Read Books Novel

Dragon Actually

“Then why did you not come for me?”

Fearghus heard the pain in her voice and he hated himself for causing it. “Because I’m an idiot, Annwyl. That’s why.”

“So long as we understand each other.”

He smiled. “We do.”

“Well . . . good.” He hugged her tight and licked the side of her breast. She gave a soft moan and Fearghus knew that he never wanted to be without that sound ever again.

“And why exactly did your mother come for me, Fearghus?”

“Guess I had her a bit worried.”

“Oh? And how did you do that?”

He shrugged. “Well, you know . . .”

“You scared the hell out of everyone, didn’t you?”

“Just a bit.”

Annwyl gripped him tighter. “Foolish higher beings.”

He looked into the face of his mate, stared into those beautiful green eyes. “You should be scared. I’m a dragon, Annwyl. A born hunter and killer. The most ancient of destroyers.”

Annwyl burst out laughing. “You are so cute when you try to look scary.” She tweaked his nose with her thumb and forefinger.

“What the hell am I going to do with you, wench?”

She ran her hand along his jaw. “Rule with me, Fearghus.”


“Rule with me.”

“You want me to come with you to Garbhán Isle?” And of course he would. He would give up everything to be with her. He had no intention of ever letting her go again. He just wanted to hear her say it.

Annwyl looked off toward the lake. He could see it on her face. She already had a plan; she just needed to figure out how to get him to agree to it. “That’s one option.”

“And another option is . . .”

“We rule Dark Plains from here.”


“Why? It’s perfect.”

“Annwyl, I don’t think the nobles would feel comfortable being here.” And he didn’t want them anywhere near his lair.

But Annwyl sneered in disgust. “I don’t want those people here!” she barked at him, clearly annoyed he’d even suggest it. “With us! And don’t you dare offer!”

“Then wht are you saying?”

“Garbhán Isle is not my home, Fearghus. This is. You are.”

He thought of the part of his lair he’d made into their home. He’d equipped it with everything he thought a human might need or want and then added the biggest bookshelf and bed he could find. At the time he kept wondering why he would even try. He always thought a queen must have her court with her. But then, Annwyl would never be an ordinary queen.

“I’m guessing, woman, you already have this planned.”

Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she sat up, pulling away from him. “I’ve got it all worked out. The troops can set perimeters outside the glen. That way we’ll be protected. And, of course, I’ll only use my best and closest men. Morfyd and Brastias can take care of the day-to-day issues at Garbhán Isle. It’s all dead boring, anyway. It’s all about lumber and grain and . . . yuck! I can’t even make myself care.” He shook his head and grinned as she continued, “Your family and the other dragons will feel safer here, if they dare visit. And if there is any strike against our throne, Morfyd will be able to let us know. And now that your mother is on our side we can strike down anyone that gets in our way. Crush them like ants!”

She finished the last part off as if she just told him about a beautiful dress she made or new horses she bought. Not that she was, actually, discussing an alliance not seen in Dark Plains for more than a thousand years between men and dragons. An alliance she clearly planned to use.

He stared at her, not sure what he should say.

“Come on, Fearghus. You can’t tell me that’s not bloody brilliant.”

He laughed. “Yes, Annwyl. It’s bloody brilliant.” Fearghus leaned in and nuzzled her neck, his fingers brushing her hard ni**les

She giggled as she pushed his face away. “That’s not an answer, Dragon!”

“Oh, you actually want an answer. I thought you already had your mind made up.”

She shrugged, a less-than-innocent smile on her lips. “I do. I was just being polite.”

He stared at her, then shook his head. “No.”

“What do you mean, no?”

He stretched out next to her. His hands behind his head. “I mean no. I don’t think so.”

Annwyl pushed him. “Why not?”

Now he shrugged. “Just don’t feel like it.”

Annwyl crossed her arms in front of that gorgeous chest he’d never stopped thinking about, “Really?”

“Annwyl, I’ve been alone for well over a hundred years. I’m used to being on my own. I think it will take some . . . convincing on your part.”

“Convincing?” She raised an eyebrow. “How much convincing?”

“Well, I am a stubborn dragon. Very stubborn. We’re looking at hours, if not days of convincing . . . or years.” He looked into her green eyes. “Perhaps a lifetime.”

Annwyl stretched out across his chest, her head propped up on one arm. “I guess I best get started then.”

“I guess you better, wench.”

Annwyl kissed him then. And Fearghus never let her go.


G. A. Aiken

Chapter 1
