Read Books Novel

Dreams (Part Two)

Dreams (Part Two) (Dreams #2)(50)
Author: Jayne Ann Krentz

When she reached ten, she decided she could get through one more ten-second count without screaming aloud.

When he reached ten a third time she made herself wait through yet another ten-second count.

Counting to ten became the only thing in the universe that mattered. She did it a fourth time, a fifth time and on and on while her teeth scored the heavy leather collar.

At some point she was vaguely aware of Specter barking loudly once and then deserting her. She wanted to tell him he mustn’t make any noise, but she didn’t have the strength to call to him.

She was in the middle of another ten-second count, her jaws clenched in agony, when a blinding light lanced across her pain-wracked body. She closed her eyes against the glare. It didn’t matter. She couldn’t handle anything except the pain.


Colby’s voice pierced the red haze that surrounded her. She opened her eyes long enough to see his grim face reflected in the backglow of the flashlight he was holding.

“Knew you were alive,“ she panted. “Knew you would get here.“ The leather collar fell out of her mouth and her next shout of anguish filled the grotto.

“It’s okay, honey. I’m here.“

“Dad? Where are you? Where’s Diana? Is she all right? Oh, Christ. Dad, she’s having the baby.“

“Trust Diana to try to do this on her own.“ But Colby’s voice was infinitely gentle and soothing as he kneeled beside her. “Everything’s going to be all right now, little amazon. I knew you would take good care of our baby until I got here. I knew I could count on you.“

Diana let go, giving herself up to the urgent, overwhelming need to push that was suddenly hitting her. Everything would be all right now. Colby was here. She could hear him talking to her quietly and giving Brandon instructions. She didn’t pay any attention to what was being said or done. Colby would know what to do. He always did. She concentrated on the job at hand. It was taking everything she had to get it done.

A few minutes later a new cry filled the little grotto. It was the lusty squall of a healthy newborn infant.

“She’s here, Diana. Our little Tabby is here. Safe and sound.“

Diana lifted her lashes and looked up at Colby. He was on his knees between her legs, holding his daughter in Brandon’s denim jacket. In the glare of the flashlight Brandon held, she could see the brilliant expression of triumph and happiness in her husband’s eyes.

“I love you, Diana.“

“I love you, Colby.“ Diana relaxed. This time, she thought, Colby wasn’t just practicing.

This time he meant it.

“You’ve got some visitors outside,“ the nurse announced as she took the sleeping infant from Diana’s arms and replaced her in the cradle near the hospital bed. “Ready for them?“

Diana nodded, her gaze on her daughter. She still couldn’t quite believe she was a mother. The door opened, and Brandon came in. He was followed by Margaret Fulbrook.

“Margaret.“ Diana stared at the other woman in delighted astonishment. “Good grief, you look fine. What are you doing out of bed? Are you all right?“

“Told you these young doctors don’t know everything. Turned out I wasn’t having a heart attack after all. All the fuss and pain was caused by something called a hiatal hernia. It mimics the symptoms of a heart attack and scares the daylights out of you.“ Margaret Fulbrook smiled at her. “How are you feeling, my dear?“

“A little tired,“ Diana admitted. “But mostly I’m frustrated. I’ve got a million questions, and every time I tried to get Colby to answer them last night he kept changing the subject.“

Brandon grinned. “He was more interested in making sure you and the baby were all right than in answering your questions. Besides, after we got you two down from that cave, you kept drifting off to sleep every few minutes.“

Diana had only fleeting memories of the trip down the path. She had been wrapped in a blanket supplied by the ambulance Brandon had summoned to the scene. Colby had carried her and one of the medics had carried little Tabitha. Specter was close behind. Diana had a vague recollection of Colby giving orders to everyone in the vicinity, but mostly she just remembered how safe she had felt cradled against him. “Tell me what happened, Brandon.“

“You mean with Harry and Eddy?“

“Right.“ Diana looked at him. “I assume you and Colby had no trouble with Harry?“

“Piece of cake.“ Brandon’s grin had a certain very familiar male cockiness about it. “Dad says this time around I was his sucker punch.“ His grin faded slightly and his expression grew more serious as he continued. “But when we realized you were in danger, Dad went wild. I doubt if any car, even that old ‘vette Dad used to drive, ever made the kind of time on River Road your Buick made last night. Dad really is a hell of a driver, isn’t he?“

Diana smiled at the admiration in Brandon’s voice. “How did you know Eddy had taken me to the falls?“

“Harry told us.“

Something in Brandon’s eyes made Diana raise her brows. “Willingly?“

“Sort of.“ Brandon hurried on with his tale. “Harry said Eddy was supposed to push you over the falls. But when we reached the parking area and saw the ‘vette was already there, Dad didn’t even start up the path that leads to the top of the falls. He said he knew where you were. The next thing I knew we were climbing a ledge behind the falls.“

“Chained Lady Cave,“ Margaret said softly. “Incredible. How did you ever make it up that path at night while you were in labor, Diana?“

“I couldn’t think of anyplace else to hide. Specter had bought me some time by attacking Eddy. He sent Eddy into the pool. But the next thing I knew Eddy was climbing back out again and he still had his gun. So Specter and I headed for the cave.“

“Dad says Specter gets steak every Saturday night for the rest of his life.“

“Specter will hold him to that, I’m sure.“ Diana leaned back against the pillows. “Hurry up and tell me the rest. Once Colby gets back, he probably won’t tell me a thing. All he’ll want to discuss is breast-feeding techniques and how to change diapers.“

Margaret Fulbrook shook her head, her smile wry. “Everyone in town is talking about Colby Savagar this morning.

As usual. He’s more of a local legend than ever, after what he did last night.“

“So, tell me what he did do last night. Brandon?“
