Read Books Novel

Dragon on Top

“Then why did we not hear of this? This is the sort of thing the Cadwaladrs excel at. We should have been sent to fetch you.”

“It was Adienna’s decision to do nothing.”

Ghleanna leaned back, her scowl dark and dangerous, her voice flat. “She left you here?”


“So what did you do?”

“I bargained my own way out. It wasn’t easy. I learned to enjoy fish. All kinds of fish. And, in time, they eventually let me go.”

“It couldn’t have been that easy.”

“It wasn’t.”

Ghleanna cupped his jaw in her hand. “They hurt you.”

“Yes. Some scales were removed to send to the queen. But that didn’t help.”

“But there was more, wasn’t there?”

“The Emperor’s chancellor decided to make me his personal project. I’m still not sure why.”

“He enjoyed your pain. I’ve known blokes like that. They’re never for the quick kill. Not if they don’t have to.”

“Chancellor Kleitos does like his pain. And he enjoyed mine.”

“But you got out.”

“I did. The Fin Adienna had in her dungeons was Helena’s lover. When Adienna wouldn’t release him, Helena came to me.”

“Because she thought her hostage would help?”

Bram chuckled. “No. She came to me to complain. I’m in chains, missing scales—bleeding quite profusely. And she’s complaining.”

“How’s that funny?”

“You had to be there.” He shrugged. “She complained and I listened, pretended I cared, pretended I empathized.”

“Then you manipulated her?”

“No. I persuaded. And promised I could get her lover out.”

“And she released you?”

“She had no choice. Her father would no longer help and Adienna wouldn’t bargain. Killing me would only ensure her lover’s death.”

“So she let you go.”

“She let me go.”

“And, of course, you returned home and called for revenge.”

“No. I secured the release of her lover.”

“Why, Bram?”

“Because I’d given my word.”

“I’d call you a fool except that I’m sure it is the very reason you’re now the most trusted dragon in the Southlands. Which I’m sure is why she’s asking you to get this truce for her now. You helped her before . . .”

“More fool I.”

“You survived, Bram. Without anyone’s help.” Ghleanna’s head tipped to the side and she studied him. “It couldn’t have been easy for you to come back here.” When Bram only stared at her, “And yet you did. You came here to save me.”

“It was the only place I could think of at the time.”

She stroked his cheek. “Gods, I owe you more than I realized.”

“No. You owe me nothing.”


“Haven’t you realized yet?” he asked, frustrated. Because the gods knew he didn’t want her pity. “I’d do anything to keep you safe? Anything at all?”

“I was to be protecting you, royal.”

“We’d run out of options.”

Ghleanna framed Bram’s face with both her hands, her dark eyes focused on his mouth. He didn’t know what he’d said to prompt this, but he watched her lean in, his breath halting in his lungs as her lips neared his.

But then there was that damn knock at the door.

Bram closed his eyes. Why? Why were the gods torturing him?

“What?” he snarled.

Kleitos in human form walked in. “I am sorry to interrupt, Lord Bram. But the Empress has requested your presence at the Senate.”

“Of course she does,” he muttered.

“Sorry, my Lord?”

“I said I’ll be there in a minute. Now go.”

“Of course, my Lord. I’ll be right outside.”

Kleitos slinked away, closing the door behind him.

“That was him, wasn’t it?” Ghleanna demanded after a moment.

“That was who?”

“The one who tortured you. The one who hurt you.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because you’re never rude to anyone. Even my idiot brothers. Not only that but I could feel it in your body. The way you tensed. It was him.”


Ghleanna scrambled off Bram’s lap naked, and stalked across the room. She yanked the door open and Kleitos quickly pulled back.

“Really, Kleitos?” Bram asked, slipping off the bed. “Listening at the door? Isn’t that beneath even you?”

“Oh, no, my Lord. I was doing nothing of the kind. Surely you—owwww!”

Ghleanna had rammed her head into Kleitos’s with all the force she could muster.

“You barbarian whore!”

That’s when Ghleanna hauled back and punched the Fin, most likely re-breaking his nose.

Kleitos scurried away and Ghleanna followed.

“I’m going to enjoy removing your skin, lizard.”

Bram caught Ghleanna around the waist before she could get her hands around Kleitos’s throat. He picked her up and carried her back into their room, slamming the door with his foot.

“You promised!” he roared, shoving her away.
