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Dragon On Top

Dragon On Top (Dragon Kin #0.4)(5)
Author: G.A. Aiken

A valley filled with the dead and dying of what appeared to be a long-running battle.

“Right outside your door,” she told him, staring at him with what could be either awe, pity, or disgust. “The Battle of Fychan has been outside your door for at least eight months. Everyone else in the nearby town as well as your servants, have abandoned the area except for you and poor Charles, who didn’t want to leave your precious books and papers unattended. I do hope you pay that lad well.”

“You know . . .” Bram gazed out over the battlefield. “Thought I heard some screams . . . a few times. But I’ve been so busy.”

She released his arm and, while shaking her head, walked off down the hill and to the field below.

“Come on, peacemaker. Let’s get my brothers. We can debate when we need to start later.”

Morbidly embarrassed but not willing to admit it, Bram followed Ghleanna onto the battlefield.

Chapter 3

“Good gods, you look like cold shit.”

Ghleanna gazed at her brother and again wondered why she hadn’t smashed his bloody egg when she had the chance. Her mother would have eventually forgiven her.

“Thank you, brother. And you look fat and happy. Having an easy time of it here, are you?”

“Fat? Fat?” He speared the moaning human at his feet. “How dare you! My human form is in fighting trim, you callous cow.”

“If you say so.”

Addolgar glanced at the royal standing behind her. “Something’s attached itself to you, sister.” He shook the human remains off the spear he held. “Should I kill it for you?”

Ghleanna reached back and caught Bram’s hand before he could walk off. She sensed him leaving and didn’t really blame him, but still . . . he had to learn to toughen up. Then again, Addolgar did have a reputation among the royals as an intolerant bastard who’d kill without a second’s thought or remorse. A reputation that, in some situations, was quite accurate.

“He’s under my protection, Addolgar. So back off.”

“He is?” He speared another human trying to crawl away. “Why?”

“I’ve been charged with getting him to the Desert Lands and back. Alive,” she added so her brother was clear on this. “And a few of you lot are coming with me.”

Addolgar glanced around the battlefield. The conflict seemed to have wound down and he appeared quite bored with it all. Her brother had done his damage and now there was nothing left to kill. Usually he’d return to his mate—unless she’d found her own battle to enjoy. It still amazed Ghleanna that instead of her brother finding a more sweet-natured female to complement his blackhearted and murderous nature, he’d taken to a dragoness with a worse reputation than his own. A dragoness even Ghleanna didn’t challenge unless she had no choice.

“Might as well go with you. Nothing left to do here.”

“Bored, are you?”

“Killed everything to be killed. There’s nothing left but women and children—and they’re no fun to kill. Even when they scream and beg for mercy.”

Bram yanked his arm away from her so he could walk off, but she caught the strap of his travel bag and held it. Knowing how precious the thing was to him, she knew he wouldn’t risk breaking it.

“Who is here with you?”

“A few of the younger ones. Cai, Hew, and Adain.”

“What? None of my sisters are here?” She was unable to hide her disappointment.

“They headed into the west for some new battle. But I think we weak male Cadwaladrs can handle protecting one royal, sister.”

“I guess you’ll do.”

“Gee. Thanks.”

“Well, don’t just stand there, you big ox. Go get them so we can be off.”

“All right.” He shoved the spear into her hands. “Kill the rest of this lot, would you? I’ll be right back.”

Once Addolgar walked away, the royal asked, “You really do hate me, don’t you?”

“Don’t be foolish. Of course, I don’t.” She began to work her way through the still-breathing humans at her feet, slamming the tip of the spear into a spot in their backs that would kill them quickly. There was no reason to prolong their suffering unless necessary. “Stop worrying. You’ll be fine. And as long as you’re under my protection, you have nothing to worry about.”

She finished off the last human, pulled the spear from his back, planted the tip in the ground, and leaned against the staff. She smiled at the royal. “Now doesn’t that make you feel better?”

Bram glanced at the bodies that surrounded them before answering, “Not really.”

“These are my brothers,” Addolgar said. “Cai the Green, Hew the Black, Adain the Yellow.”

“It’s gold, you bastard. I’m Adain the Gold.”

“Yellow. Gold.” Addolgar shrugged. “Who gives a centaur shit? Now,” he said to Bram, “they ain’t earned their names yet, but they ain’t half bad. You’ll be fine.”

“Yes,” Bram replied, “I feel safer already.”

“Good!” Addolgar boomed, missing the sarcasm completely. “Now . . . where’s Ghleanna?”

“She needed a few minutes alone,” Bram told him.

“Went to take a piss, did she?”

Cai slammed his sizable fist into his older brother’s shoulder. “Addolgar!”

“What?” And Bram saw that smirk. “It was just a question.”

“Don’t be such a bastard.”

“Don’t be such a suck-up,” Addolgar shot back.

“Why is he a suck-up?” Hew asked. “Because he doesn’t want you going on about our sister that way?”

“What way? All I asked was—”

“Shut it!” Adain snapped. “Blood and fire, you are such a bastard!”

“Fine. If the lot of you are going to get so girly about all this.” He turned away from his brothers and winked at Bram. And Bram, for the first time, felt a little more at ease. Especially since it seemed Addolgar would spend more time torturing his siblings than bothering with Bram.

“There you are!” Addolgar announced when his sister approached them. “The royal here said you went off to take a piss.”

“Don’t involve me in this,” Bram told him.

“Right,” Ghleanna sighed. “That seems a very Bram thing to do. Announce that I’m off to take a piss. Next he’ll tell you when I’m about to take a sh—”

“Can we just go?” Cai—thankfully—cut in.

Ghleanna sized the youngster up. “When did you get so girly?”

“So where are we taking him?” Addolgar asked.

“To the east,” Bram explained. “The Port of Awbrey. There will be a boat there that will take us up the coast to the Alsandair ports. I’ll meet my contact there.”

“A boat?” Adain asked, frowning. “Why are you taking a boat? Why not just fly into the Desert Lands?”

“Flying into the Desert Lands would be seen as a sign of aggression by the Sand Dragons. And it’s faster to go by sea than to walk.

“That far south,” Ghleanna explained, “we’ve always traveled by foot unless escorted.”

“Why not fly over the ocean then?”

Bram, Addolgar, and Ghleanna laughed outright at that.

“Gods,” Bram observed, “they are young.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means you’ve got much to learn about Sea Dragons,” Ghleanna answered.

Addolgar explained, “If more than one or two dragons fly too far over the ocean, the Fins will definitely consider that a sign of aggression.”

Hew asked Bram, “So you really can’t make it on your own?” Bram could make it by himself easily, but he had his reasons for not flying over the ocean, alone or otherwise. Very good reasons. “Are you feeble in some way?”

“Babysitting the royal is Bercelak’s idea.” Ghleanna told them. “You going to disagree with him, brothers?” When her younger siblings didn’t answer, she nodded. “That’s what I thought.”

“Do you have any fighting skills?” Hew pushed.

“I have a mighty flame.”

The three younger brothers glanced at each other. “Don’t we all?” Cai finally asked.

“Mine’s stronger.”

Cai shook his head. “Gods, that’s pathetic.”

Addolgar slapped Cai in the back of the head—ignoring his cry of pain—and asked, “Do you want to move out tonight, Ghleanna?”

“No. We leave at first light.”

“That’s fine. We can all camp here for the night.”

“No need. We can stay at Lord Bram’s castle.”

Bram’s entire body jerked. “They can?”

“Get your gear,” she told her kin.

“Why are you doing this to me?” Bram demanded once Ghleanna’s brothers had walked away. “Do you hate me so much?”

“You are the one who wants my brothers to like him.”

“No, I don’t. I couldn’t care less if they like me or not.”

“Well, they’ll like you much better if they have a soft bed and warm food—or at least a cow or two—for the night. And what could it hurt?”

“What if they disturb my things? My papers.” Bram began to panic. “My books!”

Ghleanna laughed. “And what, exactly, do you expect my kin to do to your precious books? If they notice your books at all, I’ll be shocked.” She stepped closer, surprising Bram, and brushed her hand against his shoulder. “I won’t let my brothers harm your books or your papers.”

“You promise?”

“I promise.” She grinned, and it was a beautiful thing. “I’ll take very good care of you, Bram the Merciful.” Her grin grew wider. “Trust me.”

Cai’s big boots landed on the table, right on top of the peacemaker’s important papers. So Ghleanna grabbed him by the ankles with one hand and flipped him back, Cai and the chair slamming to the hard earth-packed floor.

“Oy!” Cai demanded. “What was that for?”

“You keep your claws and your big, fat feet off Bram’s books and papers.”

Cai got to his feet and leaned down until they were eye to eye. “And if I don’t?”

That’s when Ghleanna head-butted her younger brother. Since he’d been asking for it and all. And it made her other brothers laugh. She did love making her brothers laugh.

“You mad cow!” Cai yelled, gripping his head.

“You’ll do as I say, little brother, or that lump on your head will be the least of your problems. Now”—she looked at all her kin—“we’re going to eat and sleep like civilized dragons and no one will start anything. Understood?”

When her brothers only grumbled in response, she cracked her knuckles for emphasis. “Understood?” she growled.

“Yeah, yeah,” Addolgar quickly told her. “Understood.”
