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You’re right that we don’t have many options.

We should sleep on it, Kendra said. We’re both worn out. We can decide what to do in the morning.


Kendra climbed into bed, slid under the covers, let her head sink into the pillow, and fell asleep before another thought entered her mind.  * Maybe we shouldn’t have rinsed the milk out of our clothes, Seth said. Then we could churn butter while we walk.


By the end of the day I might have had yogurt in my armpits.

You’re psychotic, said Kendra.

Then we could add some of Lena’s jam and make it fruit-at-the-bottom.

Quit it!

Seth seemed pleased with himself. Goldilocks rode in the wheelbarrow inside a burlap sack he had found in the pantry. They had tried to bend the cage back into shape, but could not get the door to stay on. The sack had a drawstring, which they pulled snugly around the hen’s neck so her head could stick out.

It was hard to think of the chicken as Grandma Sorenson. The hen had not performed a single grandmotherly action all morning. She showed no reaction to the announcement that they were going to see Muriel, and she had laid an egg on Kendra’s bed during the night.

Kendra and Seth had awakened just before sunrise. In the barn they had found the wheelbarrow, which they determined might be easier than carrying Goldilocks the entire way to .

It was Kendra’s turn pushing the wheelbarrow. The chicken seemed serene. She was probably enjoying the fresh air. The weather was pleasant-sunny and warm without being hot.

Kendra wondered how the negotiations with Muriel would go. In the end, they had decided it would do no harm to see what terms they could reach with the witch.

Then they could base their final decision on the facts of what Muriel would be willing to do, rather than conjecture.

They had loaded food, clothes, tools, and utensils in the wheelbarrow, in case they might be able to barter with comforts instead of freedom. Most of the clothes had been mangled on Midsummer Eve, but they found a few unshredded items for Grandma to wear in case they succeeded in transforming her. They had made sure to feed the chicken some milk in the morning, as well as to drink some themselves.

The trails to the shack were not difficult to remember.

Presently they identified the leafy structure where the witch lived. Leaving the wheelbarrow, Seth carried the chicken, while Kendra collected an armful of bartering items. Kendra had already reminded Seth to stay calm and be polite no matter what happened, but she repeated the admonition.

They heard strange music as they drew near the shack, like somebody playing a rubber band while clacking castanets.

When they got around to the front door, they found the grimy old hag playing a mouth harp with one hand while making her limberjack dance with the other.

I did not hope to have visitors again so soon, laughed the witch when her song ended. Pity about Stanley.

What do you know about our Grandpa? Seth asked.

The woods are all abuzz with news of his abduction, Muriel said. The naiadic housekeeper as well, if one is to lend an ear to the gossip. Quite the scandal.

Do you know where they are? Seth tried.

Look at all the lovely gifts you brought me, the witch gushed, clasping her veiny hands together. The quilt is gorgeous, but it would be ruined in my humble dwelling.

I’ll not let you waste your generosity on me; I would not know what to do with such niceties.

We brought these to trade, Kendra said.

Trade? the witch asked theatrically, smacking her lips.

For my tea! Nonsense, child, I would not dream of exacting a toll for my hospitality. Come inside, and the three of us shall drink together.

Not to trade for tea, Seth said, holding up Goldilocks. We want you to change our grandma back into herself.

In exchange for a chicken?

She is the chicken, Kendra explained.

The witch grinned, stroking her chin. I thought I recognized her, she mused. You poor dears, one guardian carried off in the night, the other reduced to poultry.

We can offer you a quilt, a bathrobe, a toothbrush, and a lot of homemade food, Kendra said.

Charming as that may be, Muriel said, I would require the energy of a knot unraveling to work any spell capable of restoring your grandmother to her former state.

We can’t untie your last knot, Seth said. Grandpa would be furious.

The witch shrugged. My predicament is simple.

Imprisoned in this shack, I am curtailed in my abilities.

The problem has nothing to do with my willingness to compromise-the dilemma is that the only way for me to fulfill your request would be to harness the power stored in the final knot. The decision lies in your hands. I have no other options.

If we untie the last knot, will you also tell us where our Grandpa was taken? Kendra asked.

Child, I would love nothing more than to reunite you with your lost grandfather. But the truth of the matter is, I haven’t the foggiest notion where he was taken. Again, it would require loosing my knot in order for me to marshal sufficient power to discern his whereabouts.

Could you find Grandpa and change Grandma with the power from one knot? Kendra asked.

Lamentably, I would have the opportunity to accomplish only one feat or the other. Both would not be possible.

Unless you figure out a way, you won’t have a chance to do either, Seth said.

Then we have reached an impasse, the witch apologized.

If you tell me we have no deal unless I am able to accomplish the impossible, then we have no deal. I could fulfill either of your requests, but not both.

If we have you change Grandma back, Kendra asked, could you help us find Grandpa once you’re free?

Perhaps, the witch mused. Yes, without guarantees, once free I could probably use my abilities to shed light on the location of your grandfather.

How do we know you won’t attack us if we let you go? Seth asked.

A fair question, Muriel said. I might be embittered by long years of imprisonment and eager to work mischief once released. However, I give you my word as a practitioner of the ancient art that I will not inflict any harm upon you or your grandmother upon my deliverance from this confinement. If I held any malice, it would be toward those who initiated my incarceration, enemies who passed from this life decades ago, not those who set me free. If anything, I would consider myself indebted.

And you would promise to help us find Grandpa Sorenson? Kendra said.

Your grandmother might refuse my help. She and your grandfather have never held me in much esteem. But if she will accept my assistance in locating Stan, I will give it.

We need to talk about this in private, Kendra said.

Be my guest, Muriel said.

Kendra and Seth returned to the path. Kendra dumped her bartering items in the wheelbarrow. She spoke in a soft whisper. I don’t think we have any other choice.
