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Dreams (Part Two)

Dreams (Part Two) (Dreams #2)(23)
Author: Jayne Ann Krentz

But Harry lost his advantage on the ground. He lay like a beached whale for a few seconds, breathing noisily as Colby got to his knees.

Colby wasted no time taking advantage of the situation. He used the heel of his hand in a chopping action that was designed to numb Harry’s shoulder. Harry yelled as his fingers went into a spasm, and the pipe clattered on the pavement.

Colby kicked the pipe well out of the way and then stepped back out of reach. He sucked in air and watched Harry sit up slowly.

“Let’s call it even,“ Colby said, aware of the pain in his side.

Harry said nothing. He got awkwardly to his feet, edged around Colby, who never took his eyes off him, and moved heavily toward the Cadillac. He lowered his bulk slowly into the driver’s seat and yanked the door shut.

With a protesting groan from its overworked engine, the big car shot out onto the road. Colby had to jump out of the way. An instant later he was staring at the big car’s taillights.

Some things would never change in Fulbrook Corners.

Specter raised his head from his huge paws and yawned inquiringly as Diana paced back across the length of the living room. She eyed the dog.

“Am I disturbing you?“

Specter blinked sleepily and put his head back down onto his paws. He knew when to keep his mouth shut.

His eyes stayed open, however, as he watched Diana pace.

“He should have been home by now. If he’* out getting drunk with that Eddy Spooner, I swear I’ll give him a piece of my mind when he shows up.“ She glared at the dog. “Do you realize I don’t even know if he does things like stay out with the boys half the night? He’s my husband, and I still don’t know nearly as much about him as I should. I must have been crazy to marry him on such short notice.“

Specter’s tail flopped once or twice in general agreement.

“Oh, you’re biased. You didn’t like Colby the minute you saw him.“

Specter’s ears rose and fell briefly. He lifted his muzzle in anticipation and turned his head toward the front door.

Diana followed his gaze. A few seconds later she heard what the dog had heard, the sound of the Mazda’s engine.

Relief flooded her veins with such intensity she felt weak. She hurried over to the front door, jerked it open and dashed out onto the front porch.

“It’s about time you got home, Colby Savagar,“ she declared in ringing tones as the car door opened. “Where have you been? Do you have any idea of the time? It’s nearly midnight. I’ve been worried sick. You said you’d only be gone for an hour.“

“Always nice to know I’ve been missed,“ Colby said as he got slowly out of the car. He stood for a minute, steadying himself with one hand on the door. “It’s not anywhere near midnight, by the way. It’s only about ten.“

“Well, it seems a lot later than that. What did you do? Hit the local tavern with Eddy and a few old buddies?“

“I ran into an old acquaintance after I left Eddy’s. But he didn’t offer to buy me a beer.“ Colby slammed the car door and started toward the porch.

Diana’s eyes narrowed. “What’s wrong with you? Are you drunk?“

“No, ma’am.“ Colby was holding his side with one hand. His eyes were shadowed in the dim porch light. “Are you going to conduct an inquisition every time I come home late?“

“I don’t know,“ Diana retorted. “I’m not accustomed to dealing with the situation. Isn’t this what wives are supposed to do?“

“Damned if I know. It’s been twenty years since I had one.“ He put one foot on the bottom step. He winced.

“Colby, this is ridiculous. Where have you been?“

“Out,“ he stated laconically as he started up the steps.

“What have you been doing?“


“So help me, Colby, I…“ She broke off in shock as she finally got a good look at his face. “What happened to you?“

“I told you, I ran into an old acquaintance.“ Colby managed a weak grin. “Or maybe I should say he ran into me.“

Diana stared at him in shock. “Who?“

“Harry the Ox.“

“Oh, my God.“ She broke free of her momentary paralysis and leaped forward to take Colby’s arm.

Colby sucked in air. “Careful, honey. I’m finding out the hard way that this kind of thing hurts more than it used to.“

“Oh, my poor Colby. What did that bastard do to you? How dare he hurt you like this! I’ll get a lawyer.

I’ll call the cops. I’ll have him sent to prison for the rest of his life. Here, let me help you. Lean on me, Colby.“

His mouth curved sardonically. “If I did, we’d both wind up flat on the porch. Relax. I can make it inside the house.

I managed to finish changing the tire and drive home, didn’t I?“

“You had to change a tire in this condition?“ Diana was outraged. “What happened? Where were you?“

“On the way back from Eddy Spooner’s. Had to stop to change a flat. Harry cruised by and saw I was having a little problem, so he felt obliged to stop and add to my worries.“

“That man should be horsewhipped. Look what he’s done to you. You’re bleeding.“

“I got a little scraped up when I hit the pavement.“

“He knocked you to the pavement? Colby, I won’t stand for this. I will not tolerate anyone doing this to you.“

“You won’t?“ Colby looked down at her with a speculative glance as he allowed her to guide him through the door.

“I certainly will not. I will call a lawyer in the morning and sue the fat off that big ox. How dare he do this to you!“

“He was carrying an old grudge, you know. I told you about the time he and I tangled twenty years ago.“

“That doesn’t give him the right to beat you up like this. Oh, Colby, just look at you,“ she said in despair. “You’re bleeding and you can hardly walk.“

“He got me in the ribs with a length of pipe.“

“A pipe?“ Diana was horrified. “We’ve got to get you to a doctor.“

“I don’t think anything’s broken,“ Colby said quickly. “I just need a little rest.“

“You need to get to a doctor,“ Diana stated firmly. “I’ll drive you.“

“Honey, I don’t think I could stand any more jostling in the car,“ Colby said gently. “In fact, I don’t even know if I can make it up those stairs to bed. Would you help me?“
