Read Books Novel

Enduring Light

Enduring Light (The Afterglow Trilogy #3)(34)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“I know.” I did know it, but being able to trust someone was different from having to keep something from them for their own good.

“Then tell me what is wrong. What did the scroll say that has you so upset?”

“I’m not upset.”

“Yes, you are. I can feel it. It is like you are trying to build a wall between us. I cannot let you do that. You are my other half, Charlotte. I need you to let me in.” His tormented expression ate at me.

“I love you. That’s all you need to know.”

“As I love you, but there is more. Tell me.”

I shook my head. “No.”

“Walk with me?”

“Now? It’s too late.”

“Please. We need time alone. I will take the blankets, and if you are too tired, I will carry you back to the campsite.”

“Okay.” I got to my feet. How could I say no to such a simple request when he’d say yes to anything I asked?

Henry looked over from where he stood watch but didn’t say anything as Calvin led me into the woods.

I leaned heavily into Calvin’s side. “Where are we going?”

“You will see.” He wrapped an arm around me.

I let him escort me through the dark woods until we reached a stream. “Is this…?”

“You remember it?”

“Of course. It’s where you kissed me for the first time.” I hadn’t realized how close we were to where I’d first met Calvin.

“I still remember how it felt to connect with you. How I felt like I would never be whole again without you.” He stopped in front of the rock we’d sat on that first day.

“If we only knew then…” I took a seat on the rock, and he sat next to me.

He inched closer to me. “If I had known how hard a road we would have, I would have probably whisked you away. I would have selfishly kept you to myself instead of sharing you with our people.”

“I would have wanted that.”

“It is better that we did not know then, is it not? Without us, Energo would have no hope.”

I nodded. My exhaustion faded as I lost myself in memories.

“Let me kiss you, Charlotte. Let me kiss away that sadness.”

“Please do. It’s all I want.”

He kissed my cheeks, my eyelids, my earlobes, and my neck.

I sighed, trying to savor every sensation caused by his lips on my skin.

As his lips explored me, so did his hands, and before long, I was undressed in his arms. We’d left the rock and had a blanket spread out near the water.

Calvin looked down at me. “It is freeing, is it not? Being naked together out here all alone?”

“I hadn’t thought of it as freeing, but I do feel that way.” I ran a hand down his chest.

“This is the memory I want to hold with me forever.”

“Of tonight?”

“Of holding you, of watching the moonlight dance across your naked body.”

I rested my head on his chest. “Promise me you’ll live a happy life.”

“Of course I will. Having you beside me makes me the happiest man alive.”

“No matter what. You need to promise me.”

“Why does it sound like you are saying goodbye?”

“I just love you.”

“I love you, too.” He kissed me gently.

I looked into his eyes. “Make love to me, Calvin.”

“I have never been asked to do something I want more.”


Sometime in the night, Calvin kept his word and carried me back to our camp. I don’t remember dressing, but I also didn’t remember the last time I’d slept so soundly.

I was ready to face Bellgard. I was ready to face the Source.

Chapter Eighteen


Flying on a plane was an experience, but flying on a dragon was life-changing. The wind in my hair, adrenaline flowing through my veins, I felt alive in a way I’d never felt before, as if I’d been born to fly.

I leaned forward on the dragon, wanting to be part of the movement, not a mere passenger. I was barely aware of Kevin flying beside me, but when I did sneak a glance, he was smiling. At least he had overcome his fear. Fear did not wear well on him. He was a warrior, a Guardian. Bravery was an intricate part of who he was.

We reached the mountains, and I guided my dragon higher. I had no doubt that Blake would have guards searching the mountains for intruders. Intruders—as if I could ever intrude on Energo. I was my nation’s daughter. Nothing could change that. It saddened me to no end to think about what Blake had done to such a beautiful place. We could not let him win.

“Stay alert,” I called to Kevin as we passed into Energo. Part of me expected to be attacked, but we were high enough that very few men could hope to make a shot. The reality was that if Blake wanted us dead, we would be. The darkness in him was growing stronger by the minute.

“I will.” Kevin grinned.

He really was having a good time. I knew we would have to return the dragons to Ollis, but I also knew I was not settling for this one experience. We would be borrowing them again sometime. Maybe if we paid a high enough price, we could keep them. I laughed at the thought. Where would we keep dragons? Then another thought hit me. If I united with Kevin, we would be entitled to live in the castle. He was a Winthrop. If there was any place in Energo to keep dragons, it was Bellgard. What a thought. Living in the castle with pet dragons in the stables outside. I laughed again, and it felt good. Things had been so tense over the past few days.

I directed the dragon toward the fern grotto. I was not sure where we were going to land, but my biggest fear was that the Resistance would mistake us as enemies and try to attack. We needed to be careful with our entrance. As we drew closer, I called to Kevin, “Be careful. No sudden movements. We will not get the usual welcome.”

He nodded. “I’ll let you lead then. You’re usually better with things like this.”

“I am glad you acknowledge my superiority.”

“Only on this… not everything.”

“Yes, there are things you are very good at.”

He did not say anything else. Sometimes Kevin could be very smart.

As expected, the Resistance waited for us on high alert. We landed in the clearing between the fern grotto and the caves. Noticing the swords and spears pointed toward us, the dragons tensed. This probably made them seem even more frightening. I hoped Ollis was right and they could control their fire. The ride back was fantastic, but creating a fire or hurting a single member of the Resistance was an unacceptable outcome.
