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Fairytale Come Alive

Fairytale Come Alive (Ghosts and Reincarnation #4)(121)
Author: Kristen Ashley

“Davey, up to your room!” Hattie snapped and only Prentice’s neck twisted so he could lock eyes with the bitch.

“Why won’t you let him speak to me?” he clipped.

Hattie tossed her hair and crossed her arms on her chest. “I already told you, I don’t know why you’re here or Bella’s Rover is in front of my house, Prentice. The never ending drama of your life doesn’t intrude in ours. We have no’ one thing to do with you and jet-set Isabella Evangelista.”

He straightened and turned to her. “You do. You know you do. You live and breathe Elle and me. It’s coiled in you like a rotting vine.”

“Hardly,” she hissed with another toss of her hair but Prentice was done, he didn’t have time for Hattie Fennick, he never did and he turned back to Davey.

“Talk to me, boy,” he demanded.

“Go to your room,” Hattie ordered.

“Talk to me, damn it!” Prentice shouted and Davy got tense but he spoke.

“She came, earlier, Dad let her in then I saw Dad carrying her out to his car.”

Prentice’s body shot straight as he heard Hattie breathe, “What?”

“She was bleedin’ from her head,” Davey whispered.

Fear cut through his body leaving nothing but raw in its wake because he suddenly knew, he knew what life was like at the Fennick household when someone as controlling, twisted, bitter and malicious as Hattie lived in it, obsessed with another man and his family.

“Where would he take her?” Prentice bit out quickly, Davey’s mouth opened and shut and then again before he swallowed. Prentice gave up on him, turned to his mother and repeated, “Where would he take her?”

“I don’t –” she started, her face pale, she was shocked, completely unable to comprehend what her warped obsession with another man wrought on her husband.

Prentice didn’t have time for her to think so he turned and advanced, fast, Hattie retreating and then she slammed against the wall by the door and stared up at him with deeper shock as his body pressed close and he got nose to nose with the bitch.

“Where would he f**king take her?” Prentice gritted through his teeth.

“I… I…” she stammered.

“Where?” Prentice roared.

“The cliffs,” she whispered. “The cliffs at Kenkames.”

Prentice said not a word nor spared a glance.

He sprinted out of the house to his Rover.

* * * * *


“Bloody hell,” Nigel Fennick breathed and even though Elle was staring at Fiona floating and shimmering in front of her, her beautiful dark hair drifting like it was caught in a stiff but delicate breeze, the ends of the attractive tunic she wore doing the same, Elle knew Nigel was stunned and this was her chance.

And it could be her only one.

So, at the same time, she kicked back with her boot, hitting him sharply in the shin as she scratched at his hand, her nails digging in. He yelped, his leg went back automatically to avoid her foot, his arms loosened; she pulled free, rounded him and ran.

Head for the road! Fiona shouted, zooming eerily beside her.

“You said that already!” Elle shouted back but did it anyway.

I know! I have super-ghostly sight, you don’t, so you have to listen to me! Fiona shouted back.

Super-ghostly sight. Insane! Elle thought.

Seriously, you need to rethink your footwear, Fiona advised and Elle kept running even as she rolled her eyes.

“You don’t think I know that?” she returned.

Faster! Fiona yelled. He’s gaining!

Elle tried to run faster, her breath coming in deep pants, her boots and Nigel’s boots hitting the road sounding jarringly in the quiet, dark, deserted night.

“Where are we?” Elle asked through her pants, deciding to zig and zag to see if she could put him off so she did at that same time hoping whatever Fiona’s answer was would give her the information she needed to get out of this bloody mess and back home.

Kenkames. No’ populated and nobody will be up here this late at night, Fiona answered.

“Marvelous,” Elle muttered right before she heard Fiona’s ghostly scream and Elle was tackled, going down hard, first to her knees then her hand slammed into the asphalt of the road, the pain in her wrist shooting up her arm then she hit the road at her chest, her breath going clean out of her.

Let her go, you fool! Fiona shouted as Elle sucked in air but still she immediately started struggling, twisting, turning and kicking out. Let her go! Fiona repeated. Let her go! Let her go, go, GO!

Then Nigel’s weight was off Elle, she rolled several times to the side, got to a knee and looked back to see Nigel struggling with the supernatural body of Fiona.

RUN! Fiona screeched as, with parted lips, Elle watched Fiona lifting Nigel clean in the air and darting away, both of them several feet off the ground.

Now! Fiona yelled, Elle found her feet, turned away from her surprising attacker and by far and away more surprising rescuer and she ran.

* * * * *


“Prentice –” Dougal started, his voice coming from Prentice’s speakerphone on his mobile.

“Just do it, Dougal. Call the police and head up to Kenkames,” Prentice ordered.

“You should leave this to the cops, Prentice, you should –”

“I’m no’ discussing it, I’m telling you. Call the f**king police, get in your f**king car and head up to f**king Kenkames,” Prentice ground out, hit the button on his phone to end the call and tossed it in the passenger seat.

Then he focused on the road. He needed to focus on the road. He was in a 4×4 going twice the speed limit. He needed to get to Elle, get her safe and beat Nigel f**king Fennick bloody and not die in a fiery crash before he could do it.

And that was what he was bloody well going to do.

* * * * *


Fiona forced Nigel in his car, locking it and keeping it locked with her newly realized powers. Once she accomplished that, she floated outside it, hands on hips, glaring at Nigel.

It wasn’t anger that brought on her powers.

It also wasn’t effort.

Or concentration.

It was love.

Magic came from love.

Who knew?

All she knew was, faced with the possibility that, if she didn’t do something, there would be no Isabella Austin soon-to-be Cameron in this world, Fiona couldn’t abide that.

Her children needed Bella.

Her husband needed her.

Annie, Fergus, Mikey, they needed her.

And Bella needed her happy ending.
