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I laugh, and we both get back to work. I think we’ll get along just fine.


Belle and Immy move into my apartment the next morning. She had all her things stored at her mom’s place, and she lives just around the corner so the move is fairly easy. We unpack her and Immy’s things together, setting up their beds and organizing their room. I show her where everything is and we agree on a weekly rent amount. Then, just when we’re nearly done, her sister comes around with her daughter. She was watching her while we moved.

Imogen is stunning. Nothing like her momma in looks, though. Her hair is dark as the night and flows around her shoulders in little curls. Her eyes, blue as the sky, are sparkling and sweet. She’s got creamy skin like her mom, and the same happy smile. She’s a gorgeous child, and she’ll grow up to be a gorgeous woman.

“Mommy!” she cries, rushing in and throwing herself into Belle’s arms.

“Have you been a good girl for Aunty Tina?”

I look over to Tina, who looks a lot like Belle, except her hair is blond. She smiles at me, and waves her hand. “You must be Pippa. I’m Tina.”

“Nice to meet you, Tina.” I smile.

“Immy,” Belle says, kneeling down. “This is Pippa. She’s going to be living here, too.”

Imogen turns to me and I kneel down. “Hi Immy. I’m glad you’re living here. Do you love baking?”

Her pretty face lights up. “Yeah! Mom and I bake cookies. Can you bake cookies, Pippa?”

“I can give it a try.”

She flashes a cute smile and turns to her mom. “Where’s my room, Mommy?”

The next hour is spent showing Imogen and Tina the apartment. I make coffee and serve biscuits, and Immy snuggles on the couch to watch some television while we talk. I’ve not felt so at ease since my parents were alive. Slowly, little by little, I’m starting to feel like a normal person again.

I couldn’t be happier.


THEN –Pippa

Rainer and I are lying in my bed, huddled close because of the cold creeping in from the outside. It’s starting to cool down and the nights are becoming harder and harder to deal with. We don’t have blankets and we don’t have coats, so we are relying on body heat to keep us warm. We figured this out years ago and now we automatically climb in bed together when the nights become cool.

We are face to face, and Rainer’s cool breath is tickling my cheek as he breathes deeply in and out. His arm is thrown over my waist and our legs are tangled together. We have a sort of peace between us now, a level of comfortable that works for the both of us. We’ve grown close, so close I’ve started to wonder if Rainer cares for me more than he’s letting on.

I love Rainer, but I’m not in love with him. He’s my comfort. My friend. The only person I trust.

“Pip?” he murmurs and I can feel his hot breath tickle my cheek.

“Yeah?” I squeak.

“Have you ever been kissed?”

My face flushes in the darkness and I squirm, unable to answer without croaking.

He chuckles. “Is that a no, then?”

“No,” I croak. “I haven’t. I guess I haven’t really had time.”

“Do you want to be kissed?” he asks, his voice dipping low.

“Well, sure, I mean—”

“Pippa,” he whispers, cutting me off. “If I kiss you, will it make everything change between us?”

My voice gets stranded in my throat and I blink back the moisture building in my eyes. Rainer wants to kiss me. I’ve not been kissed, and I’ve often wondered how it would feel. I guess I always thought it would be with a man I wanted to be with for a long time, maybe my husband, but the chances of that ever happening for me are slim.

Rainer might just be the only man I’m ever able to kiss.

So, in a quiet voice, I whisper, “No, it won’t change.”

He sucks in a breath and then he’s moving closer. He doesn’t go straight for my lips. Instead, his mouth finds the corner of mine and gently touches there. I shiver and he rubs his hands up and down my arms as he moves his mouth to my cheek, then to my nose. I’m holding my breath by the time he moves to my lips.

The first touch is soft, like feathers against my skin. I gasp, and Rainer makes a similar sound, before gently tangling his hand in my hair and pulling me closer. His lips crush against mine now and the kiss becomes deeper, but still equally as soft. He doesn’t touch his tongue to mine, but having his lips against my flesh is enough. It feels wonderful.

“You taste as beautiful as you are,” he whispers, pulling away.

“Thank you,” I croak in the darkness.

“For what?”

“For giving me the only kiss I’ll probably ever have.”

He presses his forehead to mine and kisses my nose. “I’ll kiss you a thousand times, Pippa. I’ll never let that be the only thing you ever have.”

Maybe I’m wrong.

Maybe I am in love with Rainer.

God knows I should be.


NOW – Pippa

My phone rings, stirring me from my sleep. I crashed out onto the couch after Belle went to work and dropped Imogen off to her sister for the night. I’m exhausted; the last few days having taken out every ounce of energy left in my body. I’ve been thinking about Tyke for almost every second of every day, wondering if he’s okay.

Santana told me Maddox called her last night and said they are all good, and that Tyke is moody and angry, so whatever I did before he left must have been good. She also said they were coming home in the next few days, depending on how things went down. I’m nervous at the thought of seeing Tyke again after our last encounter.
