Read Books Novel

Dinner With a Vampire

Dinner With a Vampire (The Dark Heroine #1)(110)
Author: Abigail Gibbs

The boy scampered away and Henry retreated back under the balcony. Kaspar and Eaglen followed; as the latter climbed back up the steps, he looked up towards where the Queen was standing. The most fleeting of smiles crossed his face before he disappeared too.

The Queen turned back to me, seemingly unaffected. ‘There are ways, young Heroine, of fulfilling the prophecy and ensuring those you love are safe.’ She reached out and pulled me to my feet, leading me back inside. ‘This is what you must do …’

Consciousness came quickly as I became aware that something cold was being pressed to my brow and that my cheeks were tingling. A pillow had been placed beneath my head and I lay on something soft. All around there were voices. Trying not to move, I listened, keeping my eyes closed.

‘Are you that foolish, Vladimir? Are you so naïve to think that this girl’s coming to us was a mere coincidence?’

A voice, undoubtedly the King’s, responded in an undertone. ‘I do not question fate, Eaglen, but fate’s choice. A girl – a human girl – who has not been brought up at court, nor even in our Kingdom must act on behalf of a people she despised until a few weeks ago. And that is not to mention her treacherous father. How can she possibly live up to what is expected of her?’

Someone, who I presumed to be Eaglen, replied. ‘She is young and she will be of new blood when she turns, for she must turn, but in her I see the youthful spirit of your late wife, and with it will come the faith of the Kingdom. She can learn our ways and as to her father; when he comes, she will betray him, as the Prophecy tells.’

There was a long pause. The tingling ceased and I felt warm breath across my face, before a few words were whispered in what must be Sagean.

‘I cannot let that man into my Kingdom. I cannot.’

‘You must.’

‘Then I do so unwillingly and without courtesy.’

Eaglen chuckled. ‘Do it however you like, Vladimir. I doubt the man will give a damn.’

There was a sigh. ‘And Kaspar?’

‘He will come around. But he needs time.’

‘He does not have time. No one does.’

My heart skipped a beat and I decided I wanted to hear no more. Beginning to fidget, I heard whoever bent over me hiss for the others to hush. I slowly opened my eyes, blinking furiously at the sudden light and looking around, trying to look dazed.

I was lying on a divan sofa, propped up by cushions. The person leaning over me was the Sagean Princess, Joanna, who smiled at me as my eyelids fluttered open. Looking around, I vaguely recognized where I was: the King’s study. Bookcases lined the walls and a huge mahogany desk was framed by a window on the back wall, the curtains partly drawn across to block the light. Behind that desk stood the King, his hand resting on the high back of the desk chair and with him, Eaglen. Henry stood a little way away, examining a book he had pulled from the shelves.

Locking eyes with the King, I tried to feign surprise at his presence – although it was not entirely faked: as he turned towards me, a jolt of adrenalin shot through my chest and I scrabbled to sit up, but Joanna pushed me down.

‘Calm, Heroine. He will not harm you.’

I shot her a disbelieving look and the King stepped around the desk. Wary, I sat up again, tightening my grip around the edge of the sofa. As I did, I felt something press into my palm, cool and round. I glanced at my hand and through the gap between my finger and thumb I could see the Queen’s locket. My eyes widened.

So the dream was real.

Panicking, I tightened my hand even further, hiding it from view. The King slowly came forward. With each step my heart seemed to jump into my mouth. But I held still. Henry closed his book and watched, tense. Joanna stood as the King bowed his head and closed his eyes.

‘I cannot forgive your father,’ he began, his voice strained. ‘Because the pain he caused in this Kingdom and in others is far too great. But I will tolerate him, because I must and I will ensure your family comes to no harm, for your sake. But I cannot forgive.’ He shook his head and Eaglen came forward, resting a hand on the younger man’s shoulder. I just stared, trying to absorb the enormity of his words. The locket seared even colder in my hands – so cold I struggled to keep hold of it.

I just bowed my own head, finding myself unable to find the right words, or to settle on the correct emotion. Part of me wanted to hate this man, so ready to murder me, but the other half of me sought to pity a man driven to such grief.

‘We have an understanding then, young Heroine,’ Eaglen said, smiling. ‘There is much to be discussed at the council meeting this evening.’ Henry murmured his agreement. ‘But for now, you—’

He was interrupted as the door opened. One of the King’s manservants entered and bowed. ‘Prince Kaspar, Your Majesty.’

The King briskly rose at the servants words and my heart fluttered furiously. I pleaded with it to calm, for I had no doubt the vampires would hear its beat. Eaglen glanced at me.

‘We will take leave of you, My Lady.’

He bowed and the two Sage followed suit. The King hung back for a moment and then bowed too, sweeping from the room. I heard the door shut and took a deep breath. Gradually, I turned towards where Kaspar stood in the centre of the room, the back of the divan separating us. As my eyes settled on him his arm swept behind his back.

‘Don’t,’ I began, but he dropped into a low bow.

‘My Lady.’

I turned away, embarrassed and hurt by the formal address. Twiddling the chain of the locket between my fingers, I waited for him to say something. But he kept quiet and glancing towards him I saw that he had not moved.

‘Say something,’ I snapped, in a tone more harsh than I intended.

He lowered his head. ‘What would you like me to say, My Lady?’

‘Anything but “My Lady”,’ I murmured and I could see from the slight twitch in his lower lip that he heard.

‘Then what would you have me address you as, Lady Heroine?’

I scowled at his use of ‘Lady Heroine’ (which was even worse) and continued playing with the locket, letting the chain run like it was fluid across my fingertips.

‘The same as you usually do: Violet or Girly.’

A low groan escaped his lips and his weight shifted slightly. ‘Then what would you have me say, Girly?’

I sighed and rested my head against the back of the divan. ‘That you don’t hate me.’

‘I don’t hate you.’ I sat up and frowned. He continued, clasping both his hands behind his back. ‘I doubt I could hate you, even if I tried. I cannot face you as I did before, but I do not hate you, and never will.’
