"No… " She looked past Antonio, only then realizing that not only could she see him clearly, but she could also see everything else in the room with perfect clarity even though the room was dark. "You did it, didn’t you? You made me a… " She stared at him. "A vampire."

He nodded, his expression closed to her. "Do you hate me now?"

"Hate you?" Sitting up, she looked at her hands, her arms. She threw back the covers and wiggled her toes. "I don’t feel any different, and yet… "
