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Fairytale Come Alive

Fairytale Come Alive (Ghosts and Reincarnation #4)(118)
Author: Kristen Ashley

As annoying as it was, she had to admit she loved that photo. They looked happy mainly because they were.

But that was two villages over; the shot had been taken after they had dinner and were walking back to Prentice’s SUV so it was after nine at night. There was practically no way Hattie would just happen to be in that village (with a camera), which was smaller by half than Prentice’s which meant it was tiny. They had a takeaway Chinese, the Italian restaurant she and Pren went to and a news agent. There was no reason for Hattie to be there.

This meant Hattie Fennick was stalking Elle, Prentice and the kids!

Hattie Fennick was stalking them and getting paid to expose snippets of their lives and steal photos of their memories and sell their privacy to the world.

As this knowledge burned into her brain, Elle lifted her hands and curled her fingers on the steering wheel in an effort to stop herself from opening her door and marching straight to Hattie, yanking that camera from her neck, smashing it on the ground and giving Hattie a piece of her mind.

It would not do to throw a temper tantrum in front of all the kids at Sally and Jace’s school and the parents there to pick them up.

No, she thought as her narrowed, angry eyes stayed focused on Hattie, she’d pick her time and it would be the right time.

The bed in the guest suite was smaller than the one in their room and the one they would be purchasing.

But it was cozy and comfortable.

They were good. The furniture could wait another day to be ordered, Elle decided as Hattie lifted the camera to her eye and Elle knew that Sally and/or Jason was headed her way.

Yes, she thought, glaring at Hattie taking photos of her children, the furniture could wait.

* * * * *


“Is everything okay, Elly Belly?” Fiona heard her daughter ask, her small hand held by Bella’s as Bella walked her into the dance studio.

Fiona thought her wee lass looked adorable in her baby pink tights and leotard, even with that big coat over it, scarf wrapped around her neck, wooly hat pulled over her ears, feet encased in warm boots (she would put on her ballet slippers in the studio).

Bella didn’t take any chances with the cold, Fiona was pleased to see.

But Fiona, for once, wasn’t thinking about her sweet Sally.

Her focus was Bella who Sally couldn’t help but notice was angry, walking stiffly, face set. Hell, anyone would notice it; that was how angry Bella was, she wasn’t even shielding Sally from it.

Bella’s thoughts were elsewhere, it was plain to see and Fiona knew where they were.

Fiona had seen Bella notice Hattie Fennick and she’d seen Bella’s reaction.

And Fiona wasn’t ready.

She had not realized her magic. She’d spent hours practicing, hours at her tent calling to the Colonel Sanders Messenger Man in hopes he’d materialize and give her some clue.

He hadn’t and she was no closer to finding her magic so she could use it when the time came.

And Fiona feared the time was coming now.

Christmas had come and gone and all was well, joyful, happy – even including a visit from Laurent Evangelista (who was an even bigger tosser than Fiona reckoned he was and she reckoned he was a pretty big tosser). Bella had barely reacted to his appearance. She dealt with it and moved on, no clenching of the fists, no nothing.

Fiona was proud of her.

Prentice, Fiona noted, was prouder.

But there was no word from Bella’s father. No mishaps roasting the turkey. The television didn’t explode when Prentice and Mikey installed the PlayStation.

The only danger, Fiona reckoned, was Hattie Fennick.

And Fiona knew, just looking at Bella’s face, that Bella intended to do something about it.

And now.

Wait! Fiona shouted at her as she floated by Bella and her daughter’s side. Wait until later! Talk to Prentice! Tell him about it tonight! Don’t go on your own!

Bella gave no indication that she’d heard Fiona as she walked toward the doors, pushing them open and lying to Sally, “I’m fine, sweetie. Just have something on my mind.”

“Okay,” Sally said softly, disbelief and worry clear in her tone.

Bella! Don’t! Fiona didn’t give up and kept shouting. She’s dangerous! Just wait, wait and talk to Prentice. He’s your knight in shining armor. He’s made to keep you safe. Don’t do something stupid!

Again, Bella gave no indication she heard her ghostly friend as she forced a smile at the instructor then helped Sally take off her winter things and put on her slippers.

Then she bent and kissed the top of Sally’s, her hand lifting slightly to curl around Sally’s soft cheek and Sally tipped her head back to look at Bella.

“I’ll be back in an hour, honey,” Bella said softly.

Sally nodded. “Okay, Elly Belly.”

Hearing her nickname, Bella didn’t have to force her farewell smile for Sally.

Then she dropped her hand, nodded at the instructor and a couple of the parents as she headed back out to her 4×4, Fiona so close to her side, Bella shivered at the cold caused by Fiona’s spectral body and not the deep chill in the air.

Bella, listen to me, Fiona begged, wrapping her ghostly hands around Bella’s arm causing her to shiver again. Please, please, at least call Prentice.

Bella bleeped the locks to her Rover, yanked open the door angrily and climbed inside.

Then she whispered, “No. I’m going to take care of this once and for all.”

Bella! Fiona shouted but Bella shook her head.

“No,” she kept whispering, “no one interferes with my happily ever after but they really don’t interfere with Prentice’s or the kids’.”

Fiona closed her eyes.

Bella switched on the ignition.

Bloody hell! Fiona yelled, glaring at Bella’s stubborn profile.

Then she made a mistake.

She dematerialized and materialized at Prentice’s office to try her hand at yelling at him in order to get through.

Leaving Bella alone.

She should never have left Bella alone.

* * * * *


Prentice was at his drafting board at the office, sifting through phone messages Alice had left for him, thinking he’d need to have a look at the building where his offices were housed because, that afternoon, a chill had slid through them so arctic, it was uncomfortable. He’d never felt it before and they were experiencing a severe cold snap so he reckoned the heating wasn’t up to the task.

However, strangely, the chill subsided as suddenly as it came. Prentice still made a mental note to look into it.

These thoughts were in his head when his mobile rang.
