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Fever (Breathless #2)(16)
Author: Maya Banks

Jace reached over for her hand and squeezed. “Everything okay?”

She nodded. “I’ve never done that before. I mean obviously, but not even on a smaller scale. Most of my shopping—if you can call it that—has been at thrift shops and Goodwill stores.”

He scowled. “Those days are over, Bethany. I want you to forget them.”

She sighed. Over until he moved on, got over his . . . She wasn’t even sure what to call his seeming attraction to her. Whatever it was wouldn’t last forever and going back to her life would be even harder afterward. Before it had been all she knew but now? Jace was giving her a taste of how different things could be.

They pulled up in front of a sleek, modern-looking building on the Upper West Side and Jace got out, extending his hand to help her from the car. After instructing his driver to see that the bags were brought up, he directed Bethany toward the entrance.

Once inside, he introduced her to the doorman. Evidently Jace had already notified him that she’d be staying in the apartment because it was more a case of formality than introducing a new situation.

Then Jace gave her a tour of the facilities and the amenities offered by the building. She couldn’t imagine taking advantage of any of them. Having an actual apartment was a luxury she couldn’t even wrap her mind around. To have all of the extra perks blew her mind.

She was relieved when they finally got on the elevator and rode up to the apartment. Her nerves were shot. She was frazzled by all the shopping and she desperately wanted a quiet place to decompress.

Jace unlocked the door and then held it open for her. “Let’s go see your apartment, baby.”

Her apartment. She still couldn’t comprehend being given an entire apartment. It was insane. Jace was insane. But then she’d already covered that ground.

When she walked in, her breath caught and she stopped dead in the middle of the floor. And she stared. Tears welled and a sob crept out of her throat.

Jace wrapped an arm around her and squeezed. “Baby.”

He dragged out the word in an aching voice that made her heart turn over in a fluttery cartwheel.

“It’s beautiful, Jace,” she whispered.


“It’s perfect.”

He smiled and kissed her on the nose. “And you haven’t seen it all yet.”

“I’ve seen enough to know it’s perfect.”

And it was. The living room and kitchen blended together in one large room with an open concept she loved. But the color scheme was what made it absolutely perfect. Done in earth tones, the room—the entire apartment—had a homey, cozy feel that was the epitome of everything she’d ever wanted in a place to live.

And the kitchen was state-of-the-art stainless steel appliances. A chef’s stove. And it looked to be fully stocked with cookware and cutlery. Her hands itched to get into that kitchen and cook.

“Come on,” he said. “I’ll show you the rest and by then your bags should be up.”

They did a brief tour of the bedrooms and the bathrooms and when they came back there was a growing pile of bags being deposited inside the door. A moment later, a tall, very muscular man strode through the door followed by a slightly shorter and stockier man. They both looked like guys out of a bodybuilding magazine. Beefed-up arms. They just looked like badasses.

The man in the lead had shades that he flipped up and Bethany instinctively pushed in closer to Jace’s side, seeking his protection. These men reminded her too much of her run-in with the guys who’d wanted money from Jack.

“They won’t hurt you,” Jace murmured.

He slipped his arm around her and squeezed her against him. Instantly she felt . . . better. More secure. It didn’t matter that the men were twice Jace’s size. Veritable mountains and they looked . . . questionable at best. She was next to Jace and he wouldn’t allow anyone to hurt her.

At Jace’s words, the front man pulled up short and frowned. He held up his hand to halt the other guy and they both stood a short distance away, careful to maintain the space between them and where she stood.

“Mr. Crestwell,” the front man said. “I’m Kaden Ginsberg and this is Trevor Dixon.”

Jace extended his arm, stepping forward to shake each of their hands. “Thank you both for coming.”

He turned and motioned Bethany forward. Hesitantly, she stepped in Jace’s direction and eyed the two newcomers with caution.

Jace held out his hand for Bethany to take and she slipped her fingers into his. He laced them together and tugged her forward so she was once again at his side.

“This is your security team.”

She couldn’t formulate a response. Security team? Why on earth did she have a security team? She cast a bewildered look in Jace’s direction.


The one word came out cracked and hoarse.

His lips pressed together in a gesture of impatience. Then he turned to Kaden and Trevor. “Let’s sit in the living room. We have a lot to talk about. I want your absolute assurance that Bethany will be safe in your care when I can’t be with her.”

Kaden nodded. “Of course.”

Jace put a hand to Bethany’s back and urged her toward the couch. He sat down next to her, linking his fingers with hers. They were so close that their thighs touched. She leaned in closer as she cautiously eyed Kaden and Trevor. They sat across from the couch in two chairs that looked far too small for their bulky frames.

“You look like professional wrestlers,” she blurted. Then she felt like a complete moron and she dropped her gaze to stare at her and Jace’s linked hands.

Kaden chuckled, forcing her to look back up. He had a really good laugh. Not at all mean sounding. It was soft and vibrated over her ears. It was . . . nice.

“It helps in my line of work, ma’am.”

“Oh yeah,” she muttered.

Jace squeezed her hand and then directed his attention toward her security team. She felt ridiculous calling them that. The whole thing seemed so utterly bizarre that she couldn’t wrap her head around it.

He glanced back at Bethany, his eyes serious. “Kaden and Trevor will accompany you everywhere when I’m not with you. They’ll shadow your every move—and I do mean every move. When you’re here, they’ll be here. If you go out, they go with you.”

Her eyes widened. “But why? I don’t get it. Jace, this is crazy. I’m nobody. Nobody cares about me. I have nothing, so no one has any investment in me. There’s nothing to gain by kidnapping me or God knows what else you’re thinking.”

Jace sighed. “Do you forget that a day ago those bastards had you on the ground? That they kicked you and threatened you? They gave you a week to respond. What do you think’s going to happen when that week comes and goes, Bethany? Think they’re just going to forget about you because they suddenly can’t find you where you usually hang? I’m going to make sure they don’t get anywhere near you and part of doing that means Kaden and Trevor here are going to stick to you when I can’t be with you. Which means that you go nowhere without them. You understand?”

“You really think they’ll find me here?” she whispered.

“Let’s just say I’m not taking any chances.”

Kaden cleared his throat. “Ma’am,” he said politely. “Men like that don’t give up easily. They have a point to prove. If they don’t make those points, they lose street cred. If it’s perceived they wimped out on collecting a debt, it means more people will decide not to pay up. They operate on fear and intimidation. If people cease to fear them, then they are rendered ineffective and they go out of business. They aren’t going to let that happen, so yes, they will make the effort to come after you. Trevor and I are going to make sure they don’t succeed.”

Her mouth formed a silent O and she stared wide-eyed at Jace.

“You understand now?” Jace asked quietly.

She nodded but she was still reeling from all the sudden changes in her life.

Jace’s driver brought in a small bag and handed it to Jace. It wasn’t one she recognized, though there’d been so many that she lost track of them hours ago.

Jace pulled out a box, opening it to reveal a brand-new cell phone. He popped the battery in, powered it up and then fiddled with it for several long minutes. Then he pulled out his cell and punched buttons before finally tossing the phone toward Kaden.

“Program your numbers into her phone. I want her to have you on speed dial in case anything ever goes wrong.”

Bethany’s eyebrows drew together as Kaden and then Trevor rapidly punched buttons before returning the phone to Jace. Then Jace handed her the phone.

“I programmed my number in. It’s number one on speed dial. Kaden is number two and Trevor is number three. My office number is four and my apartment is number five. Carry this phone on you at all times, and if you don’t want me freaking out thinking you’re in an alley dead somewhere, then you better damn well answer when I call. Got it?”

Numbly, she nodded. Holy shit but her head was spinning in circles. She could barely breathe and her head was starting to ache horribly. Fairy tales didn’t happen for girls like her and yet she’d walked right into the middle of one. But this one wasn’t destined for a happily-ever-after. That only happened in fiction. She was too well acquainted with the way things worked in real life. Real life sucked. But it was real. It was unapologetic. It made no excuses. It just was.

Jace leaned over and kissed her forehead. “I’ve got to run into the office. I have a meeting I can’t miss, but I won’t be gone long. Kaden and Trevor will stay with you until I get back. Groceries will be delivered soon as well. Make sure one of them answers the door and you stay out of sight until they give you the all-clear. And whatever you do, listen to whatever they tell you. Their job is to keep you safe. Make it as easy for them as possible by cooperating. Okay?”

“Okay,” she murmured.

“If you need anything, call me. I’ll have my cell on me even during my meeting.”

She nodded mechanically.

He kissed her again. “We’ll go out for dinner. Wear one of your new outfits and be sure to bring your damn coat. It’s supposed to snow tonight. Then we’ll spend the night here so you can get acquainted with your new apartment.”

She marveled at how arrogantly he assumed he would be staying with her. She also marveled at the fact that she didn’t correct him. Didn’t offer argument. And she marveled at the relief that surged through her blood when she knew she wouldn’t be alone.

Lost. Already she was lost in him. So completely immersed that she wasn’t sure she’d ever find her way out again. When he decided to walk away, it would break her in a way nothing else ever had. Her life. Her addiction. Her fuck-ups.

He had power over her that she’d never imagined another entity having. And that scared her more than the thought of drugs, sex or the men who’d threatened her.

Chapter fifteen

Jace strode into the building that housed the HCM offices and rode the elevator up. If he didn’t have this damn meeting, he would have ditched work altogether today. He didn’t like leaving Bethany on her own so soon after he got her back.

No, she technically wasn’t on her own, but he still didn’t like leaving her to fend for herself.

When he walked into Gabe’s office a few minutes later, he saw that Ash was already there—as was Gabe—and the way Gabe looked at him, that flash of concern in his eyes, he knew that Ash had been running his mouth.

Jace’s mouth set into a firm line and he plopped into the chair in front of Gabe’s desk.

“Let’s get this over with,” Jace said tersely.

Ash didn’t meet his gaze and instead stared straight ahead at Gabe. That was fine with Jace. He didn’t have time for the intervention both of his friends were likely plotting.

Gabe frowned but didn’t offer argument. Jace was five minutes late—not typical for him at all. Ash and Gabe were probably convinced he’d lost his goddamn mind.

Maybe for the first time he’d found it. He and Ash had been f**king the same women for years. How messed up was that? Gabe didn’t blink an eye over that practice. But he was going to pass judgment because Jace had finally found a woman he had no intention of sharing? And Gabe had no damn room to talk anyway. He’d lost his freaking mind over Mia. Jace’s sister, for Christ’s sake. Jace hadn’t ripped Gabe’s head off, though he absolutely should have. The bastard had been pathetic enough without Jace heaping more punishment.

Jace blinked when he realized they were already well into the meeting and he had no clue what had been discussed so far. When there was a prolonged silence, Jace figured out quickly that they were all waiting for his input. Damn it.

Ash sent him a look of disgust and then plowed ahead with the information Jace should have provided. Ash handled it like a pro, his charming, polished mannerisms easily winning over the group of investors on the other end of the line.
