Read Books Novel

Destined for an Early Grave

"It’s because this shows that you still care, despite how crappy things have been lately."

There was that flash across his face again. "Did you really think I’d ceased to care? Kitten, I care so much it wrecks me."

I hurtled myself across the car, latching my arms around him and feeling the mind-numbing relief of his answering embrace.

"I can’t believe I was so pissed before about being unemployed and without a wallet," I choked, realizing how absurd that was compared to what really mattered.


"Nothing." I kissed him, a deep, searching kiss that wiped out the estrangement of the past several days. "How fast can you make it back to the motel?"

His gaze lit up with lovely, hungry green.

"Very fast."

"Good." It was almost a moan. "I’ll call Cooper and tell him we’ll see him in the morning."

Bones rolled down his window. "Fabian," he called out, "get your ghostly arse back in the car, we’re leaving."

Bones did make good time back to the Red Roof Inn. The thought of that uncomfortable mattress with those thin blankets sounded sinfully appealing to me now. Yet while we were waiting at a stoplight about a mile away, pain sliced into my skull.

…understand this man will stop at nothing, and you’ll never be safe…

"Gregor," I breathed, so low it was barely a sound.

"Where?" Bones whipped his head around.

…ensure your protection, but you must trust me, cherie…

"Oh, Jesus," I whispered. "Bones…I think he’s at the hotel!"

Bones made a U-turn, then hit the accelerator. Brakes squealed, and other vehicles slammed to a stop while horns blared. He hadn’t bothered to wait for the light.

"Fabian," Bones said in a tight voice, "go back to the hotel to check. We’ll be at the gates of the park we just left."

"I will be quick." Fabian promised, and he vanished. We didn’t even have to slow down.

Bones continued to floor it, checking the rearview mirror. After several miles, he pulled over at a gas station.

"Come on, luv, time to switch cars."

We got out. The man fueling his Honda next to us only had time to say, "What the – ?" before Bones hit him with his gaze.

"This is your car now," he said. "And yours is mine."

"My car," the man repeated, eyes glazing.

"Right. Go home and clean it, it’s ghastly dirty."

"Wait until he starts on the trunk," I mumbled, getting into the man’s vehicle.

Bones drove less aggressively this time, but he still went way above the speed limit. Instead of the direct route to the park, he took side roads. Once we reached the park, Bones pulled under a tree, shutting off the engine and the headlights.

In the quiet, my accelerated breathing sounded too loud. "Do you – do you think – "

"Why do you believe Gregor’s at the motel?"

He asked it as nonchalantly as if he were inquiring, paper or plastic? That didn’t fool me. His knuckles were almost white on the steering wheel.

How to explain? "I got these sharp pains in my head, and I could hear him, only he wasn’t talking to me now. I think it was memories of what he’d said before, and the only other time it happened was when he was close, on the street in New Orleans."

A pause. Then, "What did he say?"

"You couldn’t hear it?" That surprised me.

"No." The mildness drained from his tone. "Else I wouldn’t ask."

"Um, okay. The first one was quick, just a fragment. Something about there not being a cherry farm in France. This time, he was warning me that someone was after me."

Bones grunted. "That sounds very present tense, don’t you agree?"

"Yeah, it does," I mused. "But somehow, I still think it was a memory."

Fabian appeared at the windshield. The sudden sight of him made me jump in my seat. He could sure sneak up on someone.

"The yellow-haired vampire was there," he announced. "He was behind the motel with six others. I don’t think they saw me."

Bones stared at me. His gaze was filled with something I couldn’t name.

"I’m sorry," he said quietly.

"For what?"


His fist shot out.

When my eyes opened, I saw darkness with slight flickers of light around the edges. I was sitting, but not in the car. It sounded like we were on a plane.

Immediately, I reached for the blindfold, but cool hands stopped me.

"Don’t, Kitten."

I turned in the direction of his voice. "Get this off me."

"No. Quit squirming and let me talk."

I froze, remembering. "You knocked me out."

"Yes." Wariness edged his tone. "Are you going to sit still?"

"Depends. Why’d you hit me?" He’d better have a damn good reason.

"Remember when I said the only people who could be informing Gregor of our whereabouts were in the car? Liza, Band-Aid, and Hopscotch didn’t know where we were staying in Fort Worth, and even if they did, they’ve been without means to communicate. Denise and Spade didn’t know where we were staying. Fabian was with us the entire time, and if somehow he were a traitor, he could have said Gregor wasn’t waiting at the hotel. That leaves only you and me. I haven’t told Gregor anything, so that leaves…you."

I was stunned. "You think I’ve been sneaking behind your back with Gregor?"

"Not on purpose, but in the same way Gregor maneuvered you to Paris, and communicated with you in your dreams; who’s to say he hasn’t found a way to eavesdrop as well? It’s a guess, Kitten, but if I’m wrong, you only lose some time awake."

And if he was right…

"What’s your plan? Smack me into a coma and wait to see if Gregor goes away?" I’d thought nothing was worse than feeling helpless, but being a potential liability? That was worse.

"Of course not. But when we change locations, I want you to take those pills so you’ll sleep. If you don’t know where we are, but Gregor’s still able to track you, we’ll know it’s not from his picking through your mind while you dream."

God, this sucked. Like waiting to see if an animal was rabid, I’d be penned and quarantined.

"Then why did you bother waking me? We’re on a plane. I can hear the engines. Why not wait until we got to where we’re going?"

"You need to eat and drink, and I thought you’d like to freshen up."

Once again I reached for the blindfold, and once again he stopped me.

"Leave it on."

"Why? I already know we’re on a plane, but I can’t navigate by the clouds!"
