Read Books Novel

Dreams (Part Two)

Dreams (Part Two) (Dreams #2)(18)
Author: Jayne Ann Krentz

She slid him a speculative, mischievous glance. “You’re going to teach me, I gather?“

Colby’s grin widened. “I consider it my privilege as your husband. Now that you’re married to me, life’s never going to be the same for you again, honey.“

Or for him, Colby added silently. He used one hand to shove Specter to the side so he could check the rear-view mirror. Satisfied that everything was clear, he returned his concentration to the winding road ahead.

Life had definitely taken a surprising twist, but Colby was satisfied. He wondered how long it would take Diana to accept her fate as willingly as he had. She was still struggling with her emotions and the vast changes that had taken place in her life this summer. Deep down he knew she was still frightened.

So was he, but for different reasons. Colby realized he wasn’t going to be able to relax until he knew Diana had settled down and truly accepted the drastic upheaval in her life.

And while he was waiting for her to adjust to having a husband and a baby, he sure as hell did not want Aaron Crown subverting her with promises of a glowing career at Carruthers and Yale.

“Colby? Is something wrong?“

“No, honey. I was thinking about some plot problems I’m having.“

“Thinking up some horrific twists for Blood Mist!“

“Not exactly. I’ve already got the horrific parts worked out. I was thinking up ways for the hero to save the fair lady.“

“What kind of a jam is she in?“

“She’s trapped.“

“Aha. And the hero has to free her?“

“Something like that.“ He was going to do his best, Colby decided, even if the fair lady didn’t want to be freed.

They reached Fulbrook Corners later that evening, and the next day Colby got back to work on Blood Mist. There had been so many distractions lately that he was getting impatient with the slow progress of his writing.

He wasn’t completely insensitive to Diana’s feelings about her career, he told himself as he called up the third chapter of Blood Mist on his word processor. He knew how he’d feel if someone tried to tell him he would have to give up writing – homicidal.

But he wasn’t asking her to give up her career. He just wanted her to trust him enough to take some time away from it while she reset her priorities.

Amazons were a hardheaded, stubborn, feisty bunch. Obviously they all needed a strong man to take them in hand and show them what it meant to be a truly well-rounded woman.

Colby grinned wickedly to himself as Chapter Three appeared on the computer screen. Diana would throttle him if she knew what he was thinking. It wasn’t his fault that she sometimes brought out his primitive side.

He stared for a minute at the last paragraphs he’d written before leaving for Portland.

Banner crouched at the top of the falls and watched the water turn bloodred in the light of the setting sun. He knew that some day he would have to return to the cave hidden behind the veil of thundering water. The forces that had been set in motion last night while he had slept in the grotto would one day pull him back here to this place.

But he sensed that day was still far off in his future. He was only seventeen. There was much to learn before he returned to uncover the ancient secrets behind the falls. He knew the first thing he must do was become a man. Banner wondered how long that would take and did not realize that simply by asking the question he had begun the process.

It wasn’t hard to tell where the inspiration for this story had sprung from, Colby thought wryly as he went to work.

He had never forgotten the night he had spent in Chained Lady Cave when he was a teenager. He had been dreaming about it ever since.

Diana seemed to understand about his writing. She left him to it with no complaint. She went into town in her sedate Buick to pick up the mail and groceries, and she stayed out of Colby’s way the rest of the day.

One thing about being married to a strong-minded career woman, he told himself when he took a quick break for coffee, was that she didn’t hassle a man about his work. She was perfectly capable of entertaining herself without masculine assistance.

When he finally turned off the small computer later that evening, he realized it was nearly time for dinner. Colby stood up, stretched and sniffed the aroma that was coming from the kitchen. Rice and stir-fried vegetables. One of these days, he was going to have to sit down with Diana and show her how to read a cookbook.

There were a lot of things he wanted to teach Diana.

He glanced out the window at Brandon’s dashing little red sports car and decided to give Diana a lesson in how to have a little fun. From what she’d told him, she’d had a seriously deprived adolescence.

“You want to drive out to Chained Lady Falls and make out tonight?“ Colby asked as he strolled into the kitchen.

Diana’s head came around in startled surprise. “Do I want to do what?“

“You heard me.“ He helped himself to a cracker and cream cheese. “You said you never dated in high school. I’ll bet you never had the thrilling teenage experience of making out in the back seat of a car.“

Diana raised her eyes heavenward. “I’ll admit I missed that particular ritual of youth.“

“Don’t worry, it’s not too late.“ He settled back against the counter and munched his cracker. He grinned, aware that she was intrigued by the idea. “We’ll take the Mazda.“

“Brandon’s car doesn’t have a back seat,“ she pointed out demurely as she sliced green peppers. “Aren’t you supposed to use a back seat?“

“We’re not going to take your car, that’s for sure. It’s too dull. Brandon’s car has some style. Besides, it works just as well in the front seat as it does in the back seat.“

“You had a lot of experience in that Corvette you owned back when you were a senior in high school, I take it?“

Colby gave her a thoughtful look. “It’s hard to remember. It’s been over twenty years. But I think it will come back to me once I get the car parked.“

Diana giggled. It was a delightful sound. Colby stared at her, realizing he’d never heard her laugh quite like that.

“I’ll just bet it will all come back to you in a hurry.“

“Hey, are you complaining? You told me you never had an opportunity to date a bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks. You always wondered what you’d missed, you said. Well, I’m going to fill in the gap in your education.“

“How can I resist such a magnanimous offer?“
