Read Books Novel

Dreams (Part Two)

Dreams (Part Two) (Dreams #2)(28)
Author: Jayne Ann Krentz

“I know. But I had thought things would be different with Aaron Crown. He always seemed so supportive.“

“The reason Aaron has risen so fast during the past four years and has taken you with him is because you’ve made him look fabulous. The truth is, he’s just another pretty face. Very good at playing the corporate game, but no real solid ability to back it up. He feeds on people like you who can make him look good.“

“I realize that, but I still thought I could get what I wanted out of the deal.“

“Not likely. He’s taken all the credit for the financial turnaround in our division. You know as well as I do that he’s not the kind to share the glory. Why should management promote you when they believed it was all Crown’s doing?

Besides, who would believe that it was a woman who was responsible for the changes that had taken place?“

“I’ll admit a part of me was curious to see how Aaron would get on without me, but to tell you the truth I assumed he’d find someone else to take my place.“

“He hasn’t been looking for anyone else,“ Milly said.

“He was that sure I’d return?“

“Yup. He was that sure. And he was right, wasn’t he?“

Diana smiled slowly. “In a way.“

“What’s that sneaky smile supposed to mean?“

“There have been a few changes in my life since I left C and Y, Milly.“

“I know. You’re married. That came as a real shock to the Crown Prince, let me tell you. He was stunned when he found out.“

“That’s not the only change. I’m pregnant.“

Milly’s jaw dropped. “You’re what?“

“You heard me. I only came back to good old C and Y because I wanted to work until the baby arrives. Then I’ll be quitting for good.“

Milly’s eyes lit up with laughter. “Does Crown know?“

“Nope. But I’m sure he’ll figure it out when I start wearing maternity clothes into the office.“

“And you won’t be coming back to work at Carruthers and Yale after the baby is born?“

Diana shook her head. “Not a chance. I hadn’t intended to come back at all after my leave of absence. I was job-hunting. Why should I want to work there permanently? There’s no future for a woman at C and Y.“

Milly grinned. “You realize, of course, that this is the perfect feminine revenge. It’s going to drive Crown insane when he realizes you’re only using your job as temporary fill-in work until you have the baby. He’ll start working on you right away to get you to change your mind.“

“About having the baby? It’s a little late for that.“

“No, Diana,“ Milly said patiently, “not about having the baby. About coming back to work for him just as soon as your maternity leave is over.“

“No way,“ Diana said calmly.

Milly studied her for a minute and then picked up her salad fork. “How’s married life?“

“You should know. You’ve been married twice.“

“True, but I’m still curious. Somehow I always assumed you’d manage to avoid the fate altogether. You never seemed particularly interested in getting married.“

“Things change,“ Diana murmured.

“And getting pregnant so quickly. That surprises me, too. I didn’t think you were the maternal type.“

“I didn’t think I was, either,“ Diana admitted dryly. “I assure you, I was as shocked as everyone else is going to be.“

Something in her tone must have cued Milly. Her friend looked at her, a slow grin shaping her lips.

“No,“ said Milly. “Don’t tell me it was an accident? At your age? And you decided to marry because of it? Nobody does that these days.“

“I’ve got news for you, Milly. There are still a few men around who insist on doing the right thing.“

“And the one who got you pregnant was one of that rare breed?“


“I wonder if there are any more where he came from,“ Milly said wistfully.

At four-fifteen that afternoon, Aaron Crown paused in the doorway of Diana’s office. The fluorescent light gleamed on his gilded head and bounced off his very white teeth as he smiled.

“Looks like another long day, doesn’t it, Diana? Hope you don’t mind staying over for a couple of hours. That report is already several weeks late. I’d like to have it on Rensley’s desk Wednesday morning.“

Diana took a breath. She had known this was coming. She also knew she could not pick up the phone and tell Colby she would be late again tonight. “I’m sorry, Aaron, I won’t be able to work late this evening.“ She tried a friendly smile. “The demands of married life, you know.“

Aaron looked troubled. “That report is crucial, Diana. You know that.“

“I’ll get back to it first thing in the morning,“ she assured him. “I can have it done by Friday.“

“Rensley will be a lot more impressed with this department if we get it in by Wednesday.“

Diana looked at him, and for the first time she was conscious of a curious sense of freedom. This job was not the most important thing in the world. She’d walked away from it once, and she was planning to walk away from it again in a few months. She didn’t have to put up with Aaron Crown’s quiet coercion.

“Tell me something, Aaron. Which of us will he be impressed with, if this report reaches his desk by Wednesday?

You or me?“

Anger flashed briefly in Crown’s expression. “What’s that supposed to mean? You know I’ve always shared credit with my staff.“

“Apparently sharing the credit wasn’t enough to get me that last promotion. Let’s face it, Aaron. There’s nothing in this for me. Why should I bother to work overtime just so you can get this report to Rensley by Wednesday?“

Aaron was completely taken aback. “I thought you were a professional, Diana.“

“I am. And my professional opinion of this job is that it’s a dead end. Therefore, I will only work the hours for which I’m paid. No more overtime. I’ve got other things to do with my life.“

“What’s the matter with you?“ he snapped. “This isn’t like you. You’ve never had this kind of attitude before.“

“I guess marriage has corrupted me,“ she said, amused by his anger. She glanced at her watch. “I’ve got ten minutes left. Do you want me to spend them working on this report or chatting with you?“
