Read Books Novel

Destined for an Early Grave

"Rodney, the laws," Bones began.

"Save it." The ghoul let go of me to stare at Bones. "If you don’t manage to kill Gregor soon, I’m going after her, laws or no laws – and backup or no backup."

"Don’t be a fool, that would be suicide," Bones snapped.

Rodney gave him a cold smile. "You always said no one lives forever."

I was torn between wanting to hug Rodney again and knowing Bones was right. "She’ll need you when we get her back," I said, choosing logic for once. "My mother and I, you know we clash. You’re the only one she seems to listen to, but you can’t help her cope with being a vampire if you’re dead."

Rodney flicked his gaze to me, then walked back into the house without another word. I had no idea if that meant he’d wait, or if that was his way of saying he wouldn’t.

"This won’t last long, Kitten," Bones said, breaking the loaded quiet. "Gregor’s run out of tricks. He’ll be forced to seek me out soon, because each day he doesn’t, people will question why Gregor refuses to face the man who stole his wife and who’s daring him to a duel over her."

That snapped my attention away from my mother. "When did you dare him to duel?"

Bones’s gaze was dark and steady. "I publicly challenged Gregor as soon as Mencheres told me he was invading your dreams."

I’d known Bones had planned to fight Gregor in New Orleans, but I hadn’t known a standing challenge had been thrown down. The realization that at any time Gregor could accept it, resulting in a fight to the death between him and Bones, filled me with icy fear.

"He’s stronger than you are." My voice was barely above a whisper.

Bones snorted. "I know that, luv, but he won’t be the first bloke I’ve shriveled who exceeded me in power. All I need is one mistake from Gregor, and he’s mine."

I didn’t say aloud the thing that made my heart ache with dread.

But what if Gregor doesn’t make a mistake?

Two days passed with no word from Gregor. Rodney and I took turns wearing holes in the carpet pacing. Bones kept cautioning patience. If Rodney was anything like me, he loathed that word by now.

One thing the stress seemed to be good for was forcing myself awake and moving after dawn. I could now even walk through the entire morning hours, though it must look like I was doing an impression of a staggering drunk. Aside from stress being a motivator, I also continued to notice that the more I drank from Bones in the morning, the more I could push off the paralyzing effects of the sun breaking the horizon. Maybe good nutrition really was the key to health, for people or vampires.

Today, I’d marked a personal milestone; making it down the three-story winding staircase to the kitchen and back again. It took me two hours, something that in the afternoon, I’d accomplish in seconds, but I was happy with the progress even as I collapsed, exhausted, on the nearest chair.

"Tomorrow, I’m going outside," I said. Direct sunlight would be even harder on me, but I had to get myself up to speed. Fast. As it was, a human could kick my ass from dawn to noon.

"Do you have any idea how remarkable it is that you’re even awake?" Bones said, gesturing to Mencheres. "Tell her. I slept from dawn until dusk for the first two months. It was considered admirable progress for me to be about during daylight at all in my third month. This is only your second week, Kitten."

"It’s unprecedented," Mencheres agreed.

His tone made me glance up at him. I caught a flicker of something on his face that quickly smoothed into impassiveness. Bones must have caught Mencheres’s tone, too, because he arched a brow.

"Is there something else you’d like to add, Grandsire?"

An unfamiliar vampire coming into the kitchen interrupted whatever Mencheres’s reply might have been. Must be another of Mencheres’s staff, though he bowed to Bones instead of the Egyptian vampire.

"What it is?" Bones asked.

"Pardon me, but there’s someone on the phone who says they have a call for you."

My brows went up. So did Bones’s. "There’s a call to tell me I have a call?" he asked with heavy skepticism.

The vampire looked uneasy as he held out a cell phone. "It’s my friend Lachlan. He called me to say he’d been contacted by Chill, a vampire he knows, who was called by Nathan, who’s a member of Kyoko’s line, who says a vampire named Rollo contacted him because he met a ghost who claims to be yours – "

"Fabian!" I exclaimed, just now realizing I hadn’t seen him since the fiasco of the party.

Bones took the cell from the vampire and everything changed.

We waited two miles away from the craggy house in Moldova where Gregor had my mother held captive. Rodney crouched to my right, weighted down with multiple wickedly curved silver blades. Bones hunched to my left, his body so still that he might have been carved from stone. I tried to duplicate that same immobility, but I couldn’t. My gaze kept flicking around in impatience. Where was Fabian? He should be back by now.

Spade crept up from the brush. He’d been making sure no enemy forces were sneaking up behind us while we waited for Fabian’s report. At Spade’s nod, we were the only ones stalking others in the chilly surrounding countryside. Wind blew Spade’s inky hair back from his face as he set his gaze ahead in the same direction Bones stared.

After what seemed like an eternity, a hazy flash appeared in the trees, and we saw Fabian streaking just above the frost-covered ground.

"Gregor isn’t here, but from how Cannelle’s acting, he’ll be back soon," the ghost said when he reached us. "Right now there are about a dozen guards. More will be with Gregor when he returns."

Bones didn’t glance away from whatever he’d been looking at in the distance. "Then now is the best time. Fabian, keep a lookout on the road. At the first sign of Gregor or his men, you come warn us."

The ghost nodded, his see-through features taking on a determined expression. "I won’t fail you."

For about the dozenth time today, I wished I could hug Fabian. Never did I expect to be so indebted to a ghost, but I owed Fabian more than I could repay. After the disastrous party, Fabian had the presence of mind to follow Gregor, haunting the trunk of whatever vehicle Gregor drove or hitchhiking on various people who happened to be near Gregor. True to undead prejudice, Gregor hadn’t seemed to realize he was being spied on, even if he or one of his people might have glimpsed the ghost. Always pride before a fall.

Fabian’s hardest task after finding Gregor’s hiding place was to contact us and let us know about it. It’s not like a phantom could use a phone, e-mail, or pass on a letter. Factor in the same dismissal of ghosts that had made his spying possible, and Fabian had had a hell of a time getting a vampire ally to listen long enough to start the chain of calls that eventually reached Bones.
