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Fairytale Come Alive

Fairytale Come Alive (Ghosts and Reincarnation #4)(109)
Author: Kristen Ashley

“I’d need a whole week, twenty-four seven, to detail what’s wrong with her,” Mikey muttered.

“I hardly think Hattie Fennick is worth this kind of intense conversation,” Bella remarked.

“You’ve got to admit, it’s weird,” Annie replied.

“Okay, so she had a crush on Prentice back in the day and, because of her unrequited love, she doesn’t like me and didn’t like Fiona. That’s understandable. We have or had what she wants or wanted. And this is Hattie. It’s can’t be a surprise that she’d be poor loser,” Bella explained.

“This is true,” Annie said.

It was true, Fiona thought, but it still was spooky.

And Fiona was on the lookout for spooky.

Because spooky could become dangerous.

Watch out for Hattie Fennick! Fiona shouted at Bella.

“But, I’ll watch out for Hattie Fennick,” Bella announced and at this dramatic statement everyone looked at her funny so she grinned. “I mean, I wouldn’t want the likes of Hattie Fennick messing up my Scottish fairytale come alive, now would I?”

Mikey slid an arm along her shoulders and tucked her into his side. “Nothing’s going to mess up your Scottish fairytale come alive, especially not the likes of Hattie Fennick,” he assured and gave Bella a squeeze.

“All right,” Bella said decisively. “Now, I’ve got a bedroom to decorate. We need new furniture. And bed linens.” She turned to Fern. “Do you deal with that too?”

Fern smiled and replied, “Absolutely.”

Fifteen minutes later, Bella had warmed to her theme and was standing in the store discussing ideas with Fern on how to redecorate the sitting room whilst Annie and Mikey were perusing her wares when the bell over the door rang and Prentice’s sister Debs stormed in.

She was breathing so heavily she was wheezing, her hand held to her throat.

“Debs, what on earth?” Bella asked, hurrying to Debs while Fiona floated along.

“The… you… Mrs. Kilbride…” Debs panted, “said you were here. I ran here the minute I saw it.”

“Saw what?” Bella asked and without another word Debs opened her big bag and pulled out a magazine.

“Oh crap,” Annie breathed as everyone got close.

“I thought they’d gone,” Bella whispered as she looked at the magazine as if it might grow teeth and bite her.

“Apparently, they had, into hiding!” Debs declared and showed Bella the cover.

On the front was a photo of Laurent and his strumpet, a bright yellow jagged line separating them, an announcement above them stating, “It’s over!”

In the bottom corner there was a photo of Bella and Prentice snogging.

Actually snogging.

Not a peck on the lips but a full on snog.

The small title by their photo said, “While Isabella Lives Happily Ever After”.

Fiona stared as Bella groaned, “Oh no.”

“Girlie-girl!” Mikey hooted. “They got a picture of you and Mr. Broody-Hot making out! Look at that! It’s gorgeous! I love it!”

Bella glared at Mikey while Annie asked, “How on earth did they get that?”

Bella took the magazine from Debs’s hand and started flipping through it.

“Remember a week ago, you, Dougal, Pren and I were at the pub?” Bella asked Annie, still flipping. “Well, Pren kissed me by the car.” Her head came up. “We thought the photographers had all gone.”

“Well they hadn’t,” Mikey commented.

“Yes, Mikey, I can see that,” Bella snapped.

“Oh, wow, hey Mikey. You’re here,” Debs smiled at him in belated greeting and Mikey returned her smile.

“Why are you so happy about this?” Annie asked Mikey with narrowed eyes.

“Because Bella’s making out with a handsome man, living the life of her dreams and that ass is alone, as he should be. And there isn’t any way he can escape this, he’ll see it and I love it. I think it’s brilliant!” Mikey answered.

“Well, Pren isn’t going to think it’s brilliant. Look!” Bella exclaimed and turned the magazine around for everyone to look.

They closed in and Fiona floated above them to have a look.

There was a spread, mostly Laurent and his floozy but also photos of Bella and Prentice. Photos taken recently, more shots of them snogging by Prentice’s Rover and the inside shots were far more intimate. They were really going at it, Prentice even had a hand cupped tight on Bella’s ass. And there were also pictures of Bella dropping the kids off at school.

“Yeesh, did you two do it in the Rover or what?” Annie asked.

“No! We didn’t do it in the Rover! Still, this is, it’s…” Bella paused and finished with, “Oh. My. God!”

Annie got close and slid an arm around Bella’s waist. “Prentice doesn’t care about this stuff, sweetie.”

“Yes, well he’s never had pictures of him making out published yet,” Bella returned. “Look at it Annie!” She shook the magazine at her friend. “He’s got his hand on my ass!”

“Mm, that’s my favorite part,” Mikey murmured.

Debs took the magazine out of Bella’s hands and examined it while muttering, “He’s my brother and I still think he looks fit.”

“Sick,” Fern giggled and Debs giggled with her.

“This isn’t funny!” Bella shouted as her handbag rang; she dug into it, pulled out her mobile and stared at the display in horror. Then she looked at her audience with an expression that could only be described as dire, hit a button, put it to her ear and said, “Hey Pren.”

There were collective giggles (including Fiona’s) and Bella glared daggers at them as she wandered away. Fiona wandered with her and got close to listen in.

“Are you at Fern’s?” Prentice asked.

“Yes,” Bella answered.

“While you’re with her, talk about the sitting room,” Prentice ordered, sounding distracted.

“We already did.” She hesitated. “Listen, Pren –”

“Sorry, baby, I’ve got a staff meeting in five minutes and we’re breaking ground in the New Year on that job. There’s loads of shit to sort.”

Bella sucked in breath. Prentice heard it.


“Um…” she began.

“Elle,” he cut in, “are you with Annie?”

Bella’s shoulders went straight and she snapped, “Yes, and would you stop asking if I’m with Annie when you think we’re misbehaving?”
