Read Books Novel


Author: Nyrae Dawn & Jolene

Is he seriously making fun of my name? Never mind that I made fun of his and his brother’s names—seriously, theirs match. Mine is awesome. Anyway, I don’t have to like him. His brother is messing up my sister’s plan.

“Yeah. Thanks.” I pick up my champagne again. Not that I’m a big drinker, because I’m not. But I think the occasion is extreme. I’m also a bit surprised Mom’s risking giving me a glass. I’m sure some inspector someone wouldn’t be happy about it, but right now, I’m not about to question.

Lora kicks me under the table, and I almost call her on it. But the death glare I’m getting says I’d better keep my mouth shut. I down the rest of my champagne. Dad raises an eyebrow, but I pretend not to see.

Okay, so I might have sort of freaked out on Lora before the party. And her fiancé might have heard part of it because they were on the phone, and I might have stayed in the kitchen way longer than I needed to (seeing as I can barely make toast) just to avoid the dinner. But she didn’t have to torture me by putting me next to hot party guy, who smells freaking delicious and has the most awesome eyes I’ve ever… Crap. I need to stop.

My phone buzzes with another text. Alyssa this time. I delete it without reading and pull a shaky breath in to keep from crying.

It’s pretty egotistical for Lora to think I was upset over her anyway. I lost James. And the worst part about it is that he should have been the safest guy ever. Him and Alyssa? What have they done? Is it still going on? Was it a one-time thing? A many-times thing? How far did they go? That thought makes me feel like someone just dropped me out of a plane.

My phone buzzes. Another text. I’m almost afraid to check, but it’s Lora. Amazingly, she seems like the safest choice right now.



Lora scowls as she reads my note, and then she starts frantically texting. Mom and Dad are probably telling some embarrassing story because there’s chuckling around the table, but Lora and I have business.



Crap. Now what?


I hit send.

She snorts from across the table. Yeah, I didn’t think she’d buy it. We don’t go to the same school.

Dylan sounds like he’s holding in a chuckle. I glance his way to see him and his brother give each other the look that Lora and I usually exchange when something’s going on.

“Ziah?” Mom leans forward. Her in a chair at her own restaurant is a bit of a miracle.

“Yes?” I lean forward, and Dad nearly tips his chair back trying to get out of the way. Guess there’s sort of a mood around the table.

Now I’m getting the glare of death from Mom.

Perfect. Does everyone think I’m so immature that I’m overreacting this badly to a wedding? I mean, I’m not for it, and I think they’re making a huge mistake, but seriously.

I slump down in my chair and make a point of shoving my phone into my pocket so Lora can see. Neither of them asks why my day’s sucking. At the same time, opening my mouth to say that James at some point hooked up with Alyssa… or is maybe still hooking up with Alyssa…

I wish I had more champagne.

Dylan leans toward me, and I breathe in like an idiot. “Having fun?”

He so knows Lora and I were texting. I don’t make eye contact, just lean back. Anger is better than hurt.

“Where’s your armrest?”


“The one decorated like…nevermind.” He knows who I am. I could see it across the table before I sat down.

He stops. He’s probably counting back girls to remember who on Earth he was with.

“Have you been thinking about me, Hanes?” He chuckles.

“You wish.” Hanes? I open my mouth to ask as my fingers twitch, as I wonder what the chances are of my getting a refill on my champagne glass.

“Maybe.” He’s smiling like this is all some big joke.

It’s not a joke. I don’t want to think about him, and I don’t want him to want me to think about him. I also don’t want Lora to get married. And I don’t want Alyssa to be with James. The thought of it digs at my chest. And this hot guy is just messing with me for fun.

Wait. I turn to face him. “What did you call me?”


Ha. I’ve thrown him.

“What did you call me?” I ask again.

He glances up at his brother, who’s nuzzling Lora’s neck again. Gag.

Maybe Alyssa and James did that. Maybe they hated that I was in the middle of what they wanted. I swear my stomach is turning inside out. I can always eat. Always. But I have zero appetite tonight.

Dylan stares at his plate for a sec, looking almost… sad? Mad? I do not want to feel bad for this guy. He’s on the enemy side. I don’t know what’s going on, and I need air. My chair scoots back so fast, I almost tip over. Mom’s eyes are on me.

“Ladies’ room,” I spit out as I almost trip over myself getting around the table. What’s my problem? It’s just Lora and some hot guy, and James and Alyssa. And just… Hanes. What does that mean?

If hot party-guy’s brother is ready to settle down, what does that say about the guy who was supposed to be solid and steady, and who apparently hooked up or something with Alyssa? He has things he needs to apologize for, and she’s my best friend! Tears start pushing at my eyes, but I don’t want to cry. I actually wore mascara.

I lean over the sink and stare at myself in the mirror. Okay. I have to pull it together.

“Grow up, Ziah,” Lora’s voice echoes in the small space.

I spin to face her. How doesn’t she get I’m upset about way more than her stupid wedding? I open my mouth to tell her about James, but I can’t do it. She’s been with me all afternoon and hasn’t asked once about what has me down.

Instead I jump to offense. “I’ve met Dylan. You do NOT want to be part of that family. Is it for the money? Because—”

“I’m stopping myself from slapping you right now.” Lora yells. “I’m in love, Ziah. Deal with it and get your ass back to the table please. It’s weird.”

And with that she turns and walks out. I leap out to follow her, so it’ll look more like we just had a little girl talk and less like my sister’s pissed. We both find our smiles before making it back to the table, and our food’s there.

Something to do. Too bad I’m not sure if I can eat, because Mom’s restaurant rocks. All comfort food with a gourmet twist. Zila’s – Half me (Ziah) and half my sister (Lora). I’m a little too proud that my part of the name comes first. But now that I have my meal, the mac and cheese with bacon just looks like lumps, and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to swallow it down.

“So. We have one more small announcement.” Lora smiles, but Derrick has this really odd, nervous look on his face.

“I knew it! You’re pregnant, aren’t you!” The words fly out of my mouth before I have a chance to stop them.

Dylan tenses next to me. Dad chokes. Dylan’s dad coughs. Mom throws me another knock-it-off look around the front of Dad.

“God. Ziah. No.” Lora rolls her eyes. “Drop it with that already, would you?”

Right. I may have brought it up this afternoon while buried under a stack of bridal magazines.

“We’re taking winter semester off to plan the wedding and spend some time with our families!”

Derrick touches her cheek again. Both Mom and Dad stiffen, and I sit back because I won’t need to say anything now. The voices around the table reach an odd level of tense excitement I plan on tuning out. Mom and Dad might be relaxed about a lot of things, but graduating from college is not optional. Not if you want to be on speaking terms with them.

I close my eyes and wonder what on earth went wrong with James and me. How could he have wanted more from me, when something was happening with him and Alyssa? I want to talk to her so badly, but I can’t. She’s one of the guilty parties.

Finally the voices at the table are animated enough that I open my eyes. Dylan’s just sitting back like I am and letting it happen. Huh. Maybe he’s not into this whole wedding thing either. Oh. Of course. One girl for the rest of his brother’s life. Dylan probably can’t imagine that—it would probably be like going without air for someone like him.

Dad’s talking. Mom’s talking. Dylan’s dad is talking, and Derrick and Lora look like they’re being pounced on. Ha. That’ll teach them.

“Wait. What?” Dylan’s leaning so far forward he’s about to lose his chair. “Did I just hear what I think I heard?”

Oh. Crap. Maybe I should have been paying attention.

“I know Ziah’s in.” Lora’s smile is way too forced, and her green eyes are on mine. “We plan on jumping in again tomorrow over her favorite muffins.”

I’m sure she’s trying to give me some clue by stressing favorite muffins, but I’m not in the frame of mind to figure it out.

“I’m sorry, what?” In what? What am I supposed to be in? Dylan looks equal parts pissed and disbelieving.

“Helping plan the wedding.” I swear her smile stretches even farther—something I didn’t think was possible until a minute ago.

I choke, which turns into a cough, which turns into a giggle. And then into one of those giggle fits there’s no way I’m getting out of. I know I let loose a couple of snorts, and the more everyone looks, the harder I laugh. It’s just so absurd. I’ll be about as helpful as a twelve-year-old boy. And my emotions are so mixed up, my body has no idea how to react anymore.

The thought of spending any more time looking at another overly floofed wedding dress makes me want to puke—especially because I feel like I sort of lost my friend and my boyfriend in one text.

“I’ll be okay,” I say, as I wave my hand in front of my face trying to calm down, but my voice comes out all whiny because I can’t stop laughing.

Me. Plan a wedding. Right. Math I can do. Dissecting pigs for biology I can do. Wedding? I don’t thread needles. I can’t even make mac and cheese, and no one would ever ask me for my handwriting on a sign at school. I don’t do dresses, and I don’t understand weddings.

Then Dad’s hand touches me as he rubs my back up and down, and I finally start to calm down. The whole table staring at my red face sobers me further.

“Please,” Lora mouths at me across the table.

I sit up and pull in a few breaths. “Yea. I’m in.” I give her a look that says she SO owes me later, but I’m still taking odd breaths to keep my hysterics in check.

“Umm, I’m not,” Dylan pipes up. “What do you mean, help plan a wedding? Can’t you pay someone for that? First you spring this on me, and then you expect me to jump onboard and be a designated wedding planner? You can pick your own flowers.”

He leans back in the chair and crosses his arms. His words come out angry, but the way he looks at his brother… it’s almost as if he’s hurt. I feel a little bad for him, but I don’t want to feel bad for the guy who ruined my favorite T-shirt and threw the party that changed everything between me and James.
