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Fearless In Love

His hand closed over hers, over his rapidly beating heart.

“Now you’ve done it,” he murmured. “Woken the sleeping—”

“—giant,” she finished.

“Are you ready for the consequences?” he asked in a teasingly sexy voice.

Not wanting to be coy or play games with him, she said, “I’m ready for anything with you.”

That was all it took for him to pin her to the mattress with his body. God, how she loved his weight and his erection hard against her thigh, loved how his lips took hers, his tongue mimicking the way he’d taken her just hours before.

His fingers slipped and slid over her sensitive flesh, until she writhed beneath him and he groaned his own need against her mouth. “Ari.” He kissed her deeply, passionately and fiercely, before her name fell from his lips again. “Ari.”

Another condom from the bedside table in his hand, he sat back. In the moonlight through his bedroom window, the sight of him was rich, like a feast with mouthwatering scents and tastes that made your eyes roll back in your head.

He tore open the packet. “Put it on me. I want to feel your hands driving me even crazier than I already am for you.”

Never having put on protection before, she accomplished the task with slow precision. So slow that his breath quickened and his hands clenched. When she was finished, he hauled her up until she straddled his hips, her knees on either side of his.

“Take what you want, Ari.”

It was an order. It was a plea. His words made her catch her breath, releasing another rush of need.

It was partly how he made sure the choice was hers, but his sensual commands were also who he was—a man who took control. And who also made sure that control spun out into boundless pleasure.

She kissed him hard as she slid down until he filled her completely. And this time, they moved with her rhythm, her pace, the control all hers. Until he cupped her hips to thrust deeper, and the world tipped sideways as they cried out together, two bodies fused into one.

Chapter Ten

Matt hadn’t spent a whole night with a woman since Noah was born. Not since Irene had handed over his infant son and admitted she couldn’t hack motherhood. Sorry, I thought it would be fun. But though it had gutted him to know that neither he nor their son had been enough for Irene, he also knew she wasn’t cut out for such responsibility. She was like a butterfly who refused to be netted by a family. So he’d taken Noah and never looked back, swearing he’d be a better father than his dad had ever known how to be, a better parent than his mother had wanted to be. He became Noah’s protector.

Women had come and gone since then, some lasting a few weeks, some only a night. But none of them stayed in his house or slept in his bed. He hadn’t wanted Noah to get attached to someone who wasn’t going to be around long. Not when they’d already had that with Irene.

But now there was Ari. And as much as he’d known he should send her back to her room—hell, that he should never have carried her into his bedroom in the first place—he hadn’t been able to.

Not when the night had shifted into something he couldn’t define. Something he’d desperately needed.

And not when he’d wanted to stay with her in the heart of pleasure, where nothing else mattered.

But now the sun was up—and the bright light screamed the difference between last night and today.

Damn it, he’d screwed up. Royally.

He’d wanted Ari so badly he couldn’t think straight. Couldn’t even remember that he’d brought her home for Noah, his number one priority. Matt’s work, his inventions, his business—he’d throw them all away for his son. Just as he’d give up every penny in his bank account if it meant making Noah smile, hearing him laugh, bringing him joy.

But money had never brought any of those things. And lately, Noah laughed because of his beautiful, bright, talented nanny…

…who was making delicious little noises that started Matt’s primal head thinking on its own. With sleepy, throaty sounds, maybe a moan, she rubbed sinuously against him in her sleep.

Sweet Lord, he wanted her again. He was this close to pulling her leg over his and taking her from behind, giving them both more of the most sinful pleasure he’d ever known. But he couldn’t keep taking her, consequences be damned. She was here for Noah. She was only twenty-four to his thirty-four. She was wholesome, fresh, and innocent—and even though he wasn’t her first, he’d still debauched her.

She’d kissed him in a gesture of comfort. And he’d let things blaze out of control.

Susan would have his head if she ever found out. Daniel would simply kill him. The Mavericks would disown him. And Matt would deserve it. He’d broken a solemn promise not to take advantage of Ari.

But even as his gut told him how wrong he’d been to take her the way he had, his heart shouted how right she’d felt in his arms, every single second of their lovemaking.

If only she wasn’t working for him…

If only she wasn’t Noah’s perfect nanny…

If only he hadn’t made that vow to Daniel and the Mavericks…

The worst would be Susan’s disappointment in him. His family’s disappointment. He was a Maverick, and a Maverick never broke a promise. It was his job to step up, to protect his son, his family, the people who worked for him. Instead, he’d stepped off a cliff.

And God help him, he’d loved every moment of his fall.

But no matter how much he wished it were otherwise, a man couldn’t seduce his nanny without consequences, regardless of how rich and powerful he might be.

One hand fisted in the covers, he tugged them from the tangle of their legs. He wanted to be gentle, but they were so entwined that there was nothing gentle about it, no other choice but to throw them off. Then he damn near vaulted from the bed.

Where the hell were his jeans?

Awakened so abruptly, Ari stared at him, then sat up with the sheet clutched to her beautiful breasts, her hair a sexy mess that made him want to crawl right back in there with her.

The guilt choked him as he finally found his jeans and pulled them on commando. He made himself face her, so pretty, so perfect. So innocent. “I’m sorry. Last night was a mistake.” The words fell from his lips before he could find a way to make them softer. Or less harsh. “I shouldn’t have let that happen. It was entirely my fault. I took advantage.”
