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Embrace Me at Dawn

“If I refuse to be in the same room with him now, I look weak. Afraid.”

He nodded. “I wish I could tell you otherwise, but yes.”

Anka drew in a deep breath, telling herself that she could handle it. She would handle it. “Right, then. I won’t be a coward. Will he be training with us, as well?”

“No. As Bram told me earlier, we’re not letting the wanker in on all our secrets.”

A small relief, but she’d take it. “Are they waiting now?”

“Everyone has been arriving over the last few minutes. Bram let me break the news to you privately.”

Because everyone thought she was fragile. And wasn’t that the truth, really? Shock knew that she cried in the shower. No way to hide anything from him. But Lucan? She stared up into those so-blue eyes of his. He couldn’t read her mind, but he knew her so very well in some ways. In other ways, not at all. Perhaps that was because for the last hundred years she hadn’t really been herself.

“I’ll be all right. Let’s go.” She turned for the exit and headed to Bram’s office.

Lucan grabbed her arm and pulled her around to face him again. “Hold up, love. You don’t have to pretend with me. I’m your trainer here. Your protector. I want you to take part in the meeting because it sends a signal of strength. The Doomsday Brethren will look completely united. But if you’re not ready—”

“Don’t. I said I’m all right.” She jerked her arm free.

Hurt crossed Lucan’s face, and she ached to soothe him. Nothing good could come from that. The urge to lean on him was strong, and she hated that he felt as if he’d failed her. If he had been there the night she’d been abducted, Mathias and the Anarki would have vastly outnumbered them. They only would have killed him.

They left the ballroom that had been converted to a training center and headed through the manor toward Bram’s office. Just outside the door, Lucan stopped her again, tucked her behind him. “I’ll go in first.”

She grabbed his arm, and he leveled a questioning glance at her over his shoulder. Anka simply shook her head and released him. “Go. I’ll follow in a moment. Alone. I can’t appear as if I need you to hold my hand. Because then he’s won, really.”

Lucan pressed his lips together, looking as if he bit back a pile of words. “You don’t have to be this brave. I’m proud of you for trying, but—”

“Yes, I do. Go.”

He sighed and shook his head, his glance lingering on her. Finally, he yanked the door open and disappeared inside the office. Drawing in a deep breath and clenching her fists, she watched the door close behind him and stood against the nearby wall so no one saw her lingering outside like a coward. Mathias had already won one battle, shattering her mating and her soul all in one day. But she’d be bloody damned if she would let him crush her pride for good.

Shaking out her nerves, she reached for the handle and whipped the door open, standing tall, chin upthrust, in the portal. She focused on the wall just beyond Bram’s head as she entered. A cursory glance around the room told her that Shock and Mathias had settled somewhere off to the right. She headed left, grateful to have Lucan nearby. He leaned against a bookcase, the move seemingly casual, but it brought him even closer. Helpful, but she didn’t dare look at Mathias.

“We’re all here now,” Bram said from behind his desk. “This meeting is a sad necessity, and if anyone doesn’t like it, they’re welcome to fuck off. We’ve a few new rules to cover. Everyone rings for admittance now, no exceptions. Everyone must play well with others, or when the big fun comes, you won’t be allowed to participate. I’ll handle all suggestions or inquiries now.”

The room remained dead silent.

“Lovely. No magic in meetings,” Bram went on, then gestured to Felicia. “Our resident Untouchable will make certain of that.”

“Her mate can work magic in her presence,” Mathias objected with a tight smile.

Anka found herself shrinking against the wall. God, just his voice. The sound of those familiar, silky tones that haunted her nightmares… He’d cajoled her response with it even as he hurt her. Hearing him speak now opened up a big black hole and started to suck her down into those hellish days all over again.

“Anka,” Lucan whispered. “Stay with me.”

She blinked, her gaze zipping up to his. He met her stare, solemn, sure, knowing that she needed his strength. They connected for only a moment, but the gesture was important and hopefully gave her the courage to go on.

“Yes, but Simon won’t do magic,” Bram argued. “He’s given me his word, and I trust him. If he breaks his word, he will be removed. Anything else?”

“When did females become standard issue warriors?” Mathias cut his gaze directly to her.

Anka choked back her horror. Say something! The demand flew through her brain, but she couldn’t make herself open her mouth and speak.

“The members of our ranks are none of your concern,” Bram drawled.

“She’s terribly soft.” Mathias stabbed her with a knowing smile. “All over, as I recall. She takes pain far better than she gives it. A beautiful witch, but how much backbone do you really have, dear?”

Lucan tensed, straightened away from the bookcase, and charged toward Mathias with murder on his face.

Anka grabbed his arm and held Lucan back. “Don’t.”

He zipped around to face her, jaw tight. His eyes were a blue riot of fury, a walking harbinger of death. His entire body was taut. For long moments, she didn’t think she could hold him back. Even Bram started to head their way. But finally, Lucan cursed under his breath and backed away.

Mathias had taken everything dear from her in a matter of minutes. The bastard wasn’t taking her dignity, too. Shoving down her fear, she ignored her hammering heart and pushed away from the wall, forcing herself to glare right into his glowing eyes. “I’m more than willing to dish out pain and see how well you take it.”

Mathias smiled as if amused. Shock stood impassively, while Bram raised a brow at her. “That won’t be necessary, Anka. Let’s stay on topic.”

“Let’s,” Mathias agreed, then began crossing the room to her, his gait a slow, hip-rolling swagger full of aggressive intent. She froze. His careful restraint terrified her because it was only temporary. And then…

Lucan shoved her behind him with a glare at Mathias. “Back off.”

“What? Anka and I are old…friends. Have you missed me, poppet? I’ve missed you.”

“If you’ve come to play head games with one of my fighters, get the fuck out now.” Bram’s tone rang with pure steel.

“I haven’t given her time to miss you,” Shock growled at Mathias. “Are we here to talk about killing Morganna or flap our jaws?”

“Thanks for the segue,” Bram drawled as he watched Mathias. “What do you know about her plans?”

Mathias stared at her for a long moment, looking like a predator ready to play with its food, before finally giving Bram his attention. “Precious little. Since she isn’t known for her restraint or control of her temper, that troubles me. I have no idea what she will do, but I know what she’s capable of. That should trouble us all.”

Bram’s expression took a grim turn. “She said nothing about her intentions?”

“She’s definitely got revenge on her agenda. You and your sister will be at the top of her list. Marrok…” Mathias sent him an apologetic smile. “She still hasn’t forgotten. And Olivia, she’s willing to forgive her flesh and blood for betraying her, but I’m certain she’ll want you to help her destroy all her enemies in exchange. If not, I suspect you’ll find your name on her hit list, as well. So unless you want to kill your mate, be prepared.”

Olivia grabbed Marrok’s beefy arm. He wriggled it free and slipped it around his little mate, looking down at her with rapt concern. “We will not bow to her. ’Tis naught but a bitch and a bully, she is.”

“What he said.” Olivia nodded.

“What else?” Bram barked.

Mathias shrugged. “She knows that Merlin left behind a potion to kill her for good. She’s determined to get her hands on that and destroy it.”

“Naturally. My question is, how do we know for certain you’re not in league with her?”

“You don’t, I suppose. But she’s brassed me off completely. Three sweet little witches in my dungeon ready for play, and she freed them all. And made them her mental slaves, of course. Together, they managed to kill some of my most trusted associates. I barely got Zain free before they gutted him.”

“Shame,” Caden said. “The world would have been a better place without him.”

“I happen to think the same of you all, but that’s not productive now, is it?”

“Indeed not.” Bram paced. “So she’s annoyed you. Why should I believe you’re not aligned with her?”

“I refused her…charms. Given that she tried to kill me in my sleep afterward and very nearly decimated the Anarki in her violent rage, I think it’s safe to say we’ll never be aligned.” Mathias frowned at Marrok. “I can’t decide if you’re brave or stupid since you shared her bed. Lovely, but no.”

Olivia elbowed Marrok. Ruddy color flooded the big warrior’s cheeks. “Aye, ’tis a lesson I learned hard.”

“Most assuredly. Then there’s exposure to the humans. I may have flirted with the idea, but I’ve never actually done it, especially not the way she’s gone about it. I have no other assurances to offer you, Rion, except my vow that it’s in my best interest as well as yours to see Morganna gone. I can’t have her ruining my plans, after all.”

“Of course, you’d want all the evil spotlight on your own ugly arse,” Ice groused.

“Isdernus. You’ve been so quiet.” Mathias turned a winning smile on him. “I hope it pleases you to know that I think of your delectable sister often. Gailene was a treat. Tragic that she died so quickly.”

Ice lunged toward Mathias with a growl. “I’m going to kill you, you sodding fucker.”

“Bram.” The evil wizard had the temerity to look both shocked and afraid.

Everyone knew better, and Anka seethed. The bastard was using their own rules against them and enjoying every second of it.

With a curse, Bram rounded his desk to intercept Ice. “Play nicely or there’s no war for you.”

“That’s fucking rubbish! He can’t fling the fact that he killed my sister in my face—”

As Bram pushed at Ice to keep him at bay, he turned to Mathias. “Not another taunt about the violence you’ve done or would like to do to any member of the Doomsday Brethren or their loved ones. That falls under the ‘playing nice’ rule.”

Mathias’s smile glittered as he sat in one of the chairs. “Oh, did I upset someone? So sorry. I’ll do my best to refrain.”

No, the bastard would do his best to needle everyone’s soft spots, Anka knew. He was merely testing them now, but in a few minutes he’d already learned that she feared him, Lucan would do his best to protect her, fury still rode Ice about his sister’s terrible murder, and that Bram would step in and act as the impassive third party when necessary. Mathias was definitely up to no good. But she did believe that Morganna wasn’t on his side, damn it.

“I’ve spilled everything I know about Morganna. What do you know?” the evil wizard asked Bram.

“We’re still investigating. Merlin left behind a potion. Even a drop of it will kill her. But we have no idea where it’s hidden.”

“Ah, so that’s what she’s been seeking.” Mathias laced his fingers over his flat abdomen and crossed his ankles as he leaned back in his chair. “She’s been scouring all things old, hence the attack on Stonehenge. I also know she’s kicked around a bit in Glastonbury.”

“I’ve no idea where Merlin would have stowed the potion.”

“You’ll find it. And when you have it, I’ll find Morganna.”

“Even if we find it, I’m afraid obtaining it isn’t that simple. Merlin put requirements on it, which is why you’re here.” Bram quickly explained about needing the blood from both Merlin’s and Nimue’s lines.

“Interesting, but I’m not certain how I can help.”

“We know you’re Nimue’s last living descendant.”

Mathias frowned, then looked to Tabitha, his gaze lingering on her swelling belly. “Your father is still helping you from beyond the grave. That must be of some comfort, then.”

But not as much as actually having her father here, and Anka was struck mute with horror to realize how many lives had been altered forever by Mathias’s greed for power and violence while she’d been separated from this group of people. Marrok had nearly died, while Caden and Sydney had barely escaped with their lives. Her own cousin, Aquarius, had nearly perished at Zain’s hands simply because Mathias willed it. Ice’s sister had been his victim a few hundred years ago, almost followed by Ice himself just before he and Sabelle mated. Simon’s brother had been in Mathias’s grip. Raiden’s mate, Tabitha, had lost her entire family. Tynan had suffered the brutal killing of the witch he’d yearned to mate with, then allowed Mathias to take his life months later just to stop the anguish. So much tragedy, and why? So the bastard could be the king of evil?